


新加坡李光耀博士後獎學金獲得者(等同助理教授),2009年度教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫獲得者。新加坡材料學會會員和重慶市物理學會會員。Solar Energy materials & Solar Cells、Journal of Applied Physics等雜誌審稿人。國家基金委項目評議專家。

先後主持8項科研項目,總經費超過300萬元,其中目前主持省部級以上課題5項。Phys. Rev. Lett.、J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Appl. Phys. Lett.、Org. Electron.等SCI收錄論文50餘篇,其中單篇被引超過100次的文章有兩篇。申報專利5項,授權4項。目前在讀碩士研究生9人,在讀博士研究生3人。


  • 中文名:宋群梁
  • 國籍:中華人民共和國 
  • 民族:漢族 
  • 出生地:四川省眉山
  • 出生日期:1973年3月
  • 職業:教授,博士生導師,西南大學潔淨能源與先進材料研究院常務副院長 
  • 畢業院校:四川大學物理系


1990年至1994年,四川大學物理系,理學學士 (1994年7月獲學士學位),
2006年9月-2008年8月,新加坡南洋理工大學,博士後(research fellow)


1994年至2000年,中國核動力研究設計院,助理研究員;1998年1月至1998年4月,法國原子能研究中心(Grenoble (Isère))訪問研究員;2006年至2008年,新加坡南洋理工大學,化學與生物醫藥工程學院研究員;2008年6月至今, 西南大學物理科學與技術學院,特聘教授 。
現主持研究以下兩個項目:激子在有機太陽能電池界面上的拆分演化,重慶市教委科學技術研究項目;基於界面複合的新型有機太陽能電池的研究,西南大學博士基金(引進人才計畫)項目。先後主要參與了以下六項項目的研究:有機物\金屬界面電荷隧穿模型及實驗驗證,中國國家自然科學基金;原位測量技術研究金屬電極對有機薄膜發光的淬滅,中國國家自然科學基金;低維凝聚態物理,中國國家自然科學基金;有機太陽能半導體薄膜器件界面物理研究,中國國家自然科學基金;Studies of organic field effect transistors, 南洋理工大學基金;Nanoscale organic transistor by web-printing process,新加坡科技局基金。
科研情況:主要進行新型能源¾有機太陽能電池和染料敏化電池以及新型顯示¾有機發光的器件物理和潛在套用研究。發表了高質量學術文章近30篇(包括在Phys. Rev. Lett.、Appl. Phys. Lett.、Org. Electron.、Chemi. Phys. Lett.、Small等雜誌上發表了較有影響學術論文)。申報了4項專利,多次被邀參加了國際、國內會議並做特邀報告。發表文章(SCI收錄,按時間順序):


  1. (01) 國家自然科學基金 (項目號:11274256, 93萬元)
  2. (02) 國家自然科學基金 (項目號:10974159, 42萬元)
  3. (03) 教育部“新世紀優秀人才”支持計畫(項目號:NCET-09-0659,50萬元)
  4. (04) 李光耀博士後研究基金(項目號:LKY 1/08,18萬新加坡元)
  5. (05) 重慶市自然科學基金 (項目號:CSTC,2011BB6012 5萬)
  6. (06) 教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金 (經費4.2萬)
  7. (07) 中央高校基本科研業務費專項 (項目號:XDJK2009B011, 10萬元)
  8. (08) 西南大學人才引進基金(項目號:SWUB2008079, 20萬元)


1. Driving current and temperature dependent magnetic-field modulated electroluminescence in Alq3-based organic light emitting diode
Y.L. Lei, Y. Zhang, R. Liu, P. Chen, Q.L. Song, Z.H. Xiong, Organic Electronics (In press 2009).
2. Degradation of organic solar cells studied by displacement current
R. Liu, Y. L. Lei, P. Chen, Q. L. Song, Z. H. Xiong, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (in press 2009,通訊作者).
3. Electrical transport and photovoltaic effects of core–shell CuO/C60 nanowire heterostructure Qiaoliang Bao, Chang Ming Li ,Lei Liao, Hongbin Yang ,Wei Wang ,Chang Ke, Qunliang Song, Haifeng Bao, Ting Yu, Kian Ping Loh, Jun Guo, Nanotechnology, 20, 065203 (2009).
4. Abnormally high photocurrent of adegraded organic solar cell under chopped light. Qun Liang Song, HongBinYang,Ye Gan, ChangMing Li, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 93, 1394 (2009).
5. Solution-processable organic-capped titanium oxide nanoparticle dielectrics for organic thin-film transistors, Qin Jia Cai, Ye Gan, Mary B. Chan-Park, Hong Bin Yang, Zhi Song Lu, Qun Liang Song, Chang Ming Li, and Zhi Li Dong, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 113304 (2008).
6. The dissociation of excitons at indium tin oxide-copper phthalocyanine interface in organic solar cells, X. Y. Sun, Q. L. Song, M. L. Wang, X. M. Ding, X. Y. Hou, Z. G. Zhou, and F. Y. Li, Journal of Applied Physics 104, 103702 (2008).
7. Dissociation of excitons in the C60 film studied by transient photovoltage measurements. X. Y. Sun, B. F. Ding, Q. L. Song, X. Y. Zheng, X. M. Ding, and X. Y. Hou. Applied Physics Letters 93, 063301 (2008).
8. Synthesis of highly ordered single-crystalline Bi2S3 nanowire array and its metal/semiconductor/metal back-to-back Schottky diode H.F. Bao, C.M. Li, X.Q. Cui, Y. Gan, Q.L. Song, J. Guo, Small 4, 1125 (2008).
9. Single-crystalline Bi2S3 nanowire network film and its optical switches. H.F. Bao, C. M. Li, X.Q. Cui, Q.L. Song, H.B Yang, J.Guo, Nanotechnology, 19, 335302, 2008.
10. New architecture to accurately characterize the behaviors of individual sub-cells within a tandem organic solar cell, H. B. Yang, Q. L. Song, C. M. Li, Z. S. Lu, Energy and Environmental Science1, 389 (2008).
11. Organic light-emitting devices with fullerene aluminum composite anode Q. L. Song, C. M. Li, M. L. Wang, X. Y. Sun, Thin Solid Films 516, 8675 (2008).
12. Photodegradation of organic light-emitting devices observed in nitrogen- filled environment, X.Z. Wang, X.D. Gao, Y.C. Zhou, Z.T. Xie, Q.L. Song, X.M. Ding, X.Y. Hou. Thin Solid Films 516, 2171 (2008)
13. Spark plasma sintering-fabricated one-dimensional nanoscale “crystalline-amorphous” carbon heterojunction, Xiang Qi, Qiaoliang Bao, Chang Ming Li, Ye Gan, Qunliang Song,Chunxu Pan, Ding Yuan Tang, Applied Physics Letters 92, 113113 (2008).
14. Comment on “Enhanced optical field intensity distribution in organic photovoltaic devices using external coatings” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 233502, (2006)] Q. L. Song, C. M. Li. Applied Physics Letters 91, 266103 (2007).
15. Synthesis and Electrical Transport Properties of Single-crystal Antimony Sulfide (Sb2S3) Nanowires H. F. Bao, X. Q. Cui, C. M. Li, Q. L. Song, Z. S. Lu, J. Guo. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111, 17131(2007).
16. Photovoltaic characteristics of a naphthylamine derivative H. Y. Fu, Q. L. Song, X. Y. Hou, F. Xiao B.X Shao. Chinese Journal of Chemistry 25, 1242 (2007).
17. Exciton dissociation in organic light emitting diodes at the donor-acceptor interface Q. L. Song, C. M. Li, Mary B. Chan-Park, M. Lu, H. Yang, X.Y. Hou. Physical Review Letters 98, 176403 (2007).
18. Small-molecular organic solar cells with C60/Al composite anode M. L. Wang, Q. L. Song, H. R. Wu, B. F. Ding, X. D. Gao, X. Y. Sun, X. M. Ding, and X. Y. Hou. Organic Electronics 8, 445 (2007).
19. Metal-induced photoluminescence quenching in thin organic films originating from noncontact energy transfer between single molecule and atom Y. Wu, H. R. Wu, M. L. Wang, M. Lu, Q. L. Song, X. M. Ding, and X. Y. Hou. Applied Physics Letters 90, 154105 (2007).
20. Stable small-molecule organic solar cells with 1,3,5-tris(2-N- phenylbenzimida-zolyl) benzene as an organic buffer H. R.Wu, Q. L. Song, M. L. Wang, F. Y. Li, H. Yang, Y. Wu, C. H. Huang, X. M. Ding and X. Y. Hou. Thin Solid Films 515, 8050 (2007).
21. Role of buffer in organic solar cells using C60 as an acceptor Q. L. Song, M. L.Wang, X. Y. Sun, X. Y. Hou and C.M. Li. Applied Physics Letters 90, 071109 (2007).
22. Short-circuiting in fullerene devices studied by in situ electrical measurement in high vacuum and infrared imaging analysis H.R. Wu, M.L. Wang, Q.L. Song, Y. Wu, Z.T. Xie, X.D. Gao, X.M. Ding and X.Y. Hou. Current Applied Physics 7, 231-235 (2007).
23. Degradation of small-molecule organic solar cells Q. L. Song, M. L.Wang, E. G. Obbard, X. Y. Sun, X. M. Ding, C.M. Li and X. Y. Hou. Applied Physics Letters 89, 251118 (2006).
24. High temperature and long-term stable solid state electrolyte for dye sensitized solar cell by self-assembling Hong Yang, Chengzhong Yu, Qunliang Song, Yongyao Xia, Fuyou Li, Zhigang Chen, Xianghong Li, Tao Yi, Chunhui Huang. Chemistry of Materials, 18 (22): 5173-5177 (2006).
25. Exciton Dissociation at the ITO-N,N’-Bis(naphthalen-1-yl)-N,N’-bis(phenyl) benzidine Interface: A Transient Photovoltage Study Q. L. Song, H. R.Wu, F. Y. Li, Z. G. Zhou, X. M. Ding, X. Y. Hou. Applied Physics Letters 88, 232101 (2006).
26. Optical interference effect in layered organic materials studied by UV/Vis absorption spectroscopy Q. L. Song, H. Yang, H. R. Wu, F. Y. Li. Journal of Luminescence 119, 142-147(2006).
27. Small-molecule organic solar cells with improved stability Q. L. Song, F.Y. Li, H. Yang, H.R. Wu, X.Z. Wang, J.M. Zhao, X.M. Ding, C. H. Huang, X.Y. Hou. Chemical Physics Letters, Vol. 416, 42-46 (2005).
28. Reversible Wettability Switch of Large Area TiO2 Films Z. G. Zhou, F.Y. Li, Q. L. Song, T. Yi, X.Y. Hou, C. H. Huang. Chemistry Letters 34 (9), 1298-1299 (2005).
29. 1,8-Naphthalimides for non-doping OLEDs: the tunable emission color from blue, green to red J. A. Gan, Q. L. Song, X. Y. Hou, K. C. Chen, H.Tian. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 162, 399-406 (2004).
30. Positive and negative flurescent imaging induced by naphthalimide polymer H. Tian,J. A. Gan,K. C. Chen,J. He,Q. L. Song,X. Y. Hou. Journal of Materials Chemistry 12, 1262-1267( 2002).


(1). 一種新型的有機太陽能電池結構和製備方法申請號:200410089314.X 公開號:CN1617355侯曉遠 宋群梁 丁訓民
(2). 二氧化鈦泡沫狀薄膜的水熱製備方法申請號:200410067597.8 公開號:CN1623906周治國、李富友、黃春暉、宋群梁
(3). 超疏水二氧化鈦薄膜及其製備方法申請號:200510023531.3 公開號:CN1654336周治國、李富友、黃春暉、宋群梁
(4). 一種基於界面複合產生自由載流子的新型有機太陽能電池申請號:200910103561.3 [待公開]宋群梁 熊祖洪


