- 中文名:孫德安
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 性別:男
2010年10月至2011年3月東京農工大學訪問教授(Visiting Professor)。
1983年7月畢業於西南交通大學土木工程系,1986年7月獲得河海大學岩土工程專業碩士學位,並留在河海大學土力學教研室任教, 1988年任講師。1989年10月因獲日本政府獎學金資助,去日本名古屋工業大學土力學研究室留學,1994年3月獲名古屋工業大學岩土工程專業博士學位。在名古屋工業大學岩土工程研究室從事岩土工程研究和教學工作至2005年初。任文部教官助手,講師,研究員。2005年2月至12月在澳大利亞Newcastle大學從事非飽和土力學研究工作。2005年12月回國任上海大學土木系教授工作至今。2006年7-8月和2007年7-9月澳大利亞Newcastle大學訪問研究員,2010年10月至2011年3月東京農工大學訪問教授(Visiting Professor),2012年7-9月廣島大學訪問教授,2013年7-9月和2014年7-8月澳大利亞墨爾本皇家理工大學訪問教授。
以非飽和土力學方面的內容為主,已在國際學術雜誌(均為SCI源刊)發表論文70餘篇,並在Taylor & Francis與博士論文的指導教授松岡元(Hajime Matsuoka)合作於2006年3月出版了英文專著一本。根據Google scholar, Scopus和Web of Science, H指標(H-index)分別為29, 25 和20。
《Canadian Geotechnical Journal》(SCI/EI源刊)編委
《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》(中國岩石力學與工程學會主辦) 編委
土的本構關係及強度理論專業委員會 副主任委員
非飽和土與特殊土專業委員會 副主任委員
中國振動學會土動力學專業委員會 委員
中國岩石力學與工程學會高放廢物處置專業委員會 委員
1. 獲2016年度高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎(科學技術)自然科學一等獎,題目: 土的統一硬化本構理論,第三完成人,授獎單位:教育部。
2. 獲2013年度高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎(科學技術)自然科學二等獎,題目: 非飽和土的水-力耦合本構關係及數值模擬,第一完成人,授獎單位:教育部。
3. 獲2009年上海市自然科學三等獎,題目:非飽和土力學的分形理論,第二完成人,授獎單位:上海市政府。
4. 獲2003年(平成15年)度日本土木學會技術開發獎, 題目:広范な地盤材料を対象とする簡便な原位置一面せん斷試験法の開発と実用化(廣泛岩土材料為對象的現場簡便直剪試驗方法研發與套用),第三完成人,授獎單位:日本土木學會。
1. 孫文靜獲2011年上海市優秀博士論文, 題目:膨脹性非飽和土的水力-力學性質及其彈塑性本構模型
2. 陳立文獲2012年上海市優秀碩士論文, 題目:不同應力路徑下水土耦合超固結黏土分叉分析
3. 張謹繹獲2014年上海市優秀碩士論文, 題目:氯鹽漬土的水力-力學特性試驗研究
Hajime Matsuoka and De’an Sun, The SMP Concept-based 3D Constitutive Models for Geomaterials, Taylor & Francis, 2006年3月出版
1. 2017年1月至2020年12月國家自然科學基金委面上項目,項目名稱:全吸力範圍內非飽和黏性土的強度及其預測,項目批准號:11672172.
2. 2013年1月至2016年12月國家自然科學基金委面上項目,項目名稱:乾濕循環作用下非飽和膨脹土持水和力學特性與其耦合本構模型,項目批准號:11272194.
3. 2010年1月至2012年12月國家自然科學基金委面上項目,項目名稱:高膨脹性非飽和土的水力和力學特性耦合及其彈塑性模型,項目批准號:10972130.
6. 2012年1月至2014年12月上海市教委科研創新項目(重點),項目名稱:長期和循環荷載下膨潤土及其與砂混合物的力學特性和本構模型,項目批准號:12ZZ093.
7. 2007年1月至12月國家自然科學基金委國際交流項目,項目名稱: 非飽和土的水分與力學特性的實驗研究與彈塑性模擬,項目批准號:10710036
8. 2006年10月至2008年9月上海市浦江人才計畫項目,項目名稱:高放廢物地質處置用的緩衝材料與回填材料的變形預測,項目編號:06PJ14043.
9. 2009年1月至2010年12月教育部回國人員科研啟動基金項目,項目名稱:不排水條件下非飽和土的水力—力學特性及彈塑性模擬.
10. 2007年1月至2008年12月上海市教委科研項目,項目名稱:濕陷性非飽和土的彈塑性本構模型, 項目編號:06AZ106.
11. 地質災害防治與地質環境保護國家重點實驗室開放基金,項目名稱:非飽和土力學理論在慢速近水平滑坡滑動機理中的套用,2013-2014.
12. 橫向項目,項目名稱: 上海軟土的力學特性參數研究, 2010.
13. 橫向項目,項目名稱: 蘇州地區軟土的力學特性研究, 2007-2010.
14. 橫向項目,項目名稱: 江蘇長江以北地區軟土的力學特性研究, 2010.
15. 橫向項目,項目名稱: 鹽漬土的水力-力學特性及其本構模型開發,2011-2012.
16. 橫向項目,項目名稱: 不同濃度鹽溶液條件下高廟子膨潤土的膨脹特性, 2014-2015.
17. 1997年4月至1999年3月日本國家自然科學基金項目,項目名稱: 吸引法によるサクション制御の3主応力試験機の開発と不飽和土への適用(用吸引法控制吸力的三向應力試驗儀研製及其在非飽和土中的套用),項目批准號:09750575.
國際期刊論文(International Journal papers, all following papers were published in SCI-indexed Journals)
1. Matsuoka H, Sun DA (1995): Extension of Spatially Mobilized Plane (SMP) to frictional and cohesive materials and its application to cemented sands, Soils and Foundations, 35(4): 63-72.
2. Matsuoka H, Yao YP, Sun DA (1999): The Cam-clay model revised by the SMP criterion, Soils and Foundations, 39(1): 81-95.
3. Sun DA, Matsuoka H (1999): An elasto-plastic model for frictional and cohesive materials and its application to cemented sands, Mechanics of Cohesive-frictional Materials, 4(5): 525-543.
4. Sun DA, Matsuoka H, Yao YP, Ichihara W (2000): An elasto-plastic model for unsaturated soil in three-dimensional stresses, Soils and Foundations, 40(3): 17-28.
5. Yao YP, Sun DA (2000): Application of Lade’s criterion to Cam-clay model, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 126(1): 112-119.
6. Matsuoka H., Liu SH, Sun DA, Nishikata U (2001): Development of a new in-situ direct shear test, Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM, 24(1): 92-102.
7. Xu YF, Sun DA (2001): Determination of expansive soil strength using a fractal model, Fractals, 9(1): 51-60.
8. Yao YP, Sun DA (2001): Reply to S. K. Jain's comments on “Application of Lade’s criterion to Cam-clay model”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 126(1): 112-119.
9. Xu YF, Sun DA (2002): A fractal model for soil pores and its application to determination of water permeability, Physica A, 316: 56-64.
10. Matsuoka H, Sun DA, Kogane A, Fukuzawa N, Ichihara W (2002): Stress-strain behaviour of unsaturated soil in true triaxial tests, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 39(3): 608-619.
11. Liu SH, Sun DA (2002): Simulating the collapse of unsaturated soil by DEM, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 26(6): 633-646.
12. Matsuoka H, Liu S H, Sun D A, Nishikata U (2002): Reply to T. Mirata's comments on "Development of a new in-situ direct shear test”, Geotechnical Testing Journal, 25(3):344-344.
13. Xu YF, Sun DA, Sun J, Fu DM, Dong P (2003): Soil disturbance of Shanghai silty clay during EPB tunneling, Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 18(5): 537-545.
14. Sun DA, Matsuoka H, Cui HB, Xu YF (2003): Three-dimensional elasto-plastic model for unsaturated compacted soils with different initial densities, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 27(12): 1079-1098.
15. Liu SH, Sun DA, Wang YS (2003): Numerical study of soil collapse behaviour by discrete element modelling, Computer and Geotechnics, 30(3): 399-408.
16. Xu YF, Matsuoka H, Sun DA (2003): Swelling characteristics of fractal-textured bentonite and its mixtures, Applied Clay science, 22(4):197-209.
17. Sun DA, Matsuoka H, Xu YF (2004): Collapse behavior of compacted clays in suction-controlled triaxial tests, Geotechnical Testing Journal ASTM, 27(4): 362-370.
18. Yao YP, Sun DA, Luo T (2004): A critical state model for sands dependent on stress and density, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 28(4): 323-337.
19. Sun DA, Matsuoka H, Muramatu D et al. (2004): Deformation and strength characteristics of weathered soft rock using triaxial tests, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science, 41(3): 369-369.
20. Xu YF, Sun DA, Yao YP (2004): Surface fractal dimensional of Bentonite and its application to determination of swelling properties, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 19(2): 347-356.
21. Sun DA, Matsuoka H, Yao YP, Ishii H (2004): An anisotropic hardening elastoplastic model for clays and sands and its application to FE analysis, Computers and Geotechnics, 31(1):37-46.
22. Xu YF and Sun DA (2005): Correlation of surface fractal dimension with frictional angle at critical state of sands, Géotechnique, 55(9): 691-695.
23. Liu SH, Sun DA, Matsuoka H (2005): On the interface friction in direct shear test, Computers and Geotechnics, 32(5): 317-325.
24. Sun DA, Feng TG, Matsuoka H (2006): Stress-strain behaviour of weathered weak rock in middle-sized triaxial tests, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 43(10): 1096-1104.
25. Sun DA, Yao YP, Matsuoka H (2006): Modification of critical state models by Mohr–Coulomb criterion, Mechanics Research Communications, 33(2): 217-232.
26. Sheng DC, Sun DA, Matsuoka H (2006): Cantilever sheet-pile wall modeled by frictional contact, Soils and Foundations, 46(1): 28-38.
27. Huang WX, Wu W, Sun DA, Sloan SW (2006): A simple hypoplastic model for normally consolidated clay, Acta Geotechnica, 1(1): 15-27.
28. Sun DA, Sheng DC, Cui HB, Sloan SW (2007): A density-dependent elastoplastic hydro-mechanical model for unsaturated compacted soils, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 31(11):1257-1279.
29. Huang WX, Ren QW, Sun DA (2007): A study of mechanical behaviour of rock-fill materials with reference to particle crushing, Science in China, Series E, 50(S): 125-135.
30. Sun DA, Sheng DC, Xu YF (2007): Collapse behaviour of unsaturated compacted soil with different initial densities, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 44(6): 673-686.
31. Sun DA, Cui HB, Matsuoka H, Sheng DC(2007): A three-dimensional elastoplastic model for unsaturated compacted soils with hydraulic hysteresis,Soils and Foundations, 47(2): 253-264.
32. Huang WX, Sun DA, Sloan SW (2007): Analysis of the failure mode and softening behaviour of sands in true triaxial tests, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 44(5):1423-1437.
33. Sun DA, Sheng DC, Sloan SW (2007): Elastoplastic modeling of hydraulic and stress-strain behavior of unsaturated soils, Mechanics of Materials, 39(3): 212-221.
34. Xu YF, Huang J, Du YJ, Sun DA (2008): Earth reinforcement using soilbags, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 26(3): 279-289
35. Sun DA, Sheng DC, Xiang L and Scott SW (2008): Elastoplastic prediction of hydro-mechanical behaviour of unsaturated soils under undrained conditions, Computers and Geotechnics, Vol.36, No.6, pp.845-853.
36. Qin AF, Chen GJ, Tan YW, Sun DA (2008): Analytical solution to one dimensional consolidation in unsaturated soils, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English edition), 29(10): 1329-1340.
37. Sun DA, Huang WX, Yao YP (2008): An experimental study of failure and softening in sand under three-dimensional stress condition, Granular Matter, 10(3): 187-195.
38. Yao YP, Sun DA, Matsuoka H (2008): A unified constitutive model for both clay and sand with hardening parameter independent on stress path, Computers and Geotechnics, 35(2): 210-222.
39. Sun DA, Cui HB, Sun WJ (2009): Swelling of compacted sand-bentonite mixtures, Applied Clay Science, 43(3): 485-492.
40. Qin, AF, Sun DA, Yang LP, Weng YF(2010): A semi-analytical solution to consolidation of unsaturated soils with the free drainage well, Computers and Geotechnics, 37(7): 867-875.
41. Qin AF, Sun DA, Tan YW (2010): Semi-analytical solution to one dimensional consolidation in unsaturated soils, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English edition), 31(2): 215-226.
42. Qin AF, Sun DA, Tan YW (2010): Analytical solution to one-dimensional consolidation in unsaturated soils under loading varying exponentially with time, Computers and Geotechnics, 37(1): 233-238.
43. Sun DA, Sun WJ, Xiang L (2010): Effect of degree of saturation on mechanical behaviour of unsaturated soils and its elastoplastic simulation. Computers and Geotechnics, 37(5): 678-688
44. Sun WJ, Sun DA (2012): Coupled modelling of hydro-mechanical behaviour of unsaturated compacted expansive soils, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 36(8): 1002-1022.
45. Sun DA, Zhang JY, Zhang JR, Zhang L (2013): Swelling characteristics of GMZ bentonite and its mixtures with sand, Applied Clay Science, 83: 224–230.
46. Ma TT, Wei CF, Chen P, Tian HH, Sun, DA (2013): A unified elastoplastic model of unsaturated soils considering capillary hysteresis, Journal of Applied Mathematics, No.537185.
47. Sun DA, Chen B, Wei CF (2014): Effect of fabric on mechanical behavior of marine clays, Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 32(1): 1-17.
48. Qin AF, Sun DA, Zhang JL (2014): Semi-analytical solution to one-dimensional consolidation for viscoelastic unsaturated soils, Computers and Geotechnics, 62:110-117.
49. Chen B, Xu Q, Sun DA (2014): An elastoplastic model for structured clays, Geomechanics and Engineering, 7(2): 213-231.
50. Sun DA, Zhang L, Li J, Zhang BC (2015): Evaluation and prediction of the swelling pressures of GMZ bentonites saturated with saline solution, Applied Clay Science, 105: 207-2016.
51. Sun DA, Chen LW, Zhang JR, Zhou AN (2015): Bifurcation analysis of over-consolidated clays in different stress paths and drainage conditions, Geomechanics and Engineering, 9(5): 669-685.
52. Sun WJ, Wei ZF, Sun DA, Liu SQ, et al. (2015): Evaluation of the swelling characteristics of bentonite–sand mixtures, Engineering Geology, 199:1-11.
53. Zhang JR, Sun DA, Zhou AN, Jiang T (2016): Hydro-mechanical behaviour of expansive soils with different suctions and suction histories, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 53(1): 1-13.
54. Li L, Li JP, Sun DA (2016): Anisotropically elasto-plastic solution to undrained cylindrical cavity expansion in K0- consolidated clay, Computers and Geotechnics, 73: 47–57.
55. Sun DA, Gao Y, Zhou AN, Sheng DC (2016): Soil–water retention curves and microstructures of undisturbed and compacted Guilin lateritic clay, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 75:781–791
56. Gao Y, Sun DA, Zhou AN (2016): Hydro-mechanical behaviour of unsaturated soil with different specimen preparations, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 53(6): 909-917.
57. Wu YJ, Xu F, Yuan M, Sun DA (2016): Vacuum loading-unloading induced ground deformation, Environmental Earth Sciences, 75:218-226.
58. Zhu ZC, Sun DA, Zhou AN, Qiu ZH(2016): Calibration of two filter papers at different temperatures and its application to GMZ bentonite, Environmental Earth Sciences, 75: 509-519.
59. Li JP, Li L, Sun DA, Rao PP (2016). Analysis of undrained cylindrical cavity expansion considering three-dimensional strength of soils. International Journal of Geomechanics, 16(5): 04016017.
60. Sun WJ, Sun DA. Response to “Discussion on “Evaluation of the swelling characteristics of bentonite-sand mixtures””. Engineering Geology. 2016, 209: 211-214.
61. Zhang L, Sun DA, Jie D (2016): Shear strength of GMZ07 bentonite and its mixture with sand saturated with saline solution, Applied Clay Science, 132: 24-32.
62. Sun DA, Zhang JR, Gao Y, Sheng DC (2016): Influence of suction history on hydraulic and stress-strain behavior of unsaturated soils, International Journal of Geomechanics, 16(6): 04015001.
63. Wang L, Sun DA, Li PC, Yi Xie Y. (2017). Semi-analytical solution for one-dimensional consolidation of fractional derivative viscoelastic saturated soils, Computers and Geotechnics, 83: 30-39.
64. Li L, Li JP, Sun DA, Gong WB(2017). Analysis of time-dependent bearing capacity of a driven pile in clayey soils by total stress method, International Journal of Geomechanics, 17(7): 04016156.
65. Wang L, Sun DA, Qin AF(2017). General semi-analytical solutions to one-dimensional consolidation for unsaturated soils, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English edition), 38(6): 831-850.
66. Sun WJ, Zong FY, Sun DA, Wei ZF, Schanz T, Fatahi B(2017). Swelling prediction of bentonite-sand mixtures in the full range of sand content, Engineering Geology, 222: 146–155.
67. Li L, Li JP, Sun DA, Gong WB(2017). Unified solution to drained expansion of a spherical cavity in clay and sand, International Journal of Geomechanics, 17(8): 04017028.
68. Wang L, Sun DA, Li LH, Li PC, Xu YF (2017). Semi-analytical solutions to one-dimensional consolidation for unsaturated soils with symmetric semi-permeable drainage boundary, Computers and Geotechnics, 89: 71-80.
69. Gao Y, Sun DA (2017). Soil-water retention behavior of compacted soil with different densities over a wide suction range and its prediction, Computers and Geotechnics, 91: 17-26.
70. Wang L, Sun DA, Xu YF (2017). Semi-analytical solutions to one-dimensional consolidation for unsaturated soils with semi-permeable drainage boundary, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English edition), 38(10): 1439-1458.
71. Li L, Li JP, Sun DA, Zhang LX (2017). Time-dependent bearing capacity of a jacked pile: an analytical approach based on effective stress method, Ocean Engineering, 143: 177-185.
72. Wu YJ, Kong GQ, Lu YT, Sun DA(2017). Experimental study on vacuum preloading with flocculation for solid-liquid separation in waste slurry, Geomechanics and Engineering, 13(2): 319-331.
73. Wang L, Sun DA, Qin AF, Xu YF(2017). Semi-analytical solution to one-dimensional consolidation for unsaturated soils with semi-permeable drainage boundary under time-dependent loading, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 41(16): 1636-1655.
74. Li L, Li JP, Sun DA, Gong WB(2017). A semi-analytical approach for time-dependent load-settlement response of a jacked pile in clay strata, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 54(12): 1682-1692.
75. Gao Y, Sun DA, Wu YJ (2017). Volume change behaviour of unsaturated compacted weakly expansive soils, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, DOI: 10.1007/s10064-017-1142-0
76. Wang L, Sun DA, Qin AF (2018). A semi-analytical solution to one dimensional consolidation for unsaturated soils with exponentially time-growing drainage boundary conditions, International Journal of Geomechanics, 18(2): 04017144.
1. 松岡元,孫徳安(1993):粘著成分を有する摩擦性材料の変形・強度特性の統一的解釈,土木學會論文集, No.463/Ⅲ-22: 163-172.
2. 松岡元,孫徳安,譽田孝宏(1993):セメント混合砂の3主応力制御試験結果とその統一的解釈,土木學會論文集, No.475/Ⅲ-24: 119-128.
3.松岡元,孫徳安(1994):粒狀材料と金屬材料を両端に含む統一的な弾塑性構成式とその適用,土木學會論文集, No.505/Ⅲ-29: 201-210.
4. 孫徳安,松岡元,姚仰平,石井啟稔,一村政弘(1999):初期異方性を考慮した粘土と砂の統一的な弾塑性構成式,土木學會論文集, No.631/Ⅲ-48: 437-448.
5. 孫徳安,松岡元,姚仰平,一村政弘(2001): 拡張SMP規準による変換応力と種々の地盤材料の弾塑性モデルへの適用,土木學會論文集, No.680/Ⅲ-55: 211-224.
6. 崔紅斌,孫徳安,松岡元,徐永福(2004): ベントナイトと砂との混合材の一次元的な浸水変形特性,土木學會論文集, No.764/Ⅲ-76: 275-285.
7. 崔紅斌, 孫徳安, 松岡元(2006): 等方および異方応力狀態でのベントナイトと砂との混合材の浸水変形特性, 土木學會論文集C, 62(3): 657-666.
8. 松岡元, 劉斯宏, 孫徳安, 西方卯佐男 (1999): ロックフイル材のような大粒徑粗粒材の原位置簡易一面せん斷試験、土と基礎、47(3): 25-28.
9. 松岡元・孫徳安・劉斯宏・西方卯佐男,寺元真司(2001): 小型および大型の一面せん斷試験機の簡便な改良法, 土と基礎、49(1): 21-24.
10. 孫德安, 姜朴, 戸盛松(1989):固有各向異性對動剪下模量的影響,岩土工程學報, 11(2): 75-81.
11. 孫德安, 姚仰平, 殷宗澤(1999): 基於SMP準則的雙屈服面彈塑性模型的三維化,岩土工程學報, 21(5): 110-113.
12. 姚仰平, 羅汀, 孫德安, 松崗元(2002): 黏土和砂土簡單的三維本構模型(英文),岩土工程學報, 24(2): 240-246.
13. 孫德安,孫文靜,孟德林(2010): 膨脹性非飽和土水力和力學性質的彈塑性模擬, 岩土工程學報, 32(10): 1505-1512.
14. 甄文戰,孫德安,段博(2010): 超固結土本構模型局部化分叉三維解析及模擬,岩土工程學報, 32(12): 1910-1915.
15. 孫德安,陳立文(2011): 不同應力路徑下超固結黏土分叉分析,岩土工程學報, 33(9): 1313-1319.
16. 孫文靜, 孫德安, 劉仕卿, 方雷(2014): 高吸力下高廟子鈣基膨潤土的土水-力學特性,岩土工程學報,36(2): 346-353.
17. 朱贊成,孫德安,田 進(2014): 高吸力高溫度下2 種濾紙率定曲線及其套用,岩土工程學報,36(6): 1020-1027.
18. 孫德安,高游(2015): 不同制樣方法非飽和土的持水特性研究,岩土工程學報,37(1): 91-97.
19. 孫德安,高游,劉文捷,韋昌富,張升(2015): 紅黏土的土水特性及其孔隙分布,岩土工程學報,37(2): 91-97.
20. 朱贊成,孫德安,陳 雰,王古平(2015):基於膨潤土微觀結構確定土水特徵曲線的殘餘含水率,岩土工程學報,37(7): 1211-1217.
21. 李鏡培,李林,孫德安,唐劍華(2015): 飽和軟土地層靜壓沉樁阻力理論研究,岩土工程學報,37(8): 1454-1461.
22. 孫文靜,劉仕卿,孫德安,魏振飛(2015): 高摻砂率膨潤土混合土膨脹特性及其膨脹量預測,岩土工程學報,37(9): 1620-1626.
23. 張俊然,孫德安,蔣彤,黃志全 (2016): 寬廣吸力範圍內弱膨脹土的抗剪強度及其預測,岩土工程學報, 38(6): 1064-1070.
24. 高游,孫德安(2016):制樣方法對非飽和土力學特性的影響,岩土工程學報, 38(8): 1529-1534.
25. 李鏡培,李林,孫德安,方睿(2016):基於總應力法的靜壓樁極限承載力時效性研究,岩土工程學報, 38(12): 2154-2163.
26. 李鏡培,李林,孫德安,龔衛兵(2017): 基於CPTU測試的K0固結黏土中靜壓樁時變承載力研究,岩土工程學報, 39(2): 193-200.
27. 李林,李鏡培,孫德安,李險峰(2017): 剪脹性砂土中球孔擴張彈塑性解,岩土工程學報, 39(8): 1453-1460.
28. 高游,孫德安(2017): 單峰和雙峰土水特徵曲線基本參數的確定,岩土工程學報, 39(10):1884-1891.
29. 汪磊,孫德安,解益,李培超(2017): 任意荷載下分數階導數粘彈性飽和土體一維固結,岩土工程學報, 39(10):1823-1831.
30. 孫德安, 姚仰平, 殷宗澤(2000): 初始應力各向異性土的彈塑性模型, 岩土力學, 21(3): 222-226.
31. 孫德安,甄文戰,黃文雄(2009):三維彈塑性模型在路堤軟基固結分析中套用,岩土力學, 30(3): 669-774.
32. 孫德安(2009):非飽和土的水力和力學特性及其彈塑性描述,岩土力學, 30(11): 3217-3232.
33. 孫文靜,孫德安,孟德林(2009):飽和膨潤土及其與砂混合物的壓縮變形特性,岩土力學, 30(11): 3249-3255.
34. 孫德安,陳波,周科(2010): 重塑上海軟土的壓縮和剪下變形特性試驗研究, 岩土力學, 31(5): 1389-1394.
35. 孫德安,陳波(2010): 重塑超固結上海軟土力學特性及彈塑性模擬, 岩土力學, 31(6): 1739-1743.
36. 孫德安,甄文戰(2010): 不同應力路徑下剪下帶的數值模擬, 岩土力學, 31(7): 2253-2258.
37. 甄文戰,孫德安,段博(2011): 不同應力路徑下超固結黏土試樣變形局部化分析, 岩土力學, 32(1): 293-298.
38. 孫德安,孟德林,孫文靜,劉月妙(2011): 兩種膨潤土的土水特徵曲線,岩土力學, 32(4): 1293-1298.
39. 甄文戰,孫德安(2011): 三維應力狀態下砂的臨界狀態本構模型分叉分析, 岩土力學, 32(9): 2663-2668.
40. 陳立文,孫德安(2011): 不同應力路徑下水土耦合超固結黏土分叉分析, 岩土力學, 32(10): 2922-2928.
41. 孟德林,孫德安,劉月妙(2012): 高廟子膨潤土與砂混合物的土-水特徵曲線, 岩土力學, 33(2): 509-514.
42. 吳波,孫德安(2013): 非飽和粉土的液化特性研究, 岩土力學, 34(2): 411-416.
43. 陳波,孫德安,呂海波(2013): 海相軟土壓縮特性的試驗研究, 岩土力學, 34 (2): 381-388.
44 孫德安,張謹繹,宋國森(2013): 氯鹽漬土土-水特徵曲線的試驗研究,岩土力學, 34(4): 955-960
45. 孫德安,張俊然,呂海波(2013): 全吸力範圍南陽膨脹土的土-水特徵曲線, 岩土力學, 34 (7): 1839-1846.
46. 孫德安,張龍(2013): 鹽溶液飽和高廟子膨潤土膨脹特性及預測, 岩土力學, 34(10): 2790-2795.
47. 張俊然,許強,孫德安(2013): 吸力歷史對非飽和土力學性質的影響,岩土力學, 34(10): 2810-2814.
48. 張俊然,許強,孫德安(2014): 多次乾濕循環后土-水特徵曲線的模擬,岩土力學, 35(3): 689-695.
49. 孫德安,劉文捷,呂海波(2014): 桂林紅黏土的土-水特徵曲線, 岩土力學, 35(12): 3345-3351.
50. 陳波,孫德安,金盼(2015): 海相沉積軟黏土的彈塑性本構模型研究,岩土力學, 36(3): 730-738.
51. 高游,孫德安,呂海波(2015): 弱膨脹土浸水變形特性及其預測,岩土力學, 36(3): 755-761.
52. 於響,孫德安,孫文靜(2015): 乾濕循環下高廟子鈣基膨潤土的持水和變形特性, 岩土力學, 36(5): 1339-1346.
53. 郝飛,蔣明鏡,孫德安,閆超,等(2015): TJ-1模擬月壤承載特性室內試驗研究, 岩土力學, 36(7): 1953-1958.
54. 張俊然 ,孫德安 ,姜 彤(2015): 吸力歷史對非飽和弱膨脹土力學性質的影響, 岩土力學, 36(11): 3094-3100.
55. 孫文靜,劉仕卿,孫德安,魏振飛(2016):摻砂率對膨潤土與砂混合物膨脹特性的影響, 岩土力學, 37(6): 1642-1648.
56. 張龍, 孫德安,劉月妙(2016): 兩種高廟子鈉基膨潤土膨脹特性比較研究, 岩土力學, 37(12): 3447-3754.
57. 李林,李鏡培,孫德安,方睿(2017): 天然飽和黏土地基靜壓樁承載力時效性研究,岩土力學, 38(9): 2155-2122.
58. 陳波,孫德安,高游,李健(2017):上海軟黏土的孔徑分布試驗研究, 岩土力學, 38(9): 2523-25304.
59. 孫德安,姚仰平(2002): 粒狀材料的實用彈塑性模型, 岩石力學與工程學報, 21(8): 1147-1152.
60. 徐永福,孫德安, 董平(2003): 膨潤土及其與砂混合物的膨脹試驗, 岩石力學與工程學報, 22(3): 451-455.
61. 徐永福,蘭守奇,孫德安, 夏小和,等(2005): 一種能測量應力狀態對非飽和土滲透係數影響的新型試驗裝置, 岩石力學與工程學報, 24(3): 160-164.
62. 李林,李鏡培,孫德安,岳著文(2016): 考慮天然黏土應力各向異性的靜壓沉樁效應研究, 岩石力學與工程學報, 35(5): 1055-1064.
63. 朱贊成,孫德安,李呈宏,等(2016): 基於晶層水化模型確定膨潤土的相對密度, 岩石力學與工程學報, 35(8): 1688-1696.
64. 劉斯宏,姚仰平,孫德安,汪易森(2004): 剪脹K-G模型及其有限元數值分析,土木工程學報,37(9): 69-74.
65. 姜朴,孫德安(1987): 砂土的共振柱試驗與液化剪應力,水利學報,18(7): 68-70.
66. 甄文戰,孫德安(2011): 砂的臨界狀態本構模型局部化分叉分析,水利學報,42(5): 588-594.
67. 孫德安,吳波(2012): 非飽和粉砂的動彈性模量和阻尼比研究,水利學報,43(9): 1108-1113..
1. Jiang P, Sun DA(1988): Shear modulus of collapsible loess, Proc. International Conference on Engineering Problem of Regional Soils, Beijing, 251-254.
2. Matsuoka H, Sun DA(1991): A constitutive law for granular materials to metals, Proc. 3rd International Conference on Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials: Theory and Applications, Arizona, 67-70.
3. Matsuoka H, Sun DA(1991): A constitutive law covering granular materials to metals, Proc. 9th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and foundation Engineering, Bangkok, 1: 55-58.
4. Matsuoka H, Sun DA(1992): Generalization of a constitutive law from frictional materials to cohesive materials, Advances in Micromechanics of Granular Materials, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., 231-240.
5. Matsuoka H, Sun DA(1994): Shear deformation characteristics of cemented sands in 3-D stress, Proc. Pre-Failure Deformation of Geo-materials, Sapporo, 1: 427-432.
6. Sun DA, Matsuoka H(1994): An elasto-plastic model for frictional and cohesive materials, Proc. Pre-Failure Deformation of Geomaterials, Sapporo, 1: 433-438.
7. Matsuoka H, Sun DA and Konda T(1994): A constitutive law covering granular materials to metals, Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on Soil Mech. and Found. Eng., New Delhi, 1: 403-406.
8. Matsuoka H, Sun DA(1994): Extension of Spatially Mobilized Plane(SMP) to frictional and cohesive materials, Supplementary Volume on Mechanics of Granular Materials, Report of ISSMFE TC –13, New Delhi.
9. Matsuoka H, Sun DA, Kato S(1995): A unified model for frictional and cohesive materials, Proc. 10th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and foundation Engineering, Beijing, 1: 41-44.
10. Kato S, Matsuoka H, Sun DA(1995): A constitutive model for unsaturated soils based on Extended SMP, Proc. 1st Int. Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Paris, 2: 739-744.
11. Sun DA, Matsuoka H(1996): A simple constitutive model for cemented soils in 3-D stresses, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Soft Soil Engineering, Nanjing, 225-230.
12. Sun DA, Matsuoka H, Yamada T(1997) : Progressive failure simple shear tests, Proc. International Symposium on Deformation and Progressive Failure in Geomechanics, Nagoya, 81-87.
13. Matsuoka H, Sun DA (1997): A unified constitutive model for frictional and cohesive materials based on the “Extended SMP”, Proc. International Symposium on Deformation and Progressive Failure in Geomechanics, Nagoya, 323-328.
14. Sun DA, Matsuoka H(1997) : An elasto-plastic model for c-φ materials under complex loading, Proc. 9th International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Wuhan, 2: 887-892.
15. Sun DA, Matsuoka H(1998): Estimate of initial modulus of hyperbolic stress-strain relation from results of consolidation tests, Proc. 13th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, Taipei, 171-176.
16. Matsuoka H, Sun DA, Yao YP(1998): 3-D failure and yield criteria for geomaterials based on “Spatially Mobilized Plane(SMP), Proc Int. Symposium. on Strength Theory: Application, Development & Prospects for 21st Century, Xi’an, 259-266.
17. Sun DA, Matsuoka H, Takiwaki Y (1998): A three-dimensional elasto-plastic model for unsaturated soil based on “Extended SMP”, Proc. 2nd Int. Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Beijing, 1: 521-526.
18. Matsuoka H, Sun DA, et al.(1998): Deformation and strength of unsaturated soil by true triaxial tests, Proc. 2nd Int. Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Beijing, 1: 410-415.
19. Matsuoka H, Sun DA, Yao YP(1999) : Constitutive models by SMP criterion-based stress tensor, Proc. 11th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Seoul, Vol.1, 31-34.
20. Sun DA, Matsuoka H, Yao YP(1999): The Cam-clay models revised the Mohr-Coulomb criterion, Proc. 8th Australia-New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics, Hobart, 2: 989-996.
21. Yao YP, Matsuoka H, Sun D A(1999): A unified elastoplastic model for clay and sand with the SMP criterion, Proc. 8th Australia-New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics, Hobart, 2: 997-1004.
22. Yao Y P, Matsuoka H, Sun DA(1999): A unified elastoplastic model of sand dependent on stress level and void ratio, Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Pre-failure Deformation characteristics of Geomaterials, Torino, 589-596.
23. Sun DA, Matsuoka H, Yao YP, Ichihara W(2000): Three-dimensional elastoplastic model for unsaturated soils, Proc. Asian Conference on unsaturated soils, Singapore, 153-158.
24. Sun DA, Matsuoka H, Yao YP, Ishii H(2000): An anisotropic hardening elastoplastic model for clay and sand and its application to numerical analysis, Proc. 10th Int. Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, Arizona, 407-412.
25. Xu YF, Sun DA(2001): Analytical prediction for ground surface settlement due to shield tunnelling in Shanghai soft clay, Proc. 3rd Int. Conference on Soft Soil Eng., Hong Kong, 275-278.
26. Matsuoka H, Liu SH, Sun DA and Nishikata U(2001): A new in-situ direct shear testing method for rockfill materials, sands and clay, Proc. 15th Int. Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 1: 455-458.
27. Xu YF, Matsuoka H, Sun DA(2001): Fractal model for grain-size distribution of soils, Proc. 4th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, 1-6.
28. Xu YF, Matsuoka H, Sun DA(2001): Soil disturbance extent due to EPB tunneling in Shanghai soft clay, Proc. International Symposium on Modern Tunneling Science and Technology, 2: 883-888.
29. Sun DA, Xu YF, Matsuoka H(2002): Collapse of compacted clays using triaxial tests, Proc. 3rd Int. Conference on Unsaturated Soils, 2: 631-634.
30. Xu YF, Sun DA, Wang JH(2002): Fractal model for water flow through unsaturated soils, Proc. 3rd Int. Conference on Unsaturated Soils, 1: 21-26.
31. Xu Y.F, Sun DA, Matsuoka H(2002): Prediction of swelling deformation using surface fractal dimension. Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on Environ Geotech. and Global Sustainable Development, Korea, Seoul, 427-432.
32. Sun DA, Cui HB(2003): Collapse of compacted unsaturated clay and its elastoplastic modelling, Proc. 12th Asian Regional Conf. on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Singapore, 1: 941-944.
33. Sun DA, Matsuoka H, et al. (2003): Frictional behaviour between clay and steel by direct shear type apparatus, Proc. 3rd International Symposium on Pre-Failure Deformation of Geomaterials, 1:239-245.
34. Xu, YF, Matsuoka H., Sun DA(2003).: Prediction of swelling characteristics using surface fractal dimension of compacted bentonite and its mixture, Proc. 2nd Asian Conference on unsaturated soils, Kobe, 153-158.
35. Sun DA, Matsuoka H, Xu YF, Yao YP(2003): Effects of void ratio and stress condition on collapse of compacted clay Proc. 2nd Asian Conference on unsaturated soils, Kobe, 161-164.
36. Sun DA, Sheng DC (2005): An elastoplastic hydro-mechanical model for unsaturated compacted soils, Proc. Advanced Experimental Unsaturated Soil Mechanics, Trento, 249-255.
37. Sun DA, Sheng DC, Cui HB, Li J (2006): Effect of density on the soil-water-retention behaviour of compacted soil, Geotechnical Special Publication, 147: 1338-1347.
38. Sun DA, Sheng DC (2006): Collapse behavior of unsaturated compacted soils, Geotechnical Special Publication, 148: 102-110
39. Sun DA (2007): Mechanical behaviour of unsaturated soil specimens with different preparations, Proc. 3rd Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils,303-308.
40. Li J, Sun DA, Sheng DC et al.(2007): Preliminary study on soil-water characteristics of Maryland clay, Proc. 3rd Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils, 569-574.
41. Liu ZB, Sun DA, Li J, Sheng DC (2007): Suction-controlled oedometer tests of Maryland clay in Newcastle, Proc. 3rd Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils, 575-580.
42. Sun DA, Xiang L(2007): Elastoplastic simulation of undrained behaviour of unsaturated soils, Proc. 3rd Sino-Japan Geotechnical Symposium, 550-558.
43. Sun, DA, Xiang L(2007) : An elastoplastic hydro-mechanical model for unsaturated soils, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4489: 1138-1145.
44. Sun, DA, Huang WX, Sheng, DC, Yamamoto H(2007): An elastoplastic model for granular materials exhibiting particle crushing, Key Engineering Materials, 340-341: 1273-1278.
45. Sun DA, Sun WJ, Yan W(2009): Hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of heavily compacted sand-bentonite mixture, Proc. International Symposium on Unsaturated Soil Mechanics and Deep Geological Nuclear Waste Disposal, 90-97.
46. Sun DA, Li J(2009): Main factors affecting soil-water characteristic curve, Proc. 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Newcastle, 239-242.
47. Cui YJ, Sun DA(2009): Constitutive modeling: from isothermal to non-isothermal behavior, Proc. 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Newcastle, 493-505.
48. Sun DA (2010): A hydro-mechanical elastoplastic model for unsaturated soils, Proc 4th Japan–China Geotechnical Symposium, Okinawa, 48-53.
49. Sun DA, Sun WJ (2010): Elastoplastic modeling of hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of expansive soils, Proc. 5th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Barcelona, 973-978.
50. Sun DA, Chen LW, Zhen WZ (2010): Analytical and numerical solutions to bifurcation in three-dimensional stresses, Proc. Geomechanics and Geotechnics: from micro to macro, Shanghai, 53-58.
51. Chen B, Sun DA, Zhou K(2010): Comparison in mechanical behavior between undisturbed and reconstituted Shanghai soft clay, Geotechnical Special Publication, 200: 50-55.
52. Zhen WZ, Sun DA, Chen YY(2010): Analytical solution and numerical simulation of shear bands along different stress paths in three-dimensional stress states, Geotechnical Special Publication, 200: 192-197.
53. Sun WJ, Sun DA, Li J(2010): Elastoplastic modelling of hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of unsaturated expansive soils, Geotechnical Special Publication, 202: 119-127.
54. Sun WJ, Sun DA (2012): Comparison of swelling characteristics between Gaomiaozi Ca-bentonite and Na-bentonite, 4th International Conference on Problematic Soils, Wuhan, 243-250.
55. Sun D A, Zhang JY (2013): A simple method for predicting swelling of bentonite and sand mixtures, Proc. 5th China‐Japan Geotechnical Symposium, Chengdu, 329-332.
56. Sun DA, Sun WJ (2013): Swelling behaviour of bentonite-sand mixtures and its prediction, Proc. International Symposium on Unsaturated Soil Mechanics and Deep Geological Nuclear Waste Disposal, Shanghai, 67-72.
57. Sun WJ, Sun DA, Fang L(2013). Soil-water characteristics of GMZ Ca-bentonite by vapour equilibrium technique. Proc. International Symposium on Unsaturated Soil Mechanics and Deep Geological Nuclear Waste Disposal, Shanghai, 237-244.
58. Sun DA, Gao Y, Zhang JR(2014). Some issues in hydro-mechanical behaviour of unsaturated soils and its modeling, Proc. 6th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Sydney, Vol.1: 45-53.
59. Sun WJ, Sun DA, Fang L(2014). Swelling characteristics and permeability of bentonite, Proc. 6th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Sydney, Vol.2: 1211-1217.
60. Sun DA, Gao Y, Zhou AN (2015). Effect of specimen preparation on water retention and deformation behaviour of unsaturated soils, Proc. 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Guilin, 355-360.
61. Zhang L, Sun DA, Liu YM (2015): Swelling of GMZ bentonite with saline solutions and its prediction, Proc. 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Unsaturated Soils, Guilin, 865-870.
- 2004年5月獲2003年(平成15年)度日本土木學會技術開發獎, 題目: 広范な地盤材料を対象とする簡便な原位置一面せん斷試験法の開発と実用化(廣泛岩土材料為對象的現場簡便直剪試驗方法研發與套用),第3完成人。
- 2013年12月獲2013年度高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎(科學技術),自然科學二等獎,題目: 非飽和土的水-力耦合本構關係及數值模擬,第1完成人,授獎單位:教育部。
4. Hajime Matsuoka and De’an Sun, The SMP Concept-based 3D Constitutive Models for Geomaterials, Taylor & Francis, 2006年3月出版