



  • 中文名:宗紅石
  • 畢業院校:南京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:核物理
  • 任職院校:南京大學






長宙訂漏期從事粒子物理櫃達與核物理學研究,在非微擾量子場論、三維量子電動力學、Dyson-Schwinger 方程、強子性質、冷原子、中子星、核物質相變及有限溫有限密量子色動力學的套用方面做出了一些有特色的工作。


截至2018年6月,共在 SCI 學術期刊上發表論文 270 余篇,其中 JHEP, Physical Review D, Physics Letters B 等國際著名學術期刊發表嘗想堡100餘篇。迄今主持國家自然科學重點基金一項、主持國家自然科學面上基金7項、主持教育部博士點基金4項、參加國家自然科學重大基金項目一項、參加國家自然科學重點基金項目兩項。
1.H. Li, X. L. Luo, Y Jiang, and H. S. Zong*, A model study of quark star, Phys. Rev. D (2011).
2. Hua-Bi Zeng*, Wei-Min Sun, and Hong-Shi Zong*, Supercurrent in p-wave Holographic Superconductor, Phys. Rev. D (2011).
3. Y. Jiang, L. J. Luo, and H. S. Zong*, A model study of quark number susceptibility at finitetemperature beyond rainbow-ladder approximation, JHEP. (2011).
4. Hua-Bi Zeng*, Xin Gao, Yu Jiang, Hong-Shi Zong*, Analytical Computation of Critical Exponents in Several Holographic Superconductors, JHEP. (2011).
5. Yu-Peng Yang*, Xiao-Yung Huang, Xue-Lei Chen, and Hong-Shi Zong, New constraints on primordial minihalo abundance using cosmic microwave background observations, Phys. Rev. D (2011).
6. Yu-Peng Yang*, Xue-Lei Chen, Hong-Shi Zong*, and Tan Lu, The abundance of new kind of dark matter structures, Eur. Phys. J. Plus. 126, 123 (2011).
7. Yu-Peng Yang,* Lei Feng, Xiao-Yuan Huang, Xue-Lei Chen, Tan Lu and Hong-Shi Zong, Constraints on Ultracompact Minihalos from Extragalactic-ray Background, JCAP. 12, 020 (2011).
8. Y. L. Tian, Y. Yan, H. Li, X. L. Luo, and H. S. Zong*, The Equation of state of quasi-particle model at finite chemical potential and quark star, Phys. Rev. D (2012).
9. Y. Jiang, Hao Gong, W. M. Sun, and H. S. Zong*, The Wigner solution of quark gap equation in the nonzero current quark mass and partial restoration of chiral symmetry at finite chemical potential, Phys. Rev. D (2012).
10. J. Cao, Y. Jiang, W. M. Sun, and H. S. Zong*, A thermodynamically consistent quasi-particle model without temperature-dependent infinity of the vacuum zero point energy, Phys. Lett. B (2012).
11. H. T. Feng,* S. Shi, W. M. Sun, and H. S. Zong*, Chiral phase diagram in QED3, Phys. Rev.D 86, 045020 (2012); H. T. Feng, S. Shi, W. M. Sun, and H. S. Zong*, Erratum; Chiral phasediagram in QED3, Phys. Rev. D (E) (2012).
12. H. T. Feng*, S. Shi, P. L. Yin, and H. S. Zong*, Chiral phase transition and critical end point in QED3, Phys. Rev. D (2012).
13. Y. C. Yang, J. L. Ping*, C. Grong, and H. S. Zong, Possible interpretation of the Zb(10610) and Zb (10650) in a chiral quark model, J. Phys. G: Part. Phys. (2012).
14. H. T. Feng*, B. Wang, W. M. Sun, and H. S. Zong*, Characteristic of chiral phase transition in QED3 at zero density, Phys. Rev. D (2012).
15. Y. Yan, J. Cao, X. L. Luo, W. M. Sun, and H. S. Zong*, Connecting neutron star observations to the high density equation of state of a quasiparticle model, Phys. Rev. D (2012).
16. Y. Jiang, Huan Chen, W. M. Sun, and H. S. Zong*, Chiral phase transition of QCD at finite chemical potential, JHEP. 04, (2013)
17. Yu-Peng Yang*, Gui-Lin Yang, and Hong-Shi Zong*, Dark matter decay and the abundance of ultracompact minihalos, EPL. 101, (2013)
18. Xiao-Xia Ruan, Hao Gong, Long Du, Wei-Min Sun, and Hong-Shi Zong*, Effect of the induced interaction on the superfluid transition temperature of ultracold Fermi gases within the T-matrix approximation, Phys. Rev. A (2013).
19. Yu-peng Yang*, Gui-lin Yang, Xiao-Yuan Huang, Xue-Lei Chen, Tan Lu, and Hong-Shi Zong*, The contribution of ultracompact dark matter minihalos to the isotropic radio background, Phys. Rev. D (2013).
20. Yupeng Yang*, Guilin Yang, and Hongshi Zong*, Neutrino signals from ultracompact minihalos and constraints on the primordial curvature perturbation, Phys. Rev. D (2013).
21. J. F. Li, H. T. Feng, Y. Jiang, W. M. Sun, and H. S. Zong*, Calculation of the staggered spin correlation in the framework of the Dyson-Schwinger approach, Phys. Rev. D (2013).
22. Hong-Tao Feng*, Bin Wang, Wei-Min Sun, and Hong-Shi Zong*, Critical behavior of QED3 atfinite temperature and density, Eur. Phys. J. C (2013).
23. Zhu-fang Cui, Chao Shi, Yong-hui Xia, Yu Jiang and Hong-Shi Zong*, The Wigner solution of quark gap equation and chiral phase transition of QCD at finite temperature and nonzero chemical potential, Eur. Phys. J. C(2013).
24. Liu-jun Luo, Jing Cao, Yan Yan, Wei-Min Sun and Hong-Shi Zong*, A thermodynamically consistent quasi-particle model without density-dependent infinity of the vacuum zero point energy, Eur. Phys. J. C(2013).
25. Yi-lun Du, Zhu-fang Cui, Yong-hui Xia, and Hong-Shi Zong*, Discussions on the crossover property within the NJL model, Phys. Rev. D (2013).
26. Hong-tao Feng*, Yu-qing Zhou, Pei-Lin Yin, and Hong-Shi Zong*, Staggered spin susceptibility and chiral phase transition in thermal QED 3, Phys. Rev. D 88, (2013).
27. Jorge Segovia, Lei Chang, Ian C. Cloet, Craig D. Roberts*, Sebastian M. Schmidt, Hong-Shi Zong, Distribution amplitudes of light-quark mesons from lattice QCD, to be published in Phys. Lett. B.
28. Zhu-fang Cui, Chao Shi, Wei-min Sun, Yong-long Wang, and Hong-Shi Zong*, The Wigner Solution and QCD Phase Transitions in a Modified PNJL Model, Eur. Phys. J. C . (2014).
5. Yu-Peng Yang*, Xiao-Yung Huang, Xue-Lei Chen, and Hong-Shi Zong, New constraints on primordial minihalo abundance using cosmic microwave background observations, Phys. Rev. D (2011).
6. Yu-Peng Yang*, Xue-Lei Chen, Hong-Shi Zong*, and Tan Lu, The abundance of new kind of dark matter structures, Eur. Phys. J. Plus. 126, 123 (2011).
7. Yu-Peng Yang,* Lei Feng, Xiao-Yuan Huang, Xue-Lei Chen, Tan Lu and Hong-Shi Zong, Constraints on Ultracompact Minihalos from Extragalactic-ray Background, JCAP. 12, 020 (2011).
8. Y. L. Tian, Y. Yan, H. Li, X. L. Luo, and H. S. Zong*, The Equation of state of quasi-particle model at finite chemical potential and quark star, Phys. Rev. D (2012).
9. Y. Jiang, Hao Gong, W. M. Sun, and H. S. Zong*, The Wigner solution of quark gap equation in the nonzero current quark mass and partial restoration of chiral symmetry at finite chemical potential, Phys. Rev. D (2012).
10. J. Cao, Y. Jiang, W. M. Sun, and H. S. Zong*, A thermodynamically consistent quasi-particle model without temperature-dependent infinity of the vacuum zero point energy, Phys. Lett. B (2012).
11. H. T. Feng,* S. Shi, W. M. Sun, and H. S. Zong*, Chiral phase diagram in QED3, Phys. Rev.D 86, 045020 (2012); H. T. Feng, S. Shi, W. M. Sun, and H. S. Zong*, Erratum; Chiral phasediagram in QED3, Phys. Rev. D (E) (2012).
12. H. T. Feng*, S. Shi, P. L. Yin, and H. S. Zong*, Chiral phase transition and critical end point in QED3, Phys. Rev. D (2012).
13. Y. C. Yang, J. L. Ping*, C. Grong, and H. S. Zong, Possible interpretation of the Zb(10610) and Zb (10650) in a chiral quark model, J. Phys. G: Part. Phys. (2012).
14. H. T. Feng*, B. Wang, W. M. Sun, and H. S. Zong*, Characteristic of chiral phase transition in QED3 at zero density, Phys. Rev. D (2012).
15. Y. Yan, J. Cao, X. L. Luo, W. M. Sun, and H. S. Zong*, Connecting neutron star observations to the high density equation of state of a quasiparticle model, Phys. Rev. D (2012).
16. Y. Jiang, Huan Chen, W. M. Sun, and H. S. Zong*, Chiral phase transition of QCD at finite chemical potential, JHEP. 04, (2013)
17. Yu-Peng Yang*, Gui-Lin Yang, and Hong-Shi Zong*, Dark matter decay and the abundance of ultracompact minihalos, EPL. 101, (2013)
18. Xiao-Xia Ruan, Hao Gong, Long Du, Wei-Min Sun, and Hong-Shi Zong*, Effect of the induced interaction on the superfluid transition temperature of ultracold Fermi gases within the T-matrix approximation, Phys. Rev. A (2013).
19. Yu-peng Yang*, Gui-lin Yang, Xiao-Yuan Huang, Xue-Lei Chen, Tan Lu, and Hong-Shi Zong*, The contribution of ultracompact dark matter minihalos to the isotropic radio background, Phys. Rev. D (2013).
20. Yupeng Yang*, Guilin Yang, and Hongshi Zong*, Neutrino signals from ultracompact minihalos and constraints on the primordial curvature perturbation, Phys. Rev. D (2013).
21. J. F. Li, H. T. Feng, Y. Jiang, W. M. Sun, and H. S. Zong*, Calculation of the staggered spin correlation in the framework of the Dyson-Schwinger approach, Phys. Rev. D (2013).
22. Hong-Tao Feng*, Bin Wang, Wei-Min Sun, and Hong-Shi Zong*, Critical behavior of QED3 atfinite temperature and density, Eur. Phys. J. C (2013).
23. Zhu-fang Cui, Chao Shi, Yong-hui Xia, Yu Jiang and Hong-Shi Zong*, The Wigner solution of quark gap equation and chiral phase transition of QCD at finite temperature and nonzero chemical potential, Eur. Phys. J. C(2013).
24. Liu-jun Luo, Jing Cao, Yan Yan, Wei-Min Sun and Hong-Shi Zong*, A thermodynamically consistent quasi-particle model without density-dependent infinity of the vacuum zero point energy, Eur. Phys. J. C(2013).
25. Yi-lun Du, Zhu-fang Cui, Yong-hui Xia, and Hong-Shi Zong*, Discussions on the crossover property within the NJL model, Phys. Rev. D (2013).
26. Hong-tao Feng*, Yu-qing Zhou, Pei-Lin Yin, and Hong-Shi Zong*, Staggered spin susceptibility and chiral phase transition in thermal QED 3, Phys. Rev. D 88, (2013).
27. Jorge Segovia, Lei Chang, Ian C. Cloet, Craig D. Roberts*, Sebastian M. Schmidt, Hong-Shi Zong, Distribution amplitudes of light-quark mesons from lattice QCD, to be published in Phys. Lett. B.
28. Zhu-fang Cui, Chao Shi, Wei-min Sun, Yong-long Wang, and Hong-Shi Zong*, The Wigner Solution and QCD Phase Transitions in a Modified PNJL Model, Eur. Phys. J. C . (2014).


