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  • 中文名:孫旭輝
  • 畢業院校:清華大學理學學士、碩士學位 、香港城市大學博士學位 
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師 
  • 專業方向:納米材料和納米功能器件
  • 職務教授,博士生導師 


清華大學理學學士、碩士學位(1993,1996);香港城市大學博士學位(2002);加拿大西安大略大學化學系博士後(2003-2005);美國國家宇航局(NASA) Ames研究中心納米技術中心博士後(2005-2007);NASA Ames研究中心先進研究實驗室研究員(2007-2009);2009年加入蘇州大學功能納米與軟物質材料研究院,特聘教授,博士生導師。




現已在SCI收錄國際期刊如J. Am. Soc. Chem.、Adv. Mater.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Nat. Commun.、Chem. Rev.、Energy Environ. Sci. 、ACS Nano、Adv. Funct. Mater.等上發表論文200餘篇,撰寫英文書(章節)5章。獲得美國專利3項,PCT專利2項,申請中國專利80餘項,已授權40餘項。
擔任國際雜誌IEEE Transaction on Nanotechnology副主編,Frontiers in Materials編委會委員,是國際電子電工學會高級會員、國際材料學會、國際X射線吸收譜學會會員,以及國家同步輻射實驗室用戶委員會副主任、上海光源用戶委員會委員,國家納米標準委員會蘇州工作組副組長。


(1) C. Chen, Z. Wen*, J. H. Shi, X. H. Jian, P. Y. Li, John T. W. Yeow*, X. H. Sun*, “Micro triboelectric ultrasonic device for acoustic energy transfer and signal communication”, Nat. Commun., 2020, 11, 4143.
(2) Y. J. Xia, S. Kashtanov, P. F. Yu, L. Y. Chang*, K. Feng, J. Zhong, J. H. Guo, X. H. Sun*, “Identification of dual-active sites in cobalt phthalocyanine for electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction”, Nano Energy, 2020, 67, 104163.
(3) N. N. Zhai, Z. Wen*, X. P. Chen, A. M. Wei, M. Sha, J. J. Fu, Y. N. Liu, J. Zhong*, X. H. Sun*, “Blue Energy Collection toward All‐Hours Self‐Powered Chemical Energy Conversion”, Adv. Energy Mater., 2020, 10(33), 2001041.
(4) C. Chen, Z. Wen*, A. Wei, X. Xie, N. Zhai, X. Wei, M. Peng, Y. Liu, X. H. Sun*, John T.W. Yeow*, “Self-powered on-line ion concentration monitor in water transportation driven by triboelectric nanogenerator”, Nano Energy, 2019, 62, 442-448.
(5) L. Han, M. Peng, Z. Wen, Y. Liu, Y. Zhang, Q. Zhu, H. Lei, S. Liu, L. Zheng*,X. H. Sun*, H. X. Li*, “Self-driven photodetection based on impedance matching effect between a triboelectric nanogenerator and a MoS2 nanosheets photodetector”, Nano Energy, 2019, 59, 492-499.
(6) K. H. Wang, X. Tong, Y. Zhou, H. Zhang, F. Navarro-Pardo, G. S. Selopal, G. Liu, J. Tang, Y. Q. Wang, S. Sun, D. L. Ma, Z. M. Wang, F. Vidal, H. G. Zhao*, X. H. Sun* and F. Rosei*, “Efficient solar-driven hydrogen generation using colloidal heterostructured quantum dots”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, 7, 14079–14088.
(7) M. Peng, X. Xie, H. Zheng, Y. Wang, Q. Zhuo, G. Yuan, W. Ma, M. Shao, Z. Wen* and X. H. Sun*, “PbS Quantum Dots/2D Nonlayered CdSxSe1−x Nanosheet Hybrid Nanostructure for High-Performance Broadband Photodetectors” ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., 2018, 10 (50), 43887–43895
(8) Z. Wen, Y. Q. Yang, N. Sun, G. F. Li, Y. N. Liu, C. Chen, J. H. Shi, L. J. Xie, H. X. Jiang, D. Q. Bao, Q. Q. Zhuo, X. H. Sun*, “A Wrinkled PEDOT:PSS Film Based Stretchable and Transparent Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Wearable Energy Harvesters and Active Motion Sensors”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 28, 1803684 (2018).
(9) A. M. Wei, X. K. Xie, Z. Wen, H. C. Zheng, H. W. Lan, H. Y. Shao, X. H. Sun*, J. Zhong*, S. T. Lee, “Triboelectric Nanogenerator Driven Self-Powered Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting Based on Hematite Photoanodes” ACS Nano, 12, 8625 (2018).
(10) Y. Q. Yang, N. Sun, Z. Wen*, P. Cheng, H. C. Zheng, H. Y. Shao, Y. J. Xia, C. Chen, H. W. Lan, X. K. Xie, C. J. Zhou, J. Zhong, X. H. Sun*, S. T. Lee, “Liquid-Metal-Based Super-Stretchable and Structure-Designable Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Wearable Electronics”, ACS Nano, 12, 2027 (2018)
(11) Q. Q. Shen, X. K. Xie, M. F. Peng, N. Sun, H. Y. Shao, H. C. Zheng, Z. Wen, X. H. Sun*, “Self-Powered Vehicle Emission Testing System Based on Coupling of Triboelectric and Chemoresistive Effects”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 28, 1703420 (2018).
(12) K. Q. Nie, S. Kashtanov, Y. K. Wei, Y. S. Liu, H. Zhang, M. Kapilashrami, Y. F. Ye, P. A. Glans, J. Zhong, L. Vayssieres, X. H. Sun*, J. H. Guo*, “Atomic-scale Understanding of the Electronic Structure-Crystal Facets Synergy of Nanopyramidal CoPi/BiVO4 Hybrid Photocatalyst for Efficient Solar Water Oxidation”, Nano Energy, 53, 483 (2018).
(13) X. X. Lv, J. J. Deng, B. Q. Wang, J. Zhong, T. K. Sham, X. H. Sun*, X. L. Sun*, “g-Fe2O3@CNTs Anode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries Investigated by Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy”, Chem. Mater., 29, 3499 (2017).
(14) K. Feng, J. Zhong*, B. H. Zhao, H. Zhang, L. Xu, X. H. Sun*, S. T. Lee, “CuxCo1-xO Nanoparticles on Graphene Oxide as A Synergistic Catalyst for High-Efficiency Hydrolysis of Ammonia–Borane”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 11950 (2016).
(15) P. P. Zhang, H. Zhang, X. H. Sun*, “Uniform Porous Multilayer-Junction Thin Film for Enhanced Gas-Sensing Performance”, Nanoscale, 8 (2016), 1430-1436.
(16) Q. Q. Zhou, Q. Wang, Y. P. Zhang, D. Zhang, Q. L. Li, C. H. Gao, Y. Q. Sun, L. Ding, Q. J. Sun, S. D. Wang, J. Zhong, X. H. Sun*, S. T. Lee*, “Transfer-Free Synthesis of Doped and Patterned Graphene Films”, ACS Nano, 9, 594 (2015).
(17) J. Zhong, H. Zhang, X. H. Sun*, S. T. Lee*, “Synchrotron Soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study of Carbon and Silicon Nanostructures for Energy Applications”, Adv. Mater., 26, 7786 (2014).
(18) S. M. Zhang, P. P. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y. Y. Ma, J. Zhong, and Xuhui Sun*, “Facile Fabrication of Well-Ordered Porous Cu-doped SnO2 Thin Film for H2S Sensing”, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., 6 (2014) 14975-14980.
(19) J. J. Deng, X. X. Lv, J. Gao, A. W. Pu, M. Li, X. H. Sun*, J. Zhong*, “Facile synthesis of carbon-coated hematite nanostructures for solar water splitting”, Energy Environ. Sci., 6, 1965 (2013).
(20) Jiujun Deng, Jun Zhong*, Aiwu Pu, Duo Zhang, Ming Li, Xuhui Sun*, Shuit-Tong Lee, “Ti-doped hematite nanostructures for solar water splitting with high efficiency” Journal of Applied Physics, 112 (2012), 084312.
(21) Mingfa Peng, Jing Gao, Pingping Zhang, Yang Li, Xuhui Sun*, Shuit Tong Lee , “Reductive Self-Assembling of Ag Nanoparticles on Germanium Nanowires and Their Application in Ultrasensitive Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy”, Chemistry of Materials, 23 (2011) 3296-3301.
(22) K. Li, R. Wu, P. Wilhite, V. Khera, S. Krishnan, X. H. Sun*, and C. Y. Yang, “Extraction of contact resistance in carbon nanofiber via interconnects with varying lengths”, Applied Physics Letters, 97 (2010) 253109.
(23) X. H. Sun*, B. Yu, G. Ng, S. Ju, and D. B. Janes, “Germanium Antimonide Phase-Change Nanowires for Memory Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 55 (2008)
(24) Boon K. Teo, X. H. Sun, “Silicon-Based Low-Dimensional Nanomaterials and Nanodevices”, Chemical Reviews, 107 (2007) 1454-1532.
(25) X.H. Sun*, T. K. Sham*, R.A. Rosenberg and G.K. Shenoy, “One Dimensional Silicon–Cadmium Selenide Heterostructures”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111(2007) 8475-8482.
(26) X. H. Sun, B. Yu, G. Ng, T. D. Ng, and M. Meyyappan, “III-VI Compound Semiconductor Indium Selenide (In2Se3) Nanowires: Synthesis and Characterization”, Applied Physics Letters, 89 (2006) 233121.
(27) X. H. Sun, S. Lam, T.K. Sham, F. Heigl, A. Jürgensen, N.B. Wong, “Synthesis and Synchrotron light induced luminescence of ZnO nanostructures: nanowires, nano-needles, nanoflowers and tubular whiskers”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109 (2005), 3120-3125.
(28) X. H. Sun, N.B. Wong, C.P. Li, S.T. Lee, P.S.G. Kim, T.K. Sham, “Reductive self-assembling of Pd and Rh nanoparticles on silicon nanowire templates”, Chemistry of Materials, 16 (2004) 1143.
(29) X. H. Sun, S. D. Wang, N. B. Wong, D. D. D Ma, S. T. Lee, B. K. Teo, “FTIR Spectroscopic Studies of the Stabilities and Reactivities of Hydrogen-Terminated Surfaces of Silicon Nanowires”, Inorganic Chemistry, 42 (2003) 2398.
(30) X. H. Sun, C.P. Li, N.B. Wong, C.S. Lee, S.T. Lee, B.K. Teo, “Templating Effect of Hydrogen-Passivated Silicon Nanowires in the Production of Hydrocarbon Nanotubes and Nanoonions via Sonochemical Reactions with Common Organic Solvents under Ambient Conditions”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 124 (2002) 14856.
(31) X. H. Sun, C.P. Li, W. K. Wong, N.B. Wong, C.S. Lee, S.T. Lee, B.K. Teo, “Formation of Silicon Carbide Nanotubes and Nanowires via Disproportionation Reaction of Silicon Monoxide with Carbon Nanotubes”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 124 (2002) 14464.


