- 書名:學術建議中的身份建構
- 作者:任育新
- ISBN:9787310043897
- 頁數:234頁
- 定價:42元
- 出版社:南開大學出版社
- 出版時間:2014年1月
- 裝幀:平裝
- 開本:16開
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Identities in Acadmic Interaction: A Preview
1.2 Aims of the Study
1.3 Structure of the Book
Chapter Two Identity Construction, Academic Interaction and Advising
2.1 Identity and Identity Construction
2.2 Identity Construction in Academic Interaction
2.3 Studies on Advising
2.4 Summary
Chapter Three Identity Construction as Pragmatic Adaptation
3.1 Theoretical Background
3.2 Identity Construction as Pragmatic Adaptation
3.3 Summary
Chapter Four Methodology
4.1 Data Collection
4.2 Data Analysis
4.3 Summary
Chapter Five Constructing Identities Through Making Linguistic Choices
5.1 Default Identity and Linguistic Choices for Its Construction
5.2 Deviational Identities and Linguistic Choices for Their Construction
5.3 Distribution of Various Identities in Advising Sequences
5.4 Summary
Chapter Six Constructing Identity as a Dynamic Process
6.1 Identity Modification in Academic Advising Sequences
6.2 Identity Shift in Academic Advising Sequences
6.3 Summary
Chapter Seven Identity Construction Adaptive to Contextual Correlates to Satisfy Communicative Needs,.
7.1 Constructing Identity Dynamically to Satisfy Communicative Needs in Academic Advising Interaction
7.2 Identity Construction as an Adaptation to Various Contextual Correlates in Academic Advising Interaction
7.3 Summary
Chapter Eight Conclusion
8.1 Major Findings
8.2 Implications of the Study
8.3 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for the Further Work