



  • 中文名:孫得彥
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生地:河南新鄉
  • 出生日期:1968年11月


1987年9月-1991年7月 華中師範大學物理系,獲學士學位;
1993年9月-1998年10月 中國科學院固體物理研究所,獲博士學位;
1998年10月-至今 華東師範大學物理系教書、科研




1. 計算凝聚態物理新方法研究和探索(10434040),國家自然科學基金重點子項目(2005,1-2008,12)
2. 基於路徑積分計算方法的開拓與套用(04SG26),上海市教委曙光人才基金(2005,1-2007,12)
3. 納米線生長機理的理論研究(10574044),國家自然科學基金面上項目(2006,1-2008,12)
4. 稀磁半導體中原子動力學過程的機理與控制(05PJ14042),上海市科委浦江人才基金(2005,10-2007,9)


  1. Pressure-induced hard-to-soft transition of a single carbon nanotube. Sun, D. Y.; Shu, D. J.; Ji, M.; Liu, Feng; Wang, M.; Gong, X. G.. Physical Review B (2004), 70(16), 165417/1-165417/5.
  2. Crystal-melt interfacial free energies in metals: fcc versus bcc. Sun, D. Y.; Asta, M.; Hoyt, J. J.; Mendelev, M. I.; Srolovitz, D. J.. Physical Review B (2004), 69(2), 020102/1-020102/4.
  3. Development of new interatomic potentials appropriate for crystalline and liquid iron. Mendelev, M. I.; Han, S.; Srolovitz, D. J.; Ackland, G. J.; Sun, D. Y.; Asta, M.. Philosophical Magazine (2003), 83(35), 3977-3994.
  4. A new constant-pressure molecular dynamics method for finite systems. Sun, D. Y.; Gong, X. G.. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2002), 14(26), L487-L493.
  5. Soft and hard shells in metallic nanocrystals. Sun, D. Y.; Gong, X. G.; Wang, Xiao-Qian. Physical Review B (2001), 63(19), 193412/1-193412/4.
  6. Generalized Simulated Annealing Studies on Structures and Properties of Nin (n = 2-55) Clusters. Xiang, Y.; Sun, D. Y.; Gong, X. G.. Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2000), 104(12), 2746-2751.
  7. Cluster on the fcc(111) surface. Structure, stability and diffusion. Sun, D. Y.; Gong, X. G.. Surface Science (2000), 445(1), 41-48.
  8. Interatomic potential fitted for lead. Sun, D. Y.; Xiang, Y.; Gong, X. G.. Philosophical Magazine A (1999), 79(8), 1953-1961.
  9. Structural properties and glass transition in Aln clusters. Sun, D. Y.; Gong, X. G.. Physical Review B (1998), 57(8), 4730-4735.
  10. Generalized simulated annealing algorithm and its application to the Thomson model. Xiang, Y.; Sun, D. Y.; Fan, W.; Gong, X. G.. Physics Letters A (1997), 233(3), 216-220.

