


  • 中文名:孫悅華
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 職業:博士
  • 主要成就:中國科學院動物研究所鳥類生態學研究組組長
  • 性別:男




1993年,與挪威自然研究院合作開展“中國長白山與斯堪第納維亞花尾榛雞的行為學及生態學的比較研究”;,1995-2002年德國合作開展“斑尾榛雞的生態學、行為學及景觀生態學研究” ;2001-2004年與美國、加拿大合作開展“中加美噪鴉屬鳥類合作研究”;1999年以來與德國美因茨大學開展“中德雀形目鳥類分布、分類及生態學合作研究”;2003年以來瑞典烏薩拉大學合作開展“中國西南山地森林鳥類多樣性研究”。2002年作為大會主席,在北京主持召開了 “第九屆國際松雞科研討會”;在“第23屆國際鳥類學大會”上與德國Jochen Martens教授共同主持了“中國喜馬拉雅山地區特有鳥類的進化生物學”專題研討會。目前主要承擔國家自然科學基金重大國際合作項目“青藏高原森林特有鳥類的行為、生態和進化生物學研究”(2006-2009年),並與德國Mainz大學,瑞典Uppsala大學,挪威大學,加拿大等國科學院開展了廣泛的國際合作。


1、Sun Y-H, Jiang Y-X, Martens J, Bi Z-L. (2009) Notes on the breeding biology of the Sichuan Treecreeper (Certhia tianquanensis). J. Ornithol. (Published on line, In press)
2、Jing Y, Fang Y, Strickland D, Lu N, Sun Y-H. 2009. Alloparenting in the rare Sichuan Jay (Perisoreus internigrans). Condor (Accepted). (SCI)
3、Wang J, Jia C-X,Tang S-H,Fang Y, Sun Y-H. (2009)Nests and Breeding of the Giant Laughingthrush (Garrulax maximus) at Lianhuashan, Southern Gansu, China. Wislson Journal of Ornithology. (Accepted)
4、Wang J, Yang C, Lu N, Fang Y, Sun Y-H.(2009) Diet of Chinese Grouse (Tetrastes sewerzowi) in the Preincubating Season. Wislson Journal of Ornithology. (Accepted)
5 Jiang Y.-X, Sun Y.-H, Lu N, Bi Z.-L, (2009) Breeding Biology of the Grey-hooded Parrotbill(Paradoxorniszappeyi) at? Wawushan, Sichuan, China. Wislson Journal of Ornithology 121(4):800-803. (SCI)
6、Tietze, Dieter Thomas, Jochen Martens, Yue-Hua Sun & Martin Packert (2008): Evolutionary history of treecreeper vocalisations (Aves: Certhia). Organisms, diversity & evolution 8: 305–324.
8、Jia C.X., Sun Y..H. (2008) Nests, Eggs, and Incubation Behavior of Grey-headed Bullfinch (Pyrrhula erythaca). Wilson J. of Ornithology 120(4): 875-879.
9、Sun Y.-H., Y. Fang, C.-X. Jia, S. Klaus, J. Swenson & W. Scherzinger (2007) Nest site selection of Chinese grouse Bonasa sewerzowi at Lianhuashan, Gansu, China. Wildl. Biol. 13 (Suppl. 1): 68-72.
10、Tao Y., Zheng X. D., Sun Y.H. (2007) Effect of feedback regulation on stochastic gene expression. J. of Theor. Bio. 247: 827-836.
11、Sun Y.-H. , Y. Fang, Swenson J., Klaus S. & Zheng G. M. (2005) Morphometrics of the Chinese Grouse Bonasa sewerzowi. J. Ornithol. 146: 24-26.
12、Sun Y. H., Swenson, J., Fang Y. et al. (2003) Population ecology of Chinese grouse, Bonasa sewerzowi, in a fragmented landscape. Biological Conservation 110: 177-184.
13、Sun, Y.H., Zh.J. Piao & J. E. Swenson (2003) Occurrence of hazel grouse Bonasa bonosia in a heavily human-impacted landscape near Changbai Mountains, northeastern China. Wildlife Biology 9 (4): 371-375.
14、Bi, Zh.L., Y. Gu, Ch.X. Jia, Y.X. Jiang & Y.H. Sun* 2003 Nests, eggs, and nestling behavior of the Snowy-cheeked Laughingthrush (Garrulax sukatschewi) at Lianhuashan Natural Reserve, Gansu, China. The Wilson Bulletin 115 (4): 118-121.
15、Larsson, J. K., Y.H. Sun, Y. Fang, G. Segelbacher & J. H?glund J. 2003 Microsatellite variation in a Chinese grouse population: signs of genetic impoverishment Wildlife Biology 9 (4): 261-266.
16、Martens, J., Eck, S. & Sun, Y-H. 2002 Certhia tianquanensis Li, a treecreeper with relict distribution in Sichuan, China. Journal für Ornithologie 143(4): 440-456.
17、Salzburger W., Martens J., Nazarenko, A. A., Y.-H. Sun. 2002. Phylogeography of the Eurasian Willow Tit (Parus montanus) based on DNA sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 24 (2002): 26-34.
18、Sun Y.H., Jia Ch. & Fang, Y. (2001) The distribution and status of Sichuan Grey Jay. J. Ornithol. 142: 93-98.
19、Sun, Y.-H.(2000) Distribution and status of the Chinese grouseBonasa sewerzowi. Wildlife Biology 6: 275-279.


