



  • 書名:守夜人:余光中詩歌自選集(中英對照)
  • 作者:余光中
  • 出版社:江蘇文藝出版社
  • ISBN:9787539998954




西螺大橋1958 009
七層下1965 011
鐘乳岩1965 013
當我死時1966 015
灰鴿子1966 016
單人床1966 017
黑天使1966 018
有一隻死鳥1966 020
致讀者1966 022
雙人床1966 023
野炮1966 024
九命貓1967 026
自塑1967 027
狗尾草1967 029
如果遠方有戰爭1967 030
白災1967 032
安全感1967 033
時常,我發現1968 034
炊煙1968 035
一枚銅幣1968 037
一武士之死1968 039
老詩人之死1969 041
我夢見一個王1969 042
江湖上1970 043
民歌1971 045
海棠紋身1971 047
車過枋寮1972 048
積木1972 050
鄉愁1972 051
電話亭1972 052
呼喚1972 053
守夜人1973 054
貝多芬1974 055
白玉苦瓜1974 057
放風箏1974 059
撐竿跳選手1976 061
大停電1977 062
蒼茫來時1977 063
聽瓶記1977 065
與永恆拔河1978 066
水晶牢1978 067
山中傳奇1979 069
戲李白1980 070
紗帳1980 071
秋分1980 072
雨傘1981 073
寄給畫家1981 074
黃昏1982 075
山中暑意七品1982 076
踢踢踏1982 081
蛛網1984 083
問燭1985 084
珍珠項鍊1986 086
泳者1986 087
雨聲說些什麼?1986 088
墾丁十一首1986 089
夢與膀胱1987 096
壁虎1987 097
向日葵1988 099
跳水者1988 101
贊香港1989 103
荷蘭吊橋1990 105
在漸暗的視窗1990 107
抱孫1993 109
在多風的夜晚1994 111
非安眠曲1994 113
今生今世1995 115
矛盾世界1995 116
七十自喻1998 117
蒼茫時刻1998 118
永念蕭邦1999 119
翠玉白菜2004 121
冰姑,雪姨2007 123
鱈岬上空的捲雲2008 125
牙關2008 126
虹2008 128
水草拔河2008 129
大哉母愛2008 131
客從蒙古來2011 133
送樓克禮自丹佛西行1971 135
Hsilo Bridge 1958 142
Music Percussive
Seven Layers Beneath 1965 144
Smoke Hole Cavern 1965 146
When I Am Dead 1966 148
Gray Pigeons 1966 149
The Single Bed 1966 150
The Black Angel 1966 151
There Was a Dead Bird 1966 153
In Time of Cold War
To the Reader 1966 155
The Double Bed 1966 156
The Field Gun 1966 157
A Cat with Nine Lives 1967 159
SelfSculpture 1967 160
Green Bristlegrass 1967 162
If There’s a War Raging Afar 1967 163
The White Curse 1967 165
Sense of Security 1967 166
Often I Find 1968 167
Chimney Smoke 1968 168
A Coin 1968 169
The Death of a Swordsman 1968 171
The Death of an Old Poet 1969 173
I Dreamed of a King 1969 174
The White Jade Bitter Gourd
Alone on the Road 1970 175
A Folk Song 1971 177
The Begonia Tattoo 1971 178
Passing Fangliao 1972179
Building Blocks 1972 181
Nostalgia 1972 182
The Telephone Booth 1972 183
The Call 1972 184
The Night Watchman 1973 185
Beethoven 1974 186
The White Jade Bitter Gourd 1974 188
Tug of War with Eternity
The Kite 1974 190
The PoleVaulter 1976 191
The Power Failure 1977192
When Night Falls 1977193
Listening to a Bottle 1977195
Tug of War with Eternity 1978196
The Crystal Prison 1978 197
Kannon Bodhisattva across the Sea
A Tale on the Hill 1979 199
Teasing Li Po 1980 200
Mosquito Net 1980 201
Autumn Equinox 1980 202
The Umbrellas 1981 203
To Painter Shiy De Jinn 1981 204
The Bauhinia
Evening 1982 205
Summer Thoughts of a Mountaineer 1982 206
Tick Tick Tock 1982 211
The Spider Webs 1984 213
Dream and Geography
Once upon a Candle 1985 214
The Pearl Necklace 1986 216
The Swimmer 1986 217
What Is the Rain Saying through the Night? 1986 218
Scenes of Kengting National Park 1986 220
Dream and Bladder 1987 227
The Gecko 1987 228
The Sunflowers 1988 230
The Pomegranates
The Diver 1988 232
In Praise of Hong Kong 1989 234
The Langlois Bridge 1990 236
By the Darkening Window 1990 238
By All Five Elements
Holding My Grandson 1993 240
On Such a Windy Night 1994 242
No Lullaby 1994244
A Hight Window Overlooking the Sea
All throughout This My Life: To Mother 1995 246
Happy Was the World: To Mother 1995 247
On My Seventieth Birthday 1998 248
At the Twilight Hour 1998 249
The God of Lotus Root
In Memory of Chopin 1999 250
The Emerald White Cabbage 2004 252
Aunt Ice, Aunt Snow 2007 254
Cirrus over Cape Cod 2008 256
At the Dentist’s 2008 257
Arco Iris 2008 259
Tug of War with the River 2008 260
Great Is a Mother’s Love 2008 262
The Sun Calling His Children
A Visitor from Mongolia 2011 264
Uncollected Poems
To Chris on His Going West from Denver 1971 266
Midway 2014268
Books by Yu Kwangchung 278


