- 中文名:宋春旭
- 畢業院校:荷蘭瓦赫寧根大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:植物病理學
- 任職院校:中國農業大學
2001.09-2005.06 華中探笑府農業大學 生物技術專業 本科 理學學士
2005.09-2008.06 華中農業大學 生物化學與分子生物學專業 理學樂漏頌贈碩士
2008.10-2015.04 荷蘭瓦赫寧根大學 植物病理學專業 博士
1.2013.05-2016.07 荷蘭皇家生態研究所 微生物生態系 博士後
2.2016.09-2018.08 荷蘭格羅寧根大學 微生物遺傳系 博士後
3.2019.03- 中國農業大學射寒盼 資源環境學院 副教授
荷蘭皇家微生物學學會會員(套多2016- )
學術期刊審稿人:FEMS Microbiology reviews, Environmental microbiology, BMC journals等
3. 微生物調控植物生長和植物代謝
博士會議演講獎第二名(英國諾維奇重鍵烏John Innes Centre,2012年)排名2
1. S. Shan, W. Wang, C. Song, M. Wang, B. Sun, Y. Li, Y. Fu, X. Gu, W. Ruan*, S. Rasmann. 2019. The symbiotic bacteria of entomopathogenic nematodes (Alcaligenes faecalis) exhibit potential biocontrol of plant- and entomopathogenic fungi. Microbial Biotechnology, doi: 10.11111751-7915.13365.
2. Z. Li, C. Song*, A. de Jong, O.P. Kuipers*. 2019. Microbiology resource announcements. Draft genome sequences of six Bacillus strains and one Brevibacillus strain isolated from the rhizosphere of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne), 8(4). pii: e01586-18. doi: 10.1128MRA.01586-18.
3. L. Zhou, C. Song, A. de Jong, O.P. Kuipers*. 2019. Microbiology resource announcements. Draft genome sequences of 10 Paenibacillus and Bacillus sp. strains isolated from healthy tomato plants and rhizosphere soil, 8(12). pii: e00055-19. doi: 10.1128MRA.00055-19.
1. Y. Yi, Z. Li, C. Song, O.P. Kuipers*. 2018. Environmental microbiology. Exploring plant‐microbe interactions of the rhizobacteria Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus mycoides by use of the CRISPR‐Cas9 system, 20 (12), 4245-4260.
2. A.J. van HeelA. de Jong, C. Song, J.H. Viel, J. Kok, O.P. Kuipers*. 2018. Nucleic acids research. BAGEL4: a user-friendly web server to thoroughly mine RiPPs and bacteriocins, 46 (W1), W278-W281.
3. Q. Yan, L.D Lopes, B.T Shaffer, T.A Kidarsa, O. Vining, B. Philmus, C. Song, V.O. Stockwell, J.M. Raaijmakers, K.L. McPhail, F.D. Andreote, J.H. Chang, J.E. Loper*. 2018. MBio. Secondary metabolism and interspecific competition affect accumulation of spontaneous mutants in the GacS-GacA regulatory system in Pseudomonas protegens, 9 (1), e01845-17
1. O. Tyc, C. Song, J.S. Dickschat, M. Vos, P. Garbeva*. 2017. Trends in microbiology. The ecological role of volatile and soluble secondary metabolites produced by soil bacteria, 25 (4), 280-292.
2. K. Schulz-Bohm*, S. GeisenE.R.J. Wubs, C. Song, W. de Boer, P. Garbeva. 2017. The ISME journal. The prey's scent–volatile organic compound mediated interactions between soil bacteria and their protist predators, 11 (3), 817.
1. C. Song, T.A. Kidarsa, J.E van de Mortel, J.E. Loper, J.M. Raaijmakers*. 2016. Environmental microbiology. Living on the edge: emergence of spontaneous gac mutations in Pseudomonas protegens during swarming motility, 18 (10), 3453-3465.
1. C. SonG. Sundqvist E. Malm, I. de Bruijn, A. Kumar, J. van de Mortel, V. Bulone, J.M. Raaijmakers*. 2015. BMC microbiology. Lipopeptide biosynthesis in Pseudomonas fluorescens is regulated by the protease complex ClpAP15, (1), 29.
2. C. Song*, R. Schmidt, V. de Jager, D. Krzyzanowska, E. Jongedijk, K. Cankar, J. Beekwilder, A. van Veen, W. de Boer, J. A van Veen, P. Garbeva. 2015. BMC genomics. Exploring the genomic traits of fungus-feeding bacterial genus Collimonas, 16 (1), 1103.
3. C. Song#, M. MazzolaX. Cheng, J. Oetjen, T. Alexandrov, P. Dorrestein, J. Watrous, M. Van Der Voort, J.M. Raaijmakers*. 2015. Scientific reports. Molecular and chemical dialogues in bacteria-protozoa interactions, 5, 12837.
4. C. Zachow*, G. Jahanshah, I. de Bruijn, C. Song, F. Ianni, Z. Pataj, H. Gerhardt, I. Pianet, M. Lämmerhofer, G. Berg, H. Gross, J.M. Raaijmakers. 2015. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. The novel lipopeptide Poaeamide of the endophyte Pseudomonas poae RE*1-1-14 is involved in pathogen suppression and root colonization, 28 (7), 800-810.
5. C. Song, M. van der Voort, J. van de Mortel, K.A. Hassan, L.D.H. Elbourne, I. T Paulsen, J.E. Loper, J.M. Raaijmakers*. 2015. Microbial biotechnology. The Rsm regulon of plant growth‐promoting Pseudomonas fluorescens SS101: role of small RNAs in regulation of lipopeptide biosynthesis, 8 (2), 296-310.
1. C. Song, K. Aundy, J. van de Mortel, J.M. Raaijmakers*. 2014. FEMS microbiology letters. Discovery of new regulatory genes of lipopeptide biosynthesis in Pseudomonas fluorescens, 356 (2), 166-175.
1. J.E. Loper*, K.A. Hassan, D.V. Mavrodi, E.W. Davis II, C.K. Lim, B.T. Shaffer, L.D.H. Elbourne, V.O. Stockwell, S.L. Hartney, K. Breakwell, M.D. Henkels, S.G. Tetu, L.I. Rangel, T.A. Kidarsa, N.L. Wilson, J.E. van de Mortel, C. Song, R. Blumhagen, D. Radune, J.B. Hostetler, L.M. Brinkac, A.S. Durkin, D.A. Kluepfel, W.P. Wechter, A.J. Anderson, Y.C. Kim, L.S. Pierson III, E.A. Pierson, S.E. Lindow, D.Y. Kobayashi, J.M. Raaijmakers, D.M. Weller, L.S. Thomashow, A.E. Allen, I.T. Paulsen. 2012. PLoS genetics. Comparative genomics of plant-associated Pseudomonas spp.: insights into diversity and inheritance of traits involved in multitrophic interactions, 8 (7), e1002784.
1. C. ZhaoC. SongY. Luo, Z. Yu, M. Sun*. 2008. FEBS letters. l‐2,3‐Diaminopropionate: One of the building blocks for the biosynthesis of Zwittermicin A in Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki strain YBT‐1520, 582 (20), 3125-3131.
1. C. Zhao, Y. Luo, C. Song, Z. Liu, S. Chen, Z. Yu, M. Sun*. 2007. Archives of microbiology. Identification of three Zwittermicin A biosynthesis-related genes from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki strain YBT-1520, 187 (4), 313-319.
3. L. Zhou, C. Song, A. de Jong, O.P. Kuipers*. 2019. Microbiology resource announcements. Draft genome sequences of 10 Paenibacillus and Bacillus sp. strains isolated from healthy tomato plants and rhizosphere soil, 8(12). pii: e00055-19. doi: 10.1128MRA.00055-19.
1. Y. Yi, Z. Li, C. Song, O.P. Kuipers*. 2018. Environmental microbiology. Exploring plant‐microbe interactions of the rhizobacteria Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus mycoides by use of the CRISPR‐Cas9 system, 20 (12), 4245-4260.
2. A.J. van HeelA. de Jong, C. Song, J.H. Viel, J. Kok, O.P. Kuipers*. 2018. Nucleic acids research. BAGEL4: a user-friendly web server to thoroughly mine RiPPs and bacteriocins, 46 (W1), W278-W281.
3. Q. Yan, L.D Lopes, B.T Shaffer, T.A Kidarsa, O. Vining, B. Philmus, C. Song, V.O. Stockwell, J.M. Raaijmakers, K.L. McPhail, F.D. Andreote, J.H. Chang, J.E. Loper*. 2018. MBio. Secondary metabolism and interspecific competition affect accumulation of spontaneous mutants in the GacS-GacA regulatory system in Pseudomonas protegens, 9 (1), e01845-17
1. O. Tyc, C. Song, J.S. Dickschat, M. Vos, P. Garbeva*. 2017. Trends in microbiology. The ecological role of volatile and soluble secondary metabolites produced by soil bacteria, 25 (4), 280-292.
2. K. Schulz-Bohm*, S. GeisenE.R.J. Wubs, C. Song, W. de Boer, P. Garbeva. 2017. The ISME journal. The prey's scent–volatile organic compound mediated interactions between soil bacteria and their protist predators, 11 (3), 817.
1. C. Song, T.A. Kidarsa, J.E van de Mortel, J.E. Loper, J.M. Raaijmakers*. 2016. Environmental microbiology. Living on the edge: emergence of spontaneous gac mutations in Pseudomonas protegens during swarming motility, 18 (10), 3453-3465.
1. C. SonG. Sundqvist E. Malm, I. de Bruijn, A. Kumar, J. van de Mortel, V. Bulone, J.M. Raaijmakers*. 2015. BMC microbiology. Lipopeptide biosynthesis in Pseudomonas fluorescens is regulated by the protease complex ClpAP15, (1), 29.
2. C. Song*, R. Schmidt, V. de Jager, D. Krzyzanowska, E. Jongedijk, K. Cankar, J. Beekwilder, A. van Veen, W. de Boer, J. A van Veen, P. Garbeva. 2015. BMC genomics. Exploring the genomic traits of fungus-feeding bacterial genus Collimonas, 16 (1), 1103.
3. C. Song#, M. MazzolaX. Cheng, J. Oetjen, T. Alexandrov, P. Dorrestein, J. Watrous, M. Van Der Voort, J.M. Raaijmakers*. 2015. Scientific reports. Molecular and chemical dialogues in bacteria-protozoa interactions, 5, 12837.
4. C. Zachow*, G. Jahanshah, I. de Bruijn, C. Song, F. Ianni, Z. Pataj, H. Gerhardt, I. Pianet, M. Lämmerhofer, G. Berg, H. Gross, J.M. Raaijmakers. 2015. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. The novel lipopeptide Poaeamide of the endophyte Pseudomonas poae RE*1-1-14 is involved in pathogen suppression and root colonization, 28 (7), 800-810.
5. C. Song, M. van der Voort, J. van de Mortel, K.A. Hassan, L.D.H. Elbourne, I. T Paulsen, J.E. Loper, J.M. Raaijmakers*. 2015. Microbial biotechnology. The Rsm regulon of plant growth‐promoting Pseudomonas fluorescens SS101: role of small RNAs in regulation of lipopeptide biosynthesis, 8 (2), 296-310.
1. C. Song, K. Aundy, J. van de Mortel, J.M. Raaijmakers*. 2014. FEMS microbiology letters. Discovery of new regulatory genes of lipopeptide biosynthesis in Pseudomonas fluorescens, 356 (2), 166-175.
1. J.E. Loper*, K.A. Hassan, D.V. Mavrodi, E.W. Davis II, C.K. Lim, B.T. Shaffer, L.D.H. Elbourne, V.O. Stockwell, S.L. Hartney, K. Breakwell, M.D. Henkels, S.G. Tetu, L.I. Rangel, T.A. Kidarsa, N.L. Wilson, J.E. van de Mortel, C. Song, R. Blumhagen, D. Radune, J.B. Hostetler, L.M. Brinkac, A.S. Durkin, D.A. Kluepfel, W.P. Wechter, A.J. Anderson, Y.C. Kim, L.S. Pierson III, E.A. Pierson, S.E. Lindow, D.Y. Kobayashi, J.M. Raaijmakers, D.M. Weller, L.S. Thomashow, A.E. Allen, I.T. Paulsen. 2012. PLoS genetics. Comparative genomics of plant-associated Pseudomonas spp.: insights into diversity and inheritance of traits involved in multitrophic interactions, 8 (7), e1002784.
1. C. ZhaoC. SongY. Luo, Z. Yu, M. Sun*. 2008. FEBS letters. l‐2,3‐Diaminopropionate: One of the building blocks for the biosynthesis of Zwittermicin A in Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki strain YBT‐1520, 582 (20), 3125-3131.
1. C. Zhao, Y. Luo, C. Song, Z. Liu, S. Chen, Z. Yu, M. Sun*. 2007. Archives of microbiology. Identification of three Zwittermicin A biosynthesis-related genes from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki strain YBT-1520, 187 (4), 313-319.