Maison Albar Hotel | 安珀酒店作為具有百年歷史的法國高端精品酒店品牌,每一處細節都凸顯了與經典優雅風格的遙相呼應,完美詮釋法式待客之道的精益求精。安珀家族熱忱發揚法式「生活的藝術(Art de Vivre)」概念,完美融合當地歷史文化和地理特色,配合個性化管家式服務,傳達量身定製的尊貴,為您的旅程添上獨特而難忘的一筆。
安珀簽訂3家在巴黎的酒店︰巴黎香榭麗舍安珀酒店(Maison Albar Paris Champs Elysees)、巴黎盧浮新橋安珀酒店(Maison Albar Hotel Paris Celine) 、巴黎鑽石歌劇院安珀酒店(Maison Albar Hotel Paris Opéra Diamond).2016年4月,“安珀酒店”榮膺——第十一屆中國酒店星光獎【中國最佳文化主題精品酒店品牌】
Hotels become the place where guests can dive into an emotional and sensory exploration of unique living experiences.
To offer guests an emotional and sensory Art de Vivre experience, through the unique alchemy between alchemy between French Elegance and Cult-ART fusion created in each Masion Albar Hotel.
Position itself as the international leader and specialist of the exclusive boutique hotel industry. Maison Albar Hotel, a way of life that becomes a part of you.