- 書名:宜興陶瓷效應:中國文化的回聲
- 頁數:206
- 出版社:外文出版社
- 裝幀:精裝
出版社: 外文出版社; 第1版 (2006年1月1日)
精裝: 206頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787119042770, 7119042777
條形碼: 9787119042770
尺寸: 29.1 x 21.6 x 2 cm
重量: 1.2 Kg
Marvin Sweet received his Master of Fine Artsdegree from Boston University.Sincethat time his ownceramic work has been exhibited andcollected publicly and privately both in the United States and
abroad.He is a recipient of the Artists Foundation FelIowship Award,Massachusetts Cultural Council Professional Development Grant and other awards and prizes for his ceramic work.Mr.Sweet has written severaI internationaIly published articles on artistic influences shared between Eastern and Western clutures.
Many artists——and lovers of the arts——believe that artistic Derfection can be found in any time period and within any culture.American ceramic artists are particularly adventurous,continually exploring the vast heritage of ceramic art.With this insightful and beautifu l book,The Yixing EffecC: Echoes of the Chinese Scholar,Marvin Sweet reveals how the Yixing teapot has captured the imagination of contemporary ceramic artists and why it has become a compelling source of inspiration.
Map of Yixing Region
Preface by Rick Newby
Chapter 1-The Scholars'Path 1
Foundations of Nature Art
Studies and the Real World
Scholars CoIlect
Developing the Art of Tea
A Place to Live
On to Yixing
Chapter 2-A Collection of Yixing Ware
Chapter 3-Yixing Ware and Its Influence on Early European Ceramics by William R.Sargent
The First Importation of Yixing to Europe
The Dutch Replications
Early English Replications
German Replications
Wedgwood'S Replications
Yixing Ware in America
Yixing Ware from Shipwrecks
Contemporary Inspirations
Chapter 4--Contemporary American I nterpretations
What the Artists Say
Index of Images,Contemporary Artists
Photo Credits
Notes to the Text