

安德遜初級學院(Anderson Junior College, AJC), 是新加坡的一所公立高中。作為新加坡第十一個初級學院,她成立於1984年,坐落於楊厝港捷運站對面。2012年,安德遜初級學院學生宿舍正式落成,將容納來自該校, 南洋初級學院,安德遜中學,南僑中學和公教中學的學生。

新加坡安德遜初級學院(英文簡稱AJC) 位於新加坡楊厝港捷運站旁,校訓是“Non Mihi Solum"(拉丁文),英文翻譯是”Not for myself alone"。安初學生稱自己為安初人(AJCians)。安德遜初級學院一直以來都在新加坡初級學院排行中名列前茅;在2013 Joint Admission Exercise(JAE)中,安初以理科班8分,文科班10分位列全部初院前十名。


  • 中文名:安德遜初級學院
  • 外文名:(Anderson Junior College,  AJC
  • 性質:新加坡的一所公立高中
  • 成立時間:1984年
  • 英文簡稱:AJC
  • 校訓: 不只為我自己


安德遜初級學院是新加坡第十一個初院。 2013年為止安初共約有160位教職人員,包括十位科組長以及約二十位非教授人員。經過近三十年的發展,如今安初已是新加坡重點高中之一。每年都有相當數量的畢業生獲得來自本地大學的獎學金,更有獲得海外院校錄取的學子前往世界各地進行深造。


  • Lee Fong Seng: 1983 - 1987
  • Rebecca Mok: 1988 - 1992
  • Tan Teng Wah: 1992 - 1998
  • Tan Tiek Kwee: 1998 - 2006
  • Susan Leong Kum Mei: 2006 - 2011
  • Lee Seng Hai: 2011 - present




安初校訓為拉丁文“ Non Mihi Solum"。英文是”Not for myself alone",即 ”不只為我自己“。校訓表達出了學校會著力培養友愛,團結及有合作精神和社會責任感的學生。
School Vision
"A vibrant and collaborative learning community where caring leaders are groomed to be best for the world"
School Mission
"To nurture AJCians to be morally upright, resilient and caring leaders with the passion to seek knowledge and the drive to excel"


We tread the path of Knowledge
Bearing yellow flames of light
With minds keen, and spirits burning
Ascending to greater heights
Non Mihi Solum
The sweet light of charity
Non Mihi Solum
The richness of humanity
We stand with loving hearts
Knowing joy of give and care
With grateful thought to all who give
Returning all and more we'll share
Non Mihi Solum
The sweet light of charity
Non Mihi Solum
The richness of humanity
United we stand bold
Drinking wisdom ages bestowed
All worthy tasks, we execute with grace
We cherish the best in human race

Non Mihi Solum
The sweet light of charity
Non Mihi Solum
The richness of humanity


H1 科目:
General Paper(GP), General Studies in Chinese(GSC), History, Geography, Chinese, Economics, Literature in English(Elit), Malay Language, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Project Work(PW), Tamil Language
H2 科目:
Biology, Chemistry, Chinese Language and Literature(CLL), Economics, Geography, History, Economics, Literature in English(Elit), Malay Language and Literature(MLL), Mathematics, Physics,, Tamil Language and Literature(TLL)
AJC的數學是除了必讀科目(如GP, PW等)外最知名,最多人選修,最難讀的科目。該校數學試卷不僅考驗學生的代數,運算與幾何基礎,更考驗學生一種是否能夠從看似困惑的題目中找出突破口的能力。在AJC, 數學只考及格並不是一件丟人的事,有時這種成績甚至超過了85%的考生。在冰冷,死寂的數學考場裡,人生百態均可在此找到:有人幹勁十足,在紙上飛速演算,有人緊咬嘴唇,怒視試卷上的數列與圖案,有人兩手耷拉,雙目無神地望著高高懸掛的電子鐘,甚至還有人在頭45分鐘的搏殺後便開始在試卷上畫畫。用學校老師的話說:AJ Math enjoys a very 'bad' reputation in Singapore. 誠然,甚至有傳言新加坡最好的初級學院萊佛士書院的老師都對自己的學生們建議:如果想挑戰自己,去做AJ 數學!因為“只有你想不到,沒有你做得到!”


幾乎每所新加坡的學校都會提供大量的課外活動(Co-Curricular Activites, CCAs),安初當然也不例外。安初為學生們提供的課外活動主要分為體育競技類,文化藝術類以及社團活動類。
  • Badminton
  • Basketball
  • Bowling
  • Chess Club (Chinese and International)
  • Climbing Club
  • Hockey
  • Netball
  • Singapore Youth Flying Club
  • Shooting
  • Soccer
  • Sports club
  • Squash
  • Table-Tennis
  • Tennis
  • Track & Field
  • Volleyball
  • Chinese LDDS
  • Chinese Orchestra
  • Choir
  • Dance Society
  • Guitar Ensemble
  • Harmonica Band
  • Malay LDDS
  • StAJeWorks
  • Symphonic Band
  • Tamil LDDS
  • Wushu and Lion Dance
  • Audio Visual Aids Club (AVA)
  • cXtreme (Computer Club)
  • Debating and Oratorical Society (DOS)
  • Interact Club
  • Outdoor Activities Club (ODAC)
  • Photographic Society
  • Project Eureka
  • Red Cross Humanitarian Network
  • Students' Council
  • Visual Arts Club
The Basketball team has enjoyed success since its formation in the mid-1980s, and is well-established in the National 'A' Division. The Boys' team achieved a historical three-peat, winning the Championship in 1987, 1988 and 1989. It remained in the national top four for ten consecutive years from 1999 to 2008, with three finals appearances in 2006, 2008 and 2010.
The Choir is led by its conductor, Nelson Kwei. At the 10th Concorso Corale Internazionale in Riva Del Garda, Italy, the Choir was crowned the Grand Champion and received the Public Prize Award, Category Champion (Mixed Youth Choirs), the Conductors Prize and a Gold Diploma V. The Choir also received SYF Gold with Honours Awards in 2009 and 2011. In May 2010, the Choir emerged as Category Champions at the 5th Festa Choralis in Bratislava, Slovakia, winning both the Mixed Youth Category and Sacred Music Category with scores of 99/100 and 100/100 respectively.
The Chinese Orchestra is led by its conductor, Ng Seng Hong. 2007 marked the 4th consecutive year that the Chinese Orchestra received an SYF Gold Award, and in 2009, it received an SYF Gold with Honours Award.
The Volleyball team is similarly dominant in the National 'A' Division. The Boys' team won the Championship in 2006, and made a finals appearance alongside the Girls' team in 2007. Both teams have hence come up in top four positions since the 2008 Championships and recently, the Boy's team clinched a 2nd in the 2011 Championships.
The Wushu team has consistently been ranked in the top four positions for the National Inter-School Wushu Championships. In 2008, the Boys' team came in 3rd, while the Girls' team came in 4th. In 2011, both teams came in 4th in the championships.
The Shooting team has frequently been awarded top four positions in Inter-School Pistol and Air Rifle Shooting Competitions. In 2011, the team attained 2nd and 3rd positions in various Inter-School team competitions and 1st and 2nd positions in various Inter-School individual competitions.
StAJeWorks, the English drama group, received Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Gold Awards in 2006 and 2008 for its performances of 'X-Country' and 'Offering', respectively. Both plays were devised with the performers and written by Bryan Tan, an alumnus who is a playwright and director. The group's drama instructor is Mohamed Fita Helmi, an actor, director and lighting designer.
The Symphonic Band achieved 2nd place in the NBC Open Category in 2008, and received an SYF Gold with Honours Award in 2009.
辯論隊(Debating and Oratorical Society,AJDOS)
The Debating and Oratorical Society (AJDOS) has been ranked in the top eight schools since 2007 in the core national debating championships (MOE Invitational Debating Championship, formerly known as JCDCs).
印度文化與表演社團(Tamil Literary Debate Drama Society ,TLDDS)
The Tamil Literary Debate Drama Society (TLDDS) has been considered to be one of the top Indian Cultural Societies in Singapore taking part in SYF Indian Dance, SYF Tamil Drama and Inter JC/CI Tamil Debate competitions and performing exceptionally well in them also. It clinched Gold with Honours for SYF Indian Dance in 2011 with 2nd Runner Up for Debate as well. It holds the biennial, inter-JC/CI competition, Agni, which showcases Dance, Impersonation and Singing.



使用該申請過程的申請人必須提供達到申請要求的 GCE O Level 成績
理科班:L1R5 ≤ 8, (8分學生部分錄取)
文科班:L1R5 ≤ 10 (10分學生部分錄取)


Academic Excellence
  • Excellent academic records with sustained distinctions (i.e. in Sec 3 to Sec 4) in at least 5 subjects
  • Achievements in academic competitions
Science Research
  • Participation in long term (at least 4 weeks) science researchprogrammes with tertiary institutions/A*STAR Research Institutesetc
  • Participation in cluster/zonal/national/international science research based competitions. Priority will be given to applicants who have won top awards (e.g. Gold, Silver, Bronze) in these competitions
  • Good academic records (e.g. Distinctions for at least 2 Mathematics and 2 Science subjects)
Performing Arts CCAs
  • Chinese Orchestra
  • Choir
  • Contemporary Dance
  • Indian Dance
  • Symphonic Band
  • Achievements/Awards in SYF/ International Competitions
  • Achievements in Music/Dance Examinations
  • Commendable performance at audition
Sports CCAs
  • Badminton
  • Basketball
  • Football (Boys)
  • Hockey
  • Shooting
  • Table-Tennis
  • Volleyball
  • Wushu
  • Achievements/Awards in National/Regional/International Competitions
  • Representation at zonal/national competitions, national or club level
  • Commendable performance at selection trial


進入校園後,順著路來到一樓辦公室外面,就看到有很多人圍著幾塊公告板看。在板上您便能找到您的教室及座位了。教室分兩種,Lecture Theater(LT)和教室編號XYZ。LT1 位於公告板左邊座椅群的旁邊;LT2 位於二樓,LT1 的正上方,且LT1旁邊有樓梯直接到LT2 旁邊;LT3 位於3樓,3樓唯一的一個LT;LT4 位於LT2 旁邊,飲水機右邊,旁邊有樓梯;LT5 位於一樓,看到公告板後轉右直走,看到有階梯可以下去,便是LT5。至於教室編號,許多人都感到困惑。首先,X是指哪一棟樓,Y是指第幾層,Z是指在哪一條走廊上這間教室的編號是多少。比如說:教室123就是指1棟二樓的三號教室。以此類推。


