



  • 中文名:孫衛東
  • 外文名:SUN, Weidong
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:山東單縣
  • 出生日期:1960.4.26
  • 職業:大學教授
  • 畢業院校:日本東京大學工學部信息工程系
  • 性別:男


主要從事數字圖像處理、衛星遙感圖像處理等方面的研究工作,並獲得了一些具有較高理論價值及實際套用價值的研究成果,在IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing、IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters、自動化學報、計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報等刊物上發表學術論文160餘篇,申請發明專利12項、已授權6項,編譯著2部。先後主持與承擔多項國家自然科學基金、國家863、國家科技支撐等科研項目。


1982年, 山東大學計算機科學系學士學位
1985年, 日本岩手大學工學部信息工程系碩士學位
1988年, 日本東京大學工學部信息工程系博士學位
1988年, 日本東京大學生產技術研究所博士研究員
1988-1999年, 中國科技大學電子與信息工程系講師、副教授、教授
1999年, 清華大學電子工程系教授






  1. 孫衛東: “腦功能成像的圖像處理技術”, 唐孝威編《腦功能成像》, 中國科學技術大學出版社, 1999.10.
  2. X.J.Zhang, J.J.Yang, W.D.Sun, J.S.Chen: “Stripe Noise Characteristic Analysis and Removal Algorithms for ‘Hangtian Tsinghua-1’ Satellite Images”, Proc. of Int. Conf. on Info-tech & Info-net, Beijing, China, pp.346~351,2001.10.
  3. H.Qin, M.Li, W.D.Sun: “A New Combined Classification Method for Land Covering Using AVHRR Data Supervised by TM Data”, Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing, Changsha, China, pp.920~925, 2003.5.
  4. M.Li, H.Qin, W.D.Sun: “Shape Similarities Measures Based on Two-level ARG for the Retrieval of Remote Sensing Images”, Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics Intelligent Systems and Signal Processing, Changsha, China, pp.1300~1305, 2003.5.
  5. A.W.Zhang, W.D.Sun, F.T. Li, C.H.Ge: “Basic data processing for creating textured 3D model of urban scenes from laser scans and CCD images”, Proc. of Asian Conf. on Computer Vision, Seoul, Korea, pp.19~24, 2004.1.
  6. A.W.Zhang, W.D.Sun, S.X. Hu, C.Qian: “Automatic Global Registration of Multiple 3D Data Sets from Outdoor Urban Environments Based on Feature Units”, Pro. of the 20th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, Budmerice, Slovakia, pp.193~199, 2004.4.
  7. S.Gao, X.J.Zhang, W.D.Sun: “Lossless Inter-array Predictive Coding for Subpixel-shifted Satellite Images Based on Texture Analysis”, Proc. of the 12th Int. Conf. on Geoinformatics, 2004.6.
  8. 張愛武, 孫衛東, 李風亭: “室外大型場景多機位三維數據全局快速配準”, 高技術通訊, Vol.14, No.6, pp.6~10, 2004.6.
  9. A.W.Zhang, W.D.Sun, S.X. Hu, C.Qian: “A Ground-Based Urban 3D Data Acquisition and Processing System”, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods, Las Vegas, USA, pp.81~87, 2004.7.
  10. A.W.Zhang, W.D.Sun, S.X. Hu: “Extracting 3D Contour Features of Urban Scenes from Ground-Based Laser Range Data”, Pro. of the 8th Int. Conf. on Information Visualisation, London, pp.133~138, 2004.7.
  11. A.W.Zhang, W.D.Sun, S.X. Hu, C.Qian: “Constructing 3D Reality Models of Urban Scenes from Ground-Based Synchronized Laser and Visual Data”, Proc. of the IASTED Int. Conf. on Computers, Graphics and Imaging, Kauai, Hawaii, USA, pp.248~253, 2004.8.
  12. L.Yuan, W.D.Sun: “The Extraction of End-Pixels in Feature Space for Remote Sensing Data and Its Applications”, Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Remote Sensing, Jeju, Korea, 2004.10.
  13. 吳炳方、孫衛東、黃簽等: “中國西部典型區生態環境本底遙感調查”, 水土保持學報,Vol.18, No.5, pp.46~50, 2004.10.
  14. 張愛武, 孫衛東, 李風亭: “大規模三維場景幾何信號基本處理方法”, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, Vol.17, No.7, pp.1486~1491, 2005.7.
  15. 張愛武, 孫衛東, 李風亭: “基於雷射掃描數據的室外場景表面重建方法”, 系統仿真學報, Vol.17, No.2, pp.384~387, 2005.2.
  16. 張愛武, 胡少興,孫衛東, 李風亭: “基於雷射與可見光數據的室外場景三維重建”, 電子學報, Vol.33, No.5, pp.810~815, 2005.5.
  17. A.W.Zhang, S.X.Hu, X.Jin, W.D.Sun: “A Method of Merging Aerial Images and Ground Laser Scans”, Proc. of the IEEE Inter. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Vol.1, pp.222~225, 2005.7.
  18. W.J.He, H.Qin, W.D.Sun: “Compounded Method for Land Covering Classification based on Multi-resolution Satellite Data”, Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Remote Sensing, Jeju, Korea, 2005.10.
  19. S.Guo, W.D.Sun: “High Precision Geometric Correction Based on DEM Data and GCP Outlier Detection for MODIS Data”, Proc. of SPIE, V5985 PART II, Int. Conf. on Space Information Technology, pp.598537~598541,Wuhan, 2005.11.
  20. 金鑫, 孫衛東: “基於雷射同步掃描圖像的三維景物紋理映射”, 儀器儀表學報, Vol.27, No.6, pp.2083~2085, 2006.6.
  21. 孫衛東等:《圖像處理技術手冊》, 科技出版社, 2007.8.
  22. 郭山, 袁路, 孫衛東: “基於像元分解的亞像元級遙感數據分類精度評估方法”, 高技術通訊, Vol.17, No.10, pp.1044~1049, 2007.10.
  23. S.Guo, Y.Yu, W.D.Sun: “New Sub-pixel Unmixing Method Based on Blind Signal Separation”, Proc. of the 5th Int. Symp. on Multispectral Image Processing & Pattern Recognition, Wuhan, Vol.6790, pp.679015-1~7, 2007.11.
  24. Q.H.Wang, W.D.Sun: “Combined Contextual Classification Method for Large Scale Land Covering Based On Multi-Resolution Satellite Data”, Proc. of the 5th Int. Symp. on Multispectral Image Processing & Pattern Recognition, Wuhan, Vol.6790, pp.679003-1~8, 2007.11.
  25. Y.Yu, S.Guo, W.D.Sun: “Minimum Endmember Divergence Constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for the Endmember Extraction of Hyperspectral Images”, Proc. of the 5 Int. Symp. on Multispectral Image Processing & Pattern Recognition, Wuhan, Vol.6790, pp.679015-1~9, 2007.11.
  26. 郭山, 袁路, 孫衛東: “基於特徵端元提取的像元分解方法”, 高技術通訊, Vol.18, No.10, pp.1035~1040, 2008.10.
  27. 郭琳, 孫衛東, 王瓊華, 楊邦傑: “基於組合核非線性退化模型的多解析度遙感圖像複合分類”, 農業工程學報, Vol.24, No.10, pp.145~150, 2008.10.
  28. 郭山, 孫衛東: “用於高光譜圖像端元提取的分層查找法”, 高技術通訊, Vol.18, No.12, pp.1297~1303, 2008.12.
  29. H.Gu,Y.Yu, W.D.Sun: “A New Optimal Seam Selection Method for Airborne Image Stitching”, Proc. of 2009 IEEE Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques, pp.159~163, 2009.5.10.
  30. D.W.Leng, W.D.Sun: “Finding All the Solutions of PnP Problem”, Proc. of 2009 IEEE Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques, pp.348~352, 2009.5.10.
  31. 袁紅剛, 孫衛東: “基於多閾值分類與逆向求證的紅外序列圖像弱小目標檢測方法”, 中國圖象圖形學報, Vol.14, No.8, pp.1583~1589, 2009.8.
  32. Y.Yu, W.D.Sun: “Image Mosaics Using Bundle Adjustment and Spatial Relationships among Frames”, Proc. of the 4th Beijing-Hong Kong Inter. Doctoral Forum, Hong Kong, 2009.8.6~10.
  33. 袁紅剛, 孫衛東: “基於多級分類與逆向時空融合的弱小目標檢測”, 系統工程與電子技術, Vol.31, No.8, pp.1864~1869 2009.8.
  34. P.Li, F.Yang, A.W.Zhang, W.D. Sun: “Fast Registration and Homogenization for Multi-site Laser Scanning Data of Grain Storage”, Proc. of the 30th Asian Conf. on Remote Sensing, Beijing, 2009.10.19~23.
  35. 李鵬, 楊帆, 張愛武, 孫衛東: “糧倉多站點雷射三維數據的快速配準和數據均化處理”, 紅外與雷射工程, Vol.38, pp.330~334, 2009.11.
  36. 於鉞, 顧華, 孫衛東: “基於混合像元分解的光學衛星遙感圖像薄雲去除方法”, 中國圖象圖形學報, Vol.15, No.11, pp.1670~1680, 2010.11.
  37. D.W.Leng, W.D.Sun: “Contour-based Iterative Pose Estimation of 3D Rigid Object”, IET Computer Vision, Vol.5, No.5, pp.291~300, 2011.9.
  38. H.J.Huang, W.D.Sun: “High Accurate Pattern-based Sub-pixel Registration and Its Application in Super-resolution Imaging”, 2011 2nd World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, Changchun, China, 2011.6.17.
  39. D.W.Leng, W.D.Sun: “Contour-based Iterative Pose Estimation of 3D Rigid Object”, 2011 2nd World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, Changchun, China, 2011.6.17.
  40. Y.An, W.D.Sun, H.B.Ma: “High-precision Direct Geolocation Based on Estimation of View Vector Error”, 2011 2nd World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, Changchun, China, 2011.6.17.
  41. X.H. Liang, W.D. Sun: “A Fast 3D Surface Reconstruction and Volume Estimation Method for Grain Storage Based on Priori Model”, Proc. of the ISPDI 2011 On Laser detection, 2011.6.19~23.
  42. 於鉞, 孫衛東: “基於相似性積累與光束法平差的機載視頻圖像拼接”, 高技術通訊, Vol.21, No.6, pp.592~599, 2011.6.
  43. Z.G.Xie, W.D.Sun: “A Graph Cuts based Human Shadow Extraction using Entropy-expressed Texture and Color Features”, Proc. of the MTIS2011, pp.6171~6174, Hangzhou, China, 2011.7.26~27.
  44. D.W.Leng, W.D.Sun: “Iterative Three-dimensional Rigid Object Pose Estimation with Contour Correspondence”, IET Image Processing, Vol.5,Iss.5, pp.291~300, 2011.9.
  45. J.L.Yang, A.W.Zhang, W.D.Sun: “A Mosaic Approach for Unmanned Airship Remote Sensing Images Based on Compressive Sensing”, SPIE 7th Int. Symp. on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, GuiLin, China, 2011.11.4~6.
  46. Z.X.Pan, H.J.Huang, W.D.Sun: “Super resolution of remote sensing image based on structure similarity in CS frame”, SPIE 7th Int. Symp. on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, GuiLin, China, 2011.11.4~6.
  47. X.G.Meng, A.W.Zhang, S.X.Hu, W.D.Sun, J.L.Yang: “A Method to Align POS Data and Linear Push-broom Imaging Data”, Advances in Automation and Robotics, Vol.2, pp.99~106, Spring, 2011.12.
  48. H.J.Huang, W.D.Sun: “High Accurate Pattern-based Sub-pixel Registration and Its Application in Super-resolution Imaging”, Recent Advances in Computer Science and Information Engineering, Vol.128, No.5, pp.243~250, Spring, 2012.1.
  49. D.W.Leng, W.D.Sun: “Pose Estimation of 3D Rigid Object Based on Tentative Point Correspondence”, Recent Advances in Computer Science and Information Engineering, Vol.128, No.5, pp.377~385, Spring, 2012.1.
  50. Y.An, W.D.Sun, H.B.Ma: “High-precision Direct Geolocation Based on Estimation of View Vector Error”, Recent Advances in Computer Science and Information Engineering, Vol.128, No.5, pp.573–580, Spring, 2012.1.
  51. 冷大煒, 孫衛東: “一種高數值精度的P3P問題半閉式解法”, 計算機套用研究, Vol.29, No.1, pp.333~336, 2012.1.
  52. 於鉞, 孫衛東: “目標光譜指導下的高光譜圖像混合像元分解方法”, 高技術通訊, Vol.22, No.3, pp.240~248, 2012.3.
  53. F.W.Lin, J.Yu, W.D.Sun: “Monocular vision-based surface parameters estimation for the tailings pond”, 2012 2nd Int. Conf. on Electric Information and Control Engineering (ICEICE), Vol.3, pp.546-550, Lushan, China, 2012.4.6~8.
  54. Y.An, W.D. Sun: “A Contour-Based Approach to Multisensor Image Registration Using Narrow Angle Features”, 2012 2nd Int. Conf. on Electric Information and Control Engineering (ICEICE), Lushan, China, 2012.4.6.
  55. 冷大煒, 馬洪兵, 張愛武, 孫衛東: “曲率無關方向擴散及改進型Chan-Vese主動輪廓模型”, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, Vol.24, No.2, pp.161~169, 2012.4.
  56. 潘宗序,黃慧娟, 禹晶, 胡少興, 張愛武, 馬洪兵, 孫衛東: “基於壓縮感知與結構自相似性的遙感圖像超分方法”, 信號處理, Vol.28, No.6, pp.859~872, 2012.6.
  57. 王瓊華, 馬洪兵, 孫衛東: “基於條件隨機場模型的多解析度遙感圖像複合分類算法”, 高技術通訊, 第22卷, 第6期, pp.616-624, 2012.6.
  58. 黃慧娟, 禹晶, 孫衛東: “基於SVD的超解析度重建圖像質量無參考評價方法”, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, Vol.24, No.9, pp.1204~1210, 2012.9.
  59. 冷大煒, 馬洪兵, 孫衛東: “基於2D-3D泛輪廓點對應的三維剛體目標疊代姿態估計”, 中國科學院研究生院學報, Vol.29, No.6, pp.821~828, 2012.11.
  60. 潘宗序, 禹晶, 胡少興, 孫衛東: “壓縮感知框架下基於多尺度自相似結構的單幅圖像超解析度算法”, 第一屆高解析度對地觀測學術研討會, 北京, 2012.12.20-21(優秀論文獎).
  61. Y.Yu, W.D.Sun: “Minimum Distance Constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Data Unmixing”, High Technology Letters, Vol.18, No.4, pp.333~342, 2012.12.
  62. X.W.Chen, J.Yu, W.D.Sun: “Area-correlated Spectral Unmixing Based on Bayesian Nonnegative Matrix Factorization”,Open Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol.3, No.1B, pp.41~46, 2013.3.
  63. Z.X.Pan, J.Yu, H.J.Huang, S.X.Hu, A.W.Zhang, H.B.Ma, W.D.Sun: “Super-Resolution Based on Compressive Sensing and Structural Self-Similarity for Remote Sensing Images”, IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol.51, No.9, pp.4864-4876, 2013.9.
  64. 李含倫,張愛武,彭實,胡少興,孫衛東: “高光譜影像分類中紋理選擇方法研究”, 光學技術, Vol.39, No.1, pp.41-47, 2013.1.
  65. G.Z.Lee, W.D.Sun, G.C.Sun, S.J.Fang, M.D.Xing: “A New Estimation Method for SAR Frequency Difference Drift base on Frequency Band Synthesis”, IET Int. Radar Conference 2013, pp.B0553-1~6, Xi’an, 2013.4.14~16.
  66. S.X.Hu, C.P.Chen, A.W.Zhang, W.D.Sun, L.L.Zhu: “A Small and Lightweight Autonomous Laser Mapping System without GPS”, Journal of Field Robotics, Vol.30, No.5, pp.784-802, 2013.9.
  67. 邵傑, 張愛武, 王書民, 胡少興,孫衛東: “交替誤差補償的無人飛艇位姿估計”, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, Vol.25, No.9, pp.1361-1367, 2013.9.
  68. Z.G.Xie, S.X.Hu, A.W.Zhang, W.D.Sun: “Detecting Human Moving Shadow by Multiple Features and SVM”, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2013.4.2.
  69. Z.G.Xie, S.X.Hu, A.W.Zhang, W.D.Sun: “A New Method for Extracting Human Moving Cast Shadow based on Gragh Cuts”, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2013.6.5.
  70. G.Z.Yang, H.B.Ma, W.D.Sun: “Detection of Ship Wakes in SAR Images Using Grayscale Parallel Coordinate Transform”, Int. Conf. on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, Nanjing, China, 2013.7.26-28.
  71. 解志剛, 胡少興, 張愛武, 孫衛東: “基於協同訓練的低空運動平台動態人物陰影檢測”, 計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報, Vol.26, No.6, pp.903-913, 2014.6.
  72. S.Peng, A.W.Zhang, H.L.Li, S.X.Hu, X.G.Meng, W.D.Sun: “An Improved Low Spectral Distortion PCA Fusion Method”, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, Vol.33, No.10, pp.2777-2782, 2013.10.
  73. 李含倫, 張愛武, 劉詔,胡少興,孫衛東: “基於LiDAR波形分解的點雲SVM分類方法研究”, 測繪通報, No.1, pp.28-32, 2014.1.
  74. 陳廈微, 禹晶, 孫衛東: “基於貝葉斯非負矩陣分解的區域關聯型像元分解”, 高技術通訊, Vol.24, No.4, pp.365-372, 2014.4.1.
  75. 潘宗序, 禹晶, 胡少興, 孫衛東: “基於多尺度結構自相似的單幅圖像超解析度算法”, 自動化學報, Vol.40, No.4, pp.594-603, 2014.4.
  76. H.J.Huang, J.Yu, W.D.Sun: “Super-resolution mapping based on multi-dictionary via sparse representation”, 39th Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, pp.3547-3551, Florence, Italy, 2014.5.4-9.
  77. 黃慧娟, 禹晶, 肖創柏, 孫衛東: “基於局部連續性與全局相似性的光譜保持型亞像元映射方法”, 自動化學報, Vol.40, No.8, pp.1612-1622, 2014.8.1.
  78. 潘宗序, 禹晶, 肖創柏, 孫衛東: “基於多尺度非局部約束的單幅圖像超解析度算法”, 自動化學報, Vol.40, No.10, pp.2233-2244, 2014.10.1.
  79. H.J.Huang, J.Yu, W.D.Sun: “Superresolution mapping using multiple dictionaries by sparse representation”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol.11, No.12, pp.2055-2059, 2014.12.
  80. H.J.Huang, A.G.Christodoulou, W.D.Sun: “Super-resolution hyperspectral imaging with unkonwn blurring by low-rank and group-sparse modeling”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing, 2014.10.27.
  81. 張愛武、孫衛東、胡少興: “大規模三維場景多視點雷射掃描數據自動配準方法”, 發明專利, ZL200410031157.7, 2005.10.
  82. 冷大煒, 孫衛東: “基於單目視頻的實時三維剛體目標姿態估計與測距方法”, 發明專利, ZL201010224728.4, 2011.9.14.
  83. 王瓊華, 孫衛東: “基於上下文關係的多解析度遙感圖像複合分類方法”, 發明專利, ZL201010560334.6, 2012.6.6.
  84. 王瓊華, 孫衛東: “基於真實似然特徵的多解析度遙感圖像複合分類方法”, 發明專利, ZL201010560345.4, 2012.6.6.
  85. 黃慧娟, 孫衛東: “基於標靶圖像的亞像素配準方法”, 發明專利, ZL201010623992.5, 2012.10.24.
  86. 黃慧娟, 孫衛東: “基於SVD的超解析度重建圖像質量評價方法”, 發明專利, ZL201110259362.9, 2014.1.15.
  87. 馬洪兵, 孫衛東, 張霖: “光學衛星遙感數據地理定位中的大氣折射補償方法及系統”, 發明專利, 201010246815.X, 2010.10.
  88. 馬洪兵, 孫衛東, 安鴦: “基於衛星觀測角誤差估計的直接定位方法及系統”, 發明專利, 201010246812.6, 2010.10.
  89. 黃慧娟, 孫衛東: “基於亞像元映射的高光譜圖像超分辨重建方法”, 發明專利, 201210051365.8, 2012.3.1.
  90. 潘宗序, 禹晶, 孫衛東: “基於同尺度結構自相似與壓縮感知的單圖像超解析度方法”, 發明專利, 201210193078.0, 2012.6.13.
  91. 潘宗序, 禹晶, 孫衛東: “基於多尺度結構自相似與壓縮感知的單圖像超解析度方法”, 發明專利, 201210519587.0, 2012.12.7.
  92. 禹晶, 潘宗序, 孫衛東: “一種斜模式採樣建模與超解析度重建方法”, 發明專利, 201310231478.0, 2013.6.9.


