
山東省沂水縣,博士,碩士生導師。榮獲2017年“中國生態學優秀科技工作者”。先後主持基金委青年項目、面上項目,參與重點項目、重大項目、國際合作交流項目,以及環保部重大科技專項和科技部重點研發計畫等。主要從事景觀格局識別與模擬、環境效應評價與最佳化等研究。長期在京津冀及環渤海區域開展城鎮化與區域生態環境相互作用研究,關注城市熱島效應、流域非點源污染等生態環境問題,致力於通過景觀配置最佳化改善城市和區域生態環境質量及其生態服務功能。近期研究興趣包括:(1) 城市景觀降溫效應的評價框架與方法;(2) 氣候背景、景觀格局、人為熱等多因子的協同作用和時空模式;(3) 基於區域“源-匯”過程評估景觀服務。國內外發表學術論文100餘篇,主編/副主編專著4部。


  • 中文名:孫然好
  • 籍貫山東
  • 性別:男


1998.09 – 2002.07,山東師範大學地理與環境學院,學士學位
2002.09 – 2005.07,蘭州大學資源環境學院,碩士學位
2005.09 – 2008.07,中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所、資源與環境信息系統國家重點實驗室,博士學位
2015.03 – 2016.03,美國佛羅里達州立大學地理系,訪問學者




§ 國家自然科學基金面上項目,“不同人為熱環境下城市景觀格局氣溫調節功能的動態研究”,項目負責人
§ 國家自然科學基金重點項目,“城市景觀格局演變的環境效應與生態空間最佳化研究”,課題負責人
§ 國家自然科學基金重大項目,“特大城市群地區城鎮化與生態環境耦合機理及互動脅迫效應”,子課題負責人
§ 科技部重點研發計畫,“京津冀城市群生態格局演變與生態安全形成機制”,子課題負責人
§ 科技部重點研發計畫,“氣候變化對生態系統土壤保持服務的影響”,子課題負責人
§ 科技部基礎性工作專項,“中國生態區域編研與製圖”,子課題負責人



  1. 陳利頂,孫然好,汲玉河. 2017.海河流域水生態功能分區研究(第二版).北京:科學出版社
  2. 孫然好,陳利頂,李守娟. 2015.海河流域農業非點源污染評價(陳利頂著,源匯景觀格局分析及其套用,北京:科學出版社, pp, 130-159)
  3. 陳利頂,孫然好,汲玉河. 2013.海河流域水生態功能分區研究.北京:科學出版社
  4. 張百平,孫然好,蔡運龍. [譯]. 2012.當代地理學方法(Nicholas J. Clifford & Gill Valentine, Key Methods in Geography).北京:商務出版社


  1. Sun Ranhao, Cheng Xian , Chen Liding *. 2018. A precipitation-weighted landscape structure model to predict potential pollution contributions at watershed scales. Landscape Ecology, 33:1603–1616
  2. Sun Ranhao, Wang Yening, Chen Liding*. 2018. A distributed model for quantifying anthropogenic heat intensity based on energy consumption. Journal of Cleaner Production, 170: 601-609
  3. Sun Ranhao, Lü Yihe, Yang Xiaojun, Chen Liding *. 2018. Understanding the variability of urban heat islands from local background climate and urbanization. Journal of Cleaner Production, 208: 743-752
  4. Sun Ranhao, Xie Wei, Chen Liding*. 2018. A landscape connectivity model to quantify contributions of heat sources and sinks in urban regions. Landscape and Urban Planning, 178: 43-50.
  5. Xiong Muqi,Sun Ranhao *, Chen Liding. 2018. Effects of soil conservation techniques on water erosion control: A global analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 645: 753-760
  6. Cheng Xian, Chen Liding,Sun Ranhao*, Jing Yongcai. 2018. Identification of regional water resource stress based on water quantity and quality: a case study in a rapid urbanization region of China. Journal of Cleaner Production
  7. Cheng Xian, Chen Liding,Sun Ranhao*, Kong Peiru. 2018. Land use changes and socio-economic development strongly deteriorate river ecosystem health in one of the largest basins in China. Science of the Total Environment, 616/617: 376-385.
  8. Cheng Xian, Chen Liding,Sun Ranhao*, Jing Yongcai. 2018. An improved export coefficient model to estimate non-point source phosphorus pollution risks under complex precipitation and terrain conditions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25: 20946–20955
  9. Sun Ranhao, Chen Liding*. 2017. Effects of green space dynamics on urban heat islands: Mitigation and diversification. Ecosystem Services, 23:38-46.
  10. Sun Ranhao*, Zhang Baiping. 2016. Topographic effects on spatial pattern of surface air temperature in complex mountain environment. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75(7):1-12
  11. Sun Ranhao*, Chen Liding. 2016. Assessment of heavy metal pollution in topsoil around Beijing metropolis. PLOS ONE, 11(5): e0155350
  12. Sun Ranhao*, Zhang Baiping, Chen Liding. 2014. Regional-scale identification of three-dimensional pattern of vegetation landscapes. Chinese Geographical Science, 24(1): 104-112.
  13. Sun Ranhao, Lü Yihe, Chen Liding*, Yang Liu, Chen Ailian. 2013. Assessing the stability of annual temperatures for different urban functional zones. Building and Environment, 65: 90-98.
  14. Sun Ranhao, Wang Zhaoming, Chen Liding*, Wang Wei. 2013. Surface water quality assessment at large watershed scale: Land use, anthropogenic, and administrative impacts. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 49(4): 741-752.
  15. Sun Ranhao, Chen Liding*, Chen Wenlin, Ji Yuhe. 2013. Effect of land-use patterns on total nitrogen concentration in the upstream regions of the Haihe River basin, China. Environmental Management, 51: 45-58.
  16. Sun Ranhao, Chen Ailian, Chen Liding*, Lü Yihe. 2012. Cooling effects of wetlands in urban region: the case of Beijing. Ecological Indicators, 20: 57-64
  17. Sun Ranhao, Chen Liding*. 2012. How can urban water bodies be designed for climate adaptation? Landscape and Urban Planning, 105: 27-33
  18. Sun Ranhao*, Chen Liding, Fu Bojie. 2011. Predicting monthly precipitation with multivariate regression methods using geographic and topographic information. Physical Geography, 32(3): 269-285
  19. Sun Ranhao, Zhang Baiping*, Tan Jing. 2008. A Multivariate Regression Model for Precipitation Estimation in the Daqing Mountains. Mountain Research and Development, 28(4): 318-325
  20. Kong Peiru, Cheng Xian,Sun Ranhao, Chen Liding*. 2018. The Synergic Characteristics of Surface Water Pollution and Sediment Pollution with Heavy Metals in the Haihe River Basin, Northern China. Water, 10(73), doi:10.3390/w10010073.
  21. Wu Zhifeng, Kong Fanhua, Wang Yening,Sun Ranhao, Chen Liding*. 2016. The Impact of Greenspace on Thermal Comfort in a Residential Quarter of Beijing, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(12):1217-1233.
  22. Yao Lei, Chen Liding*, Wei Wei,Sun Ranhao2015. Potential reduction in urban runoff by green spaces in Beijing: A scenario analysis. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 14, 300-308.
  23. Guo Erhui, Chen Liding*,Sun Ranhao, Wang Zhaoming. 2015. Effects of riparian vegetation patterns on the distribution and potential loss of soil nutrients: a case study of the Wenyu River in Beijing. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 9 (2): 279-287.
  24. Wang Zhaoming,Sun Ranhao, Zhang Haiping, Chen Liding*. 2015. Analysis and assessment of heavy metal contamination in surface water and sediments: A case study from Luan River, Northern China. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 2015, 9(2): 240-249
  25. Ji Yuhe, Chen Liding*, Zhou Guangsheng,Sun Ranhao, Shang Linyuan, Wang Shudong. 2014. Assessment of the redistribution of soil carbon using a new index-a case study in the Haihe River Basin, North China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186(11): 8023-8036.
  26. Wang Zhaoming, Chen Liding*, Zhang Haiping,Sun Ranhao. 2014. Multivariate statistical analysis and Assessment on heavy metals monitored contamination in surface sediment from mainstream and tributaries using multivariate statistical techniques and pollution indices: A case study from of Luan River Basin and its tributaries, China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: The International Journal,20 (6): 1521-1537.
  27. Chen Ailian, Yao Lei,Sun Ranhao, Chen Liding*. 2014. How many metrics are required to identify the effects of the landscape pattern on land surface temperature? Ecological Indicators, 45(1): 424-433.
  28. Chen Ailian, Yao Xiaobai,Sun Ranhao, Chen Liding*. 2014. Effect of urban green patterns on surface urban cool islands and its seasonal variations. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 13(4): 646-654.
  29. Lü Yihe,Sun Ranhao, Fu Bojie*, Wang Yafeng. 2012. Carbon retention by check dams: Regional scale estimation. Ecological Engineering, 44, 139-146
  30. Ji Yuhe, Chen Liding*,Sun Ranhao. 2012. Temporal and spatial variability of water supply stress in the Haihe River basin, northern China. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 48(5): 999-1007.
  31. Han Fang, Yao Yonghui, Dai Shibao, Wang Chun,Sun Ranhao, Xu Juan, Zhang Baiping*. 2012. Mass elevation effect and its forcing on timberline altitude. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 22(4): 609-616
  32. Wei Wei, Chen Liding*, Yang Lei, Fu Bojie,Sun Ranhao. 2012. Spatial scale effects of water erosion dynamics: Complexities, variabilities, and uncertainties. Chinese Geographical Science, 22(2): 1-17
  33. Lü Yihe, Fu Bojie*, Wei Wei, Yu Xiubo,Sun Ranhao. 2011. Major ecosystems in China. Dynamics and challenges for sustainable development. Environmental Management, 48: 13-27
  34. Pan Baotian, Geng Haopeng, Hu Xiaofei,Sun Ranhao, Wang Chao. 2010. The topographic controls on the decadal-scale erosion rates in Qilian Shan Mountains, NW China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 292(1-2): 148-157
  35. 孫然好,李卓,陳利頂*. 2018.中國生態區劃研究展望:從格局、功能到服務.生態學報, 15, doi: 10.5846/stxb201711172046
  36. 孫然好*,程先,陳利頂. 2018.海河流域河流生境功能識別及區域差異研究.生態學報, 38(12): 4473-4481
  37. 程先,孫然好*,陳利頂. 2018.基於農牧業產品和生活用水的京津冀地區水足跡時空特徵研究.生態學報,38(12): 4461-4472
  38. 蘇王新,孫然好*. 2018.中國典型城市群城鎮化碳排放的驅動因子.生態學報, 38(6). doi:10.5846/stxb201702220295
  39. 李卓,劉淑亮,孫然好*,劉維忠. 2018.黃淮海地區耕地複種指數的時空格局演變分析.生態學報,38(12): 4454-4460
  40. 嚴珅,孫然好*. 2018.京津冀縣域城鎮化與景觀格局變化的協調性研究.生態環境學報, 27(1): 62-70.
  41. 嚴珅,孫然好*,曹明明. 2018.京津冀地區城鎮化與環境質量協調性研究.生態學雜誌, doi:10.13292/j.1000-4890.201802.004
  42. 孫然好,程先,陳利頂*. 2017.基於陸地-水生態系統耦合的海河流域水生態功能分區.生態學報, 37(24), 8445-8455
  43. 孫然好*,王業寧,陳婷婷. 2017.人為熱排放對城市熱環境影響的研究展望.生態學報, 37(12): 3991-3997.
  44. 王業寧,孫然好*,陳利頂. 2017.北京市區車輛熱排放及其對小氣候的影響.生態學報, 37(3): 953-959.
  45. 程先,陳利頂,孫然好*. 2017.考慮降水和地形的京津冀水庫流域非點源污染負荷估算.農業工程學報, 33(4): 265-272.
  46. 李卓,孫然好*,張繼超,張翀. 2017.氣候和地形對植被覆蓋動態演化的影響研究.生態科學, 36(6):35-43.
  47. 李卓,孫然好*,張繼超,張翀. 2017.京津冀城市群地區植被覆蓋動態變化及其驅動機制.生態學報, 37(22):7418-7426
  48. 王業寧,陳婷婷,孫然好*. 2016.北京主城區人為熱排放的時空特徵研究.中國環境科學, 36(7):2178-2185.
  49. 王業寧,孫然好*,陳利頂. 2016.人為熱計算方法的研究綜述.套用生態學報, 27(6): 2024-2030.
  50. 程先,孫然好*,孔佩儒,陳利頂. 2016.海河流域水體沉積物碳氮磷分布與污染評價.套用生態學報, 27(8): 2679-2686
  51. 程先,王瑞霖,王建力,孫然好*. 2015.海河流域西部地區水庫沉積物重金屬潛在生態風險評價.套用生態學報, 26(5): 1495-1500.
  52. 余兆武,郭青海,孫然好*. 2015.基於景觀尺度的城市冷島效應研究綜述.套用生態學報, 26(2): 636-642.
  53. 龐新坤,孫然好*. 2015.城市公園景觀秋冬季動態熱效應.生態學報, 35(12): 4196-4202.
  54. 王瑞霖,孫然好*,武大勇. 2015.灤河流域鯽魚體內重金屬分布及風險評價.生態毒理學報, 10(6): 900-905.
  55. 孫然好*,肖榮波. 2014.美國地理學家協會2014年會述評.生態學報, 34(9):2450-2451.
  56. 王瑞霖,程先,孫然好*. 2014.海河流域中南部河流沉積物的重金屬生態風險評價.環境科學, 35(10): 3740-3747.
  57. 孫然好,陳愛蓮,李芬,汪東川,許忠良,陳利頂*.2013.城市生態景觀建設的指導原則和評價指標.生態學報,33(8): 2322-2329.
  58. 孫然好,汲玉河,尚林源,張海萍,陳利頂*. 2013.海河流域水生態功能一級二級分區.環境科學, 34(2): 509-516.
  59. 孫然好*,張百平. 2013.地形和氣候對中國山地森林帶界線的影響.地理科學, 33(2): 167-173.
  60. 孫然好,許忠良,陳利頂*,李芬. 2012.城市生態景觀研究的基礎理論框架與技術構架.生態學報, 32(7): 4111-4118.
  61. 孫然好,許忠良,陳愛蓮,陳利頂*. 2012.城市生態景觀的公眾理解及差異研究.生態經濟, (7): 165-168.
  62. 孫然好,陳利頂*,王偉,王趙明. 2012.基於“源”“匯”景觀格局指數的海河流域非點源污染評價.環境科學, 33(2): 1784-1788.
  63. 陳愛蓮,孫然好*,陳利頂. 2012.基於景觀格局的城市熱島研究進展.生態學報, 32(14): 4553-4565.
  64. 李芬,孫然好*,陳利頂. 2012.北京城市公園濕地休憩功能利用及其社會人口學因素分析.生態學報, 32(11): 3565-3576.
  65. 王趙明,張超,孫然好*,陳利頂. 2012.基於多源數據的內蒙古中東部積雪厚度研究.乾旱區地理, 35(6), 890-896..
  66. 尚林源,孫然好*,王趙明,汲玉河,陳利頂. 2012.海河流域北部地區河流沉積物重金屬的生態風險評價.環境科學, 33(2): 270-275.
  67. 孫然好,張百平*,許娟. 2011.基於多源信息的區域尺度山地植被帶數位化提取.山地學報, 29(5): 566-574.
  68. 尚林源,孫然好*,汲玉河,郭二輝,陳利頂. 2011.密雲水庫入庫河流沉積物重金屬污染生態風險評價.環境科學與技術, 34(12): 344-348.
  69. 孫然好,陳利頂*,衛偉. 2010.河西走廊沙塵暴及影響因子的多尺度研究.中國沙漠, 30(3): 648-653.
  70. 孫然好*,劉清麗,陳利頂. 2010.基於地統計方法的降水空間插值研究.水文, 30(1): 14-18.
  71. 孫然好,陳利頂*,傅伯傑. 2009.山地景觀垂直分異研究進展.套用生態學報, 20(7): 1617-1624.
  72. 孫然好,張百平*. 2008.山地垂直帶譜數字識別的技術實現和圖譜構建.地球信息科學, 10(6): 690-696.
  73. 孫然好,張百平*,肖飛,許娟,朱運海. 2008.山地垂直帶譜的數字識別方法探討.遙感學報, 12(2): 305-311.
  74. 孫然好,潘保田*,張百平,王義祥. 2006.祁連山北麓地貌信息熵與山體演化階段分析.乾旱區地理, 29(1): 88-93.
  75. 孫然好,潘保田*,牛最榮,劉志剛. 2005.河西走廊近50年來地表水資源時間序列的小波分析.乾旱區地理, 28(4): 455-459.


