- 中文名:宮大為
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:吉林長春
- 畢業院校:東北大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:機械與電氣工程學院
- 職務:博導
- 政治面貌:中共黨員
- 職稱:教授
2008.09-2012.07 東北大學控制理論與控制工程 博士
2006.09-2008.07 東北大學電力系統及其自動化 碩士
2001.09-2005.07 瀋陽工業大學 套用物理專業 學士
2012.07-至今 電子科技大學 機械工程 副教授、博導
2017 四川大學電氣自動化 客座教授
2017.09-2018.07 清華大學機械工程 國內訪問學者
2016.04-2017.04 新加坡南洋理工大學 電氣工程 Research Fellow
2015.03-2016.03 美國德克薩斯大學阿靈頓分校 電氣工程 訪問學者
2012.11-2014.11 電子科技大學與江蘇長虹集團聯合培養 機械工程博士後
2017.09-2018.07 江蘇省泰興市城區工業園區管委會副主任、江蘇省泰興市經信委副主任
2019.01-2020.12 XXX部預研項目,《XXX自供電技術研究》,排名:1.
2018.07-2019.08 橫向課題,中國船舶重工集團公司第七一九研究所,《固定式多元信息融合探查定位計算及試驗研究》,排名:1.
2018.01-2020.12 XXX部預研項目,《複雜條件下XXX信號技術處理技術》,排名:1.
2018.01-2020.12 XXX部預研基金,《XXX現場狀態線上監控新技術研究》,排名:1.
2017.01-2019.12 國家自然科學基金(青年基金),《非脆弱牽制控制協定下的帶有混雜耦合的不確定複雜網路同步研究》,排名:1
2017.01-2020.12 XXX部預研項目,《XXX探查新技術研究》,排名:1.
2017.01-2020.12 XXX部預研項目,《XXX取樣與線上監測技術研究》,排名:1.
2012.12-2014.12 中國博士後科學基金,《四足機器人的步態研究與切換策略》,排名:1.
2014.01-2015.12 2013年度江蘇省“博士集聚計畫”資助,《智慧型運輸機器人AGV的開發與研製》,排名:1.
2014.01-2015.12 中央高校基本科研業務費項目,《高性能四足仿生機器人的對角步態控制策略》,排名:1.
2019.08-2020.10 橫向課題,《雲智慧安全消防管理系統設計開發》,在研,主研;
2015.06-2017.12 省外產學研項目,《飛機大型複雜結構件數位化車間》,結題,主研;
2014.09-2018.12 國家科技重大專項子課題,《五軸聯動數控工具機精度測評技術與標準》,結題,主研;
2013.01-2016.12 國家04重大專項子課題,《國產高檔數控工具機與數控系統在飛機筋肋梁等加工單元中的套用》,結題,主研;
2013.01-2016.12 國家04重大專項子課題,《重型數控工具機可靠性測試與評估技術及熱變形研發能力建設》,結題,主研;
2013.06-2014.06 四川諾爾電氣有限公司,《應急電源及光伏併網逆變器研製》,橫向課題,結題,主研.
2011.09-2012.09 國家高技術研究發展計畫(863計畫)子課題,《高性能四足仿生機器人控制算法研究》,結題,主研。
1. Dawei Gong*, Frank L. Lewis, Liping Wang and Ke Xu, Synchronization for an array of neural networks with hybrid coupling by a novel pinning control strategy, Neural Networks, 77 (2016) 41-50.
2. Dawei Gong*, Frank L. Lewis, Liping Wang, Dong Dai and Shuang Zhang, Pinning Synchronization for Complex Networks with Interval Coupling Delay by Variable, Complexity, 2017, Article ID 2137103; DOI: 10.1155/2017/2137103.
3. Dawei Gong*, Huaguang Zhang, Zhanshan Wang, Novel Stability and Stabilization Criteria for T-S Fuzzy Time-Delay Systems, Chinese Physics B. 2012, 21(3): 030204.
4. Dawei Gong*, Huaguang Zhang, Zhanshan Wang and Bonan Huang, Novel synchronization analysis for complex networks with hybrid coupling by handling multitude kronecker product terms, Neurocomputing, 2012, 82(1): 14-20.
5. Dawei Gong*, Huaguang Zhang, Zhanshan Wang, Pinning synchronization for a general complex networks with multiple time-varying coupling delays, Neural Processing Letters, 2012, 35: 221-231.
6. Dawei Gong*, Huaguang Zhang, Jinhai Liu, Synchronization analysis for complex networks with coupling delay based on T-S fuzzy theory, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2012, 36(12): 6215-6224.
7. Dawei Gong*, Jinhai Liu, Shuangyu Zhao, Chaotic Synchronization for coupled neural networks based on T-S fuzzy theory, International Journal of Systems Science, 2015,46(4):681-689.
8. Dawei Gong*, Huaguang Zhang, Zhanshan Wang, Bonan Huang, New global synchronization analysis for complex networks with coupling delay based on a useful inequality. Neural Computing and Applications, 2013, 22: 205-210.
9. Dawei Gong*, Huaguang Zhang, Bonan Huang, Zhengyun Ren, Synchronization criteria and pinning control for complex networks with multiple delays, Neural Computing and Applications. 2013, 22: 151-159.
10. Gong Dawei*, Wang Peng, Shuangyu Zhao, Du Li, Duan Yu. Research of Bionic Quadruped Robot Dynamic Gait Control Strategy Based on Twenty Degrees of Freedom. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2018.1,5(1): 382-388.
11. Shijie Song, Xiaolin Dai, Xiaoning Li, and Dawei Gong*. Method of Evaluating Dynamic Accuracy of Five-axis Machine Tool Based on Test Piece and Comprehensive Evaluation System. Sensors and Materials, 2020, 32(4): 1185–1207.
12. Huaguang Zhang, Dawei Gong*, Bing Chen, Zhenwei Liu, Synchronization for coupled Neural Networks With Interval Delay: A Novel Augmented Lyapunov–Krasovskii Functional Method, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems; 2013, 24: 58-70.
13. Xiaolin Dai, Shuai Long, Zhiwen Zhang, Dawei Gong*. Mobile Robot Path Planning Based on Ant Colony Algorithm with A* Heuristic Method, Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 2019, accept.
14. Huaguang Zhang, Dawei Gong*, Zhanshan Wang, New synchronization analysis for complex networks with variable delays, Chinese Physics B. 2011, 20(4):040512.
15. Huaguang Zhang, Dawei Gong*, Zhanshan Wang, Dazhong Ma, Synchronization Criteria for an Array of Neutral-Type Neural Networks with Hybrid Coupling: A Novel Analysis Approach, Neural Processing Letters. 2012, 35: 29-45.
16. Liping Wang, Dawei Gong, Binbin Zhang, Tiedong Ma. Novel pinning control strategy for coupled neural networks with communication column graphs. Neurocomputing, 2016, 193, 12: 260-267.
17. Xuejun Zou, Dawei Gong*, Liping Wang, Zhenyu Chen. A novel method to solve inverse variational inequality problems based on neural networks. Neurocomputing, 173 (2016) 1163-1168.
18. Bonan Huang, Huaguang Zhang, Dawei Gong*, Zhanshan Wang. A new result for projection neural networks to solve linear variational inequalities and related optimization problems. Neural Computing and Applications. 2013, 23, 2: 357-362.
19. Bonan Huang, Guotao Hui, Dawei Gong*, Zhanshan Wang, Xiangping Meng. A projection neural network with mixed delays for solving linear variational inequality. Neurocomputing, 2014, 125, 11: 28-32.
20. Xiaolin Dai, Dawei Gong*, Bonan Huang, Junjie Li. Synchronisation analysis for coupled networks with multiple delays. International Journal of Systems Science, 2015, 46, 13: 2439-2447.
21. Xie, Xiang-Peng(*),Zhu, Xun-Lin,Gong, Da-Wei. Relaxed filtering designs for continuous-time nonlinear systems via novel fuzzy H-infinity filters. SIGNAL PROCESSING, 93(5), pp 1251-1258, 2013/5.
22. Huaguang Zhang*, Bonan Huang, Dawei Gong, Zhanshan Wang. New results for neutral-type delayed projection neural network to solve linear variational inequalities, Neural Comput & Applic (2013) 23:1753–1761.
23. Bonan Huang, Huaguang Zhang, Dawei Gong, Junyi Wang. Synchronization analysis for static neural networks with hybrid couplings and time delays, Neurocomputing 148 (2015) 288-293.
24. Dawei Gong*, Xiaolin Dai, Jinliang Song, Bonan Huang. Synchronization analysis for complex networks with interval coupling delay, 14th International Symposium on Neural Networks, 2017.
25. Gong Dawei*, Huaguang Zhang, Zhanshan Wang, Ning Sun, Chaotic synchronization for general complex networks with coupling delays based on pinning control, 30th Chinese Control Conference, 2011.
26. 宮大為*, 馮健,劉金海. 帶有不確定性的時變時滯神經網路漸近穩定性分析. 東北大學學報, 2010, 31(3): 313-316.
27. 宮大為*,王占山. 黃博南,一類具有離散和無窮分布時滯的神經網路全局漸近穩定性分析. 東北大學學報, 2011, 32(6): 773-776.
28. 代小林, 王鵬, 宮大為*. 基於免疫遺傳算法的冗餘並在線上構多目標最佳化, 哈爾濱工程大學學報, 39 (12): 2033-2039.
29. Feng Jian,Gong Dawei, Global Synchronization in an Array of Hybrid Coupling Neural Networks with Multiple Time-Delay Components, Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, 6215: 41-48;
30. Bonan Huang, Yanhong Luo, Dawei Gong and Huaguang Zhang, Improved Results on Solving Convex Programming Problems with Delayed Lagrangian Neural Networks, Proceedings of 2011 international conference on modelling indentification and control, June 26-29, 2011 shanghai, China.
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