- 中文名:安俊嶺
- 國籍:中國
- 出生日期:1967年3月15日
- 性別:男
主持過國家自然科學基金“東亞對流層臭氧季節變化中人為源和生物源的貢獻”、中國科學院方向性項目“北京地區光化學煙霧形成與演化機理及其控制試驗預研究”、中國科學院知識創新工程重大項目之課題“大氣污染模擬預測與源控制技術研發與示範”等,目前主持國家863課題“突發性大氣污染事件模擬與風險控制技術”。現為中國氣象學會大氣化學委員會委員, 主要從事大氣污染物的轉化、輸送、沉降機理等方面的研究, 已在國內外著名期刊上發表論文40餘篇
An Junling, Wei Zhang and Yu Qu, Impacts of a strong cold front on concentrations of HONO, HCHO, O3, and NO2 in the heavy traffic urban area of Beijing, Atmospheric Environment, 43: 3454–3459 (2009)
An Junling, Hiromasa Ueda et al., simulated impacts of SO2 emissions from the Miyake Volcano on concentration and deposition of sulfur oxides in September and October of 2000, Atmospheric Environment 37(22): 3039-3046 (2003)
An Junling, Hiromasa Ueda et al., simulations of monthly mean nitrate concentrations in precipitation, Atmospheric Environment 36(26): 4159-4171 (2002)
An Junling, Meiyuan Huang et al., numerical regional air quality forecast tests over the Mainland of China, Water, Air and Soil Pollution 130: 1781-1786 (2001)
An Junling, Ling Zhou et al., a literature review of uncertainties in studies of critical loads for acidic deposition, Water, Air and Soil Pollution 130: 1205-1210 (2001)
An Junling and Meiyuan Huang, long-term soil acidification model (LTSAM) development and application for analyzing soil responses to acidic deposition, Water, Air and Soil Pollution 110: 255-272 (1999)