北京大學經濟學院教授、金融學系系主任,香港大學經濟與工商管理學院教授、中國金融研究中心主任,北京大學滙豐金融研究院執行院長,華中科技大學兼職教授,美國Milken Institute兼職研究員,浙江大學金融研究院特聘專家,博士生導師。入選“2002年世界500名頂尖經濟學家”。
- 中文名:宋敏
- 外文名:Frank M.SONG
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 職業:經濟學家、金融學家、教授
- 畢業院校:俄亥俄州立大學、華中科技大學、浙江大學
- 出版關於銀行風險管理方面專著一本,主編關於中國證券市場與金融體制改革理論的專著一本,關於人民幣國際化的專著一本,參與多部關於經濟學、金融學前沿發展的專集編著
- 在諸如Journal of Financial Economics, Economic Journal, Journal of Business、 Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 等國際著名經濟金融雜誌發表論文四十餘篇
- 在《中國社會科學》、《經濟研究》、《經濟學季刊》《經濟學報》《經濟學動態》《數量經濟與技術經濟研究》《中國金融學》《管理世界》《新華文摘》《中國社會科學文摘》等權威核心中文期刊發表數十篇論文
- 為“二十一世紀經濟報導”、“信報”等著名報刊和雜誌撰寫專欄文章
- 多次接受各類媒體如 CCTV, CNN, Bloomberg, CNBC, 人民日報、經濟觀察報、第一財經報採訪
- Measuring Risks of Deposit Institutions
Garland Publishing Inc., New York, 1994, (Monograph). - Corporate Governance, Security Market and Banking Reform, 2003
(with Xinqiao Ping and Junxi Zhang), Peking University Press, Beijing, China, (Monograph). - "Security Transaction Taxes and Market Volatilty",
(with J. Zhang), The Economic Journal, forthcoming. - "Coporate Governance and Firm Valuations in China",
Journal of Comparative Economics, December 2004, (co-authored). - "A Two-Factor ARCH Model for Deposit-Institution Stock Returns",
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, May 1994. - "Are Survey Forecasts of Macroeconomic Variables Rational",
(with R. Aggarwal and S. Mohanty), The Journal of Business, Vol. 68 No. 1, 1995, pp.99-119 . - "Are Market Perceptions to Corporate Layoffs Changing?",
(with A. Chatrath and S. Ramchander), Economic Letters, 47, 1995, pp.335-342. - "Does Options Trading Lead to Greater Cash Market Volatility?",
(with A. Chatrath and S. Ramchander), Journal of Futures Markets, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1995. - "The Effect of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act (FDICIA) of 1991 on Bank Holding Companies",
(with Y. Liang and S. Mohanty), Journal of Financial Research, Vol XIX, no. 2, 1996, pp.229-242. - "The Role of Futures Trading in Exchange Rate Volatility",
(with A. Chatrath and S. Ramchander), Journal of Futures Markets, 16(5), 1996, pp.561-84. - "Hysteresis in Unemployment: Evidence from 48 U.S. States",
(with Y. Wu), Economic Inquiry, 35(2), 1997, pp.235-43. - "Commitment of Traders, Basis Behavior, and the Issue of Risk Premia in Futures Markets",
(with A. Chatrath and Y. Liang), Journal of Futures Markets, 17(6), 1997, pp.707-31. - "Information and Volatility in Futures and Spot Market: The Case of Japanese Yen",
(with A. Chatrath), Journal of Futures Markets, 18(2), April 1998, pp.201-23 . - "Futures Commitments and Commodity Price Jumps",
(with A. Chatrath), The Financial Review, 34, 1999, pp.95-112 . - "Intraday Periodicity, Long Memory Volatility, and Macroeconomic Announcement Effects in the U.S. Treasury Bond Market",
(with T. Bollerslev and J. Cai), Journal of Empirical Finance, 7, 2000, pp.37-55 . - "Audit size effect in an emerging market",
International Journal of Auditing, forthcoming. - "Corruption in bank lending to firms: cross-country micro evidence on the beneficial role of competition and information sharing",
Journal of Financial Economics, 2009. - Essays in Modern Economics Research: In honour of Professor Gregory Chow
Shanghai People's Press, 2008. - "The co-movement of commodity prices",
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 99, No. 3, August 2006. - "Property Rights Protection and Corporate R&D: Evidence from China",
Journal of Development Economics, forthcoming. - ”用‘碳排放指標法’治堵一石多鳥“,(與王一鳴),中國經濟周刊,2012,47.
- “技術領先會持續嗎?——非擇時無溢出R&D競爭研究綜述”,(與常中陽),經濟研究,2010,12.
- “中國製造業企業的創新活動:所有制和CEO激勵的作用”,(與李春濤),經濟研究,2010,05.
- “中國國有企業民營化績效研究”,(與胡一帆,張俊喜),經濟研究,2006,07.
- “所有制結構改革對中國企業績效的影響”,(與胡一帆,鄭紅亮),中國社會科學,2006,04.
- “競爭、產權、公司治理三大理論的相對重要性及互動關係”,(與胡一帆,張俊喜),經濟研究,2005,09.
- ”H股公司上市前後績效變化的實證研究“,(與黃貴海),管理世界,2005,05.
- ”中國上市公司治理結構的實證研究“,(與白重恩,劉俏,陸洲,張俊喜),經濟研究,2005,05.
- ”所有權和控制權分離對企業價值的影響——我國民營上市企業的實證研究“,(與張華,張俊喜),經濟學(季刊),2004,S1.
- ”資本結構的決定因素——來自中國的證據“,(與黃貴海),經濟學(季刊),2004,01.
- ”兩大主流資本結構理論概述“,(與黃貴海),經濟學動態,2003,03.