


  • 中文名:宋欽華
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1965年
  • 性別:男
  • 籍貫:湖北宜城



1. 光生物學現象的化學本質:DNA光損傷與光修復
2. 有機光化學:[2+2]光環加成反應,光誘導電子轉移反應
3. 有機發光材料的合成




1. Song QH*, Tang WJ (湯文建), Ji XB (季學保), Wang HB (王紅波), Guo QX, Do photolyases need to provide considerable activation energies for the splitting reaction of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer radical anions? Chem. Eur. J. 2007, in press. (IF 4.91(2005))
2. Wang HB (王紅波), Zhai BC (翟保昌), Tang WJ (湯文建), Yu JY (余競宇), Song QH,* Photosensitized Z-E isomerization of cinnamate by covalently linked 2-(3’,4’-dimethoxybenzoyl)benzyl moiety via triplet-triplet energy transfer, Chem. Phys. 2007, 333, 229-235. (IF 1.93)
3. Zhai BC (翟保昌), Luo SW, Kong FF (孔峰峰), Song QH,* Notable solvent effects on the regioselectivity in the Paterno-Buchi reaction of 1,3-dimethylthymine with 4-methoxybenzophenone, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem. 2007, 187, 406-209. (IF 2.29)
4. Yu JY (余競宇), Tang WJ (湯文建), Wang HB (王紅波), Song QH,* Anthraquinon-2- ylethyl-1,2-diol (Aqe-diol) as a new photolabile protecting group for aldehydes and ketones, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem. 2007, 180, 101-105. (IF 2.29)
5. Tang WJ (湯文建), Song QH,* Wang HB (王紅波), Yu JY (余競宇), Guo QX, Efficient photosensitized splitting of the thymine dimer/oxetane unit on its modifying beta-cyclodextrin by a binding electron donor, Org. & Biomol. Chem. 2006, 4, 2575-2580. (IF 2.55)
6. Song QH,* Wang HB (王紅波), Li XB (李錫波), Hei XM (黑曉明), Guo QX, Yu SQ, Notable substituent and temperature effects on the regioselectivity and the efficiency in Paternò-Büchi reaction of 4,4’-disubstituted benzophenones with 1,3-dimethyluracil and 1,3-dimethylthymine, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem. 2006, 183, 198-204. (IF 2.29)
7. Song QH,* Zhai BC (翟保昌), Hei XM (黑曉明), Guo QX, The Paternò-Büchi reaction of 1,3-dimethyluracil and 1,3-dimethylthymine with 4,4’-disubstituted benzophenones, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2006, 1790-1800. (IF 2.55)
8. Song QH,* Wang HB (王紅波), Tang WJ (湯文建), Guo QX, Yu SQ, Model studies of the (6-4) photoproduct photoreactivation: efficient photosensitized splitting of thymine oxetane units by covalently linked tryptophan in high polarity solvents, Org. & Biomol. Chem. 2006, 4, 291-298. (IF 2.55)
9. Hei XM (黑曉明), Song QH,* Li XB (李錫波), Tang WJ (湯文建), Wang HB (王紅波), Guo QX, Origin of a large temperature dependence of regioselectivity observed for [2+2] photocycloadditions (Paternò-Büchi reaction) of 1,3-dimethylthymine with benzophenone and its derivatives: conformational property of the intermediary triplet 1,4-diradicals, J. Org. Chem. 2005, 70, 2522-2527. (IF 3.68)
10. Song QH,* Tang WJ (湯文建), Hei XM (黑曉明), Wang HB (王紅波), Guo QX, Yu SQ, Efficient photosensitized splitting of thymine dimer by a covalently linked tryptophan in solvents of high polarity, Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2005, 1097-1106. (IF 2.55)


