安道琳編著的論著有《Prediction of combustion noise for an aeroengine combustor》《A six sensor method for measuring acoustic properties in ducts》《Aeroacoustic source measurement methods for characterizing the sound generated by ducted flow devices with higher-order modes》《Combustion rumble prediction with integrated computational-fluid-dynamics/ low-order-model methods》《Spatial correlation of heat release rate and sound emission from turbulent premixed flames》《 Low-order modelling of the response of ducted flames in annular geometries》《Heat release rate correlation and combustion noise in premixed flames》《Obtaining absolute acoustic spectra in an aerodynamic wind tunnel》等。
“安道琳是燃燒學和聲學方面的世界權威,在工程研究和新技術在工程中的套用方面是世界公認的領導者(A world authority on combustion and acoustics, Dame Ann Dowling is an internationally respected leader in engineering research and the practical application of new technology in industry)。”(麥吉爾大學評)
Ann P.Dowling
“安道琳是一名享譽世界的工程師、科研工作者和學術帶頭人(As a world-renowned engineer, researcher and academic leader)。”(原英國皇家工程院院長John Parker GBE FRE評)