- 中文名:宋瑜龍
- 出生地:陝西周至
- 出生日期:1986年8月
- 畢業院校:西北農林科技大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:農學
- 任職院校:西北農林科技大學
先後主持國家自然科學基金、中國博士後基金面上項目、陝西省重點研發計畫-一般項目、楊凌示範區科技推疊辯廣項目、西北農林科技大學博士科研啟動基金、西北農林科技基本科研業務費專項基金等6項,參與863計畫重大專項子課題、淋葛拘國家支撐計畫子課題、國家自然科學基金、陝西省科技統籌項目等4項。在去漿希紙《 Plant P hysiology and B iochemical 》、《 Euphytica 》、《 Crop Science 》、《盛喇歸 Crop & Pasture Science 》、《 Plos One 》、《 Cereal Research Communication 》、《 中國農業科學 》試達奔、《 作物學報 》等雜誌發表論文19篇。
1、Huali Tang*, Yulong Song*, Jialin Guo, Junwei Wang, Lili Zhang, Na Niu, Shoucai Ma,Gaisheng Zhang, Huiyan Zhao(2018)Physiological and metabolome changes during anther development in wheat( Triticum aestivum L.). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 132 (2018) 18-32.
2、Yulong Song, Huali Tang, Xiangsheng Ke, Jialin Guo,Shuangxi Zhang, Junwei Wang, Na Niu, Shoucai Ma,Huiyan Zhao, and Gaisheng Zhang(2017) Chloroplast structure and DNA methylation polymorphisms in an albino mutant of wheat (Triticum aestivum ) cv. Xinong 1376. Crop & Pasture Science , 69, 362-373.
3、Na Niu*, Yulong Song*, Fang Wei, Hongmei Liu, Sanmei Ma, Huiyan Zhao, GaiSheng Zhang.(2016) Cytogenetic and Embryologic Analyses of the Mechanism of Parthenogenesis Induced by 1BL/1RS Male Sterile Lines in Wheat.Cereal Research Communications, 44(2): 187-197.
4、Yulong Song, Junwei Wang, Gaisheng Zhang, Xinliang Zhao, Pengfei Zhang, Na NIU, Shoucai Ma.(2015)Isolation and characterization of a wheat F8-1 homolog required for physiological male sterility induced by a chemical hybridizing agent (CHA) SQ-1. Euphytica , 205(3):707-720
5、Yulong Song, Junwei Wang, Gaisheng Zhang, Pengfei Zhang, Xinliang Zhao, Na Niu. (2015) Microspore abortion of abnormal tapetal degeneration in a male-sterility wheat line induced by chemical hybridizing agent SQ-1. Crop Sci . 55:1117–1128.
4、Yulong Song, Junwei Wang, Gaisheng Zhang, Xinliang Zhao, Pengfei Zhang, Na NIU, Shoucai Ma.(2015)Isolation and characterization of a wheat F8-1 homolog required for physiological male sterility induced by a chemical hybridizing agent (CHA) SQ-1. Euphytica , 205(3):707-720
5、Yulong Song, Junwei Wang, Gaisheng Zhang, Pengfei Zhang, Xinliang Zhao, Na Niu. (2015) Microspore abortion of abnormal tapetal degeneration in a male-sterility wheat line induced by chemical hybridizing agent SQ-1. Crop Sci . 55:1117–1128.