以東華大學國際交流學院、管理學院、外語學院為依託,由擁有共同興趣愛好的中外本科生、研究生自願組成的學生組織,該組織面向上海東華大學延安路校區四大學院,擁有上百名中國會員和外國留學生會員,在近幾年發展中逐漸壯大。特色活動有talk buddies、荷蘭團、美國團、東華好聲音和各種中小型party等。
- 中文名:學生國際交流協會(italk)
- 外文名:italk
- 屬性:學生組織
- 特色活動:talk buddies、荷蘭團、美國團等
以東華大學國際交流學院、管理學院、外語學院為依託,由擁有共同興趣愛好的中外本科生、研究生自願組成的學生組織。 社團活動包含兩大主項:構建中外學生的語言文化交流平台以及為東華學子提供最新最全面的留學信息。我們通過組織新穎有趣的活動為中外學生提供相互認識,相互交流,提升雙方的語言能力和文化知識的機會。並通過與東華大學國際合作處、管理學院、及多家校外機構的長期合作,在第一時間向會員發布校內校外的國際交流諮詢。 Activities in our community mainly focus on the following two items: First, to build a platform for cross-culture communication among students from different countries; second, to provide updated and comprehensive information on studying abroad. Moreover, we often organize interesting activities to offer the opportunities for students to know, and to communicate with each other, to learn and to improve together. And with the long-term cooperation with International Cooperation in DHU, Management Institute, and a number of corking social organizations, we can offer our members international exchange information from both in and out of school frequently.
以搭建一個中外學生文化交流的平台為宗旨,充分醫用學生課餘時間,有組織地、有創造性地開展各項有助中外學生交流以及文化相關的活動,營造一種輕鬆,自在的學習交流環境。 Aiming at building a platform for cross-culture communication among students from different countries, our community allows both Chinese and foreign students to make full use of their spare time, to develop organized and creative extracurricular activities on cultural exchange and linguistic communication, to enjoy a relaxing and free atmosphere to learn and communicate. 品牌活動: 相親會,假面舞會,talk buddies,感恩慈善行,中外體育賽,商業創意大賽,萬聖節派對 WELCOME PARTY; MASQUE; TALK BUDDIES; THANKSGIVING CHARITY; Chinese &foreign sports game; BUSINESS IDEA COMPETITION; HAPPY HALLOWEEN PALY; 我們有出色的管理隊伍 We have excellent management team
由四部門組成:“人力資源”秘書部,“敢想敢拼”實踐部,“創意源泉”宣傳部和“門面招牌”外聯部。每位成員都是“有思想,有創意,有激情,有幹勁”的四有青年。所有幹事,中國會員將與留學生統一編組,由幹事擔任組長,負責聯絡組員並定期組織交流活動。組內成員的聯繫方式會通過郵件發給每一位會員,以方便大家自行聯絡,在這裡,我們會為你介紹來自不同國家,不同年級的中外朋友(talk buddies) Italk elite team consists of four departments: "human resources" Secretary of the Ministry of Practice, "creative source of the Propaganda Department of the facade signs, dreaming Liaison Department. Each member are thoughtful, creative, passionate, energetic youth. All officers, members and international students unified grouping by the Director-General headed, responsible for liaison with team members regularly organize exchange activities. Contact group members will be sent by mail to every member, in order to facilitate their own liaison here, we will introduce you to from different countries, different grades of Chinese and foreign friends (talk buddies)