

孫天澍現任長江商學院科技與運營教授以及新科技、大數據與產業融合中心主任,在南加州大學獲得終身教職以及Robert Dockson講席教授, 同時兼任商學院與計算機系博士生導師。



  • 中文名:孫天澍
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校南京大學 、馬里蘭大學 
  • 學位/學歷:博士 
  • 職業:教師
  • 職稱:長江商學院科技與運營教授


現任長江商學院科技與運營教授,在南加州大學獲得終身教職以及Robert Dockson講席教授, 同時兼任商學院與計算機系博士生導師。
主要研究聚焦在企業數位化轉型,包括數位化戰略,數位化組織和數位化科技, 在中美頂尖企業有豐富的工作經歷與合作實踐(如FacebookAdobe阿里巴巴網易等)。
學術研究和產業實踐尤其關注技術與商業的交叉融合—特別是大數據,雲計算, 物聯網和人工智慧如何持續的改變零售,金融,製造,物流,醫療和企業服務等行業。
受邀在頂級大學(哈佛,MIT,沃頓商學院,芝加哥,斯坦福等)以及國際尋踏故酷頂級學術會議上發表八十多場學術演講, 並在Facebook, Google, Snapchat, 領英, 優步等頂級機構做數位化轉型禁應蜜,大數據和平台戰略的邀請分享和培訓。
孫天澍的研究論文發表在信息系統,機器歸應遷學習、經濟學和商學院國際頂級期刊與會議, 獲得16項最佳論文獎(包括芝加哥大學頒發的Wittink Prize年度最佳論文獎),以及USC頒發的年度最佳教授獎(Golden Apple Award)。
孫天澍教授擔任多個國際頂級期刊常務和客茅歡淚座編委(MS, ISR, MISQ)國際會議大會主道埋捉榜席(CIST,WEBEIS),並獲得多個頂級機構的研究支持。


● 數位化平台戰略
● 數位化創新組織
● 數位化套用技術 (雲計算,大數據,物聯網,人工智慧,SaaS/PaaS)
● 數據科學與數據決策 (因果分析,機器學習與大規模實驗設計)
● 數字經濟,數據監管和流通,以及大數據和人工智慧對社會的影響
● 網際網路平台與金融科技
● 產業數位化政策與標準(數據標準,隱私保護,人才教育,軟體生態)
● 管理信息系統與企業照腳服乘晚循務
● 新零售與新製造


1. Tianshu Sun, Zhe Yuan, Chunxiao Li, Kaifu Zhang and Jun Xu. (2021) “The Value of Personal Data in Internet Commerce: A High-stake Field Experiment on Data Regulation Policy”, Forthcoming, Management Science
-- Invited Seminar at Harvard, MIT, Chicago, CMU, UCLA, Google, Uber etc. See a summary in a Review Paper with leading Economists and Nobel Laureates on Data Value, Data Privacy and Data Regulation.
2. Tianshu Sun, Siva Viswanathan and Elena Zheleva (2021) “Creating Social Contagion through Firm Mediated Message Design: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment”, Management Science, 67(2), 808-827.
3. Brian Han, Tianshu Sun, Leon Chu and Lixia Wu (2021) “COVID-19 and E-commerce Operations: Evidence from Alibaba”, Forthcoming, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
4. Tianshu Sun, Yanhao Max Wei, Joseph Golden (2021) “Geographical Pattern of Online Word-of-Mouth: How Offline Environment Affects Online Sharing”, Forthcoming, Information Systems Research
5. Angela Choi, Heeseung Lee, Tianshu Sun, Wonseok Oh (2021) “Reviewing Before Reading? An Empirical Investigation of Book Consumption Patterns and Their Effects on Reviews and Sales”, Forthcoming, Information Systems Research
6. Tianshu Sun and Sean Taylor (2020) “Displaying Things in Common to Encourage Friendship Formation: A Large Randomized Field Experiment”, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 18, 237–271
-- Winner of QME Wittink Prize (Best Published Paper in 2020), Invited Talks at Facebook, LinkedIn, Snap, Wharton, CMU, also in ACM EC 2019 Proceeding
7. Tianshu Sun, Siva Viswanathan, Ni Huang and Elena Zheleva (2020) “Designing Promotional Incentive to Embrace Social Sharing: Evidence from Field and Online Experiments”, MIS Quarterly, 45(2), 789-820
8. Edward McFowland III, Sandeep Gangarapu, Ravi Bapna and Tianshu Sun (2020) “Optimal Utilization of Heterogeneous Treatment Effects: A Prescriptive Analytics Approach”, Forthcoming, MIS Quarterly
9. Ni Huang, Probal Mojumder, Tianshu Sun, Jinchi Lv, Joseph Golden (All contribute Equally) “Not Registered? Please Sign-up First: A Randomized Field Experiment on the Ex-ante Registration Request”, Information Systems Research, 32(3), 914-931
10. JaeHwuen Jung, Ravi Bapna, Joseph Golden and Tianshu Sun (2020) (All contribute equally) “Words Matter! Towards Pro-social Call-to-Action for Online Referral: Evidence from Two Field Experiments”, Information Systems Research, 31(1), 16-36
-- Knowledge@Wharton; Best Paper in E-Business, ICIS 2016
11. Tianshu Sun, Lanfei Shi, Siva Viswanathan and Elena Zheleva (2019) “Motivating Effective Mobile App Adoption: Evidence from a Large-Scale Randomized Field Experiment”, Information Systems Research, 30(2), 523-539.
12. Tianshu Sun, Guodong (Gordon) Gao and Ginger Zhe Jin (2019), “Mobile Messaging for Offline Group Formation in Prosocial Activities: A Large Field Experiment”, NBER Working Paper #21704, Management Science, 65(6), 2445-2945.
-- Best Paper (1st Place), CIST 2015; Best Paper (Honorable Mentions), INFORMS Doing Good with Good OR 2015;
13. Ni Huang, Tianshu Sun, Pei-yu Chen and Joseph Golden (2019) “Word-of-Mouth System Implementation and Customer Conversion: A Randomized Field Experiment”, Information Systems Research, 30(3), 805-818.
14. Tianshu Sun, Susan Feng Lu and Ginger Zhe Jin (2016), “Solving Shortage in a Priceless Market: Evidence from Blood Donation”, Journal of Health Economics, 48:149-165.
-- Featured on Nobel Laureate Al Roth’s blog, INET Winning Proposal 2013
15. Mingxuan Yue, Tianshu Sun, Fan Wu, Lixia Wu, Yinghui Xu and Cyrus Shahabi (2020) “Learning Contextual and Topological Representations of Areas-of-Interest for On-Demand Delivery Application”, Proceedings of the 2020 European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML-PKDD 2020),
-- Best Applied Data Science Paper (Runner-up), ECML 2020
2. Tianshu Sun, Siva Viswanathan and Elena Zheleva (2021) “Creating Social Contagion through Firm Mediated Message Design: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment”, Management Science, 67(2), 808-827.
3. Brian Han, Tianshu Sun, Leon Chu and Lixia Wu (2021) “COVID-19 and E-commerce Operations: Evidence from Alibaba”, Forthcoming, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
4. Tianshu Sun, Yanhao Max Wei, Joseph Golden (2021) “Geographical Pattern of Online Word-of-Mouth: How Offline Environment Affects Online Sharing”, Forthcoming, Information Systems Research
5. Angela Choi, Heeseung Lee, Tianshu Sun, Wonseok Oh (2021) “Reviewing Before Reading? An Empirical Investigation of Book Consumption Patterns and Their Effects on Reviews and Sales”, Forthcoming, Information Systems Research
6. Tianshu Sun and Sean Taylor (2020) “Displaying Things in Common to Encourage Friendship Formation: A Large Randomized Field Experiment”, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 18, 237–271
-- Winner of QME Wittink Prize (Best Published Paper in 2020), Invited Talks at Facebook, LinkedIn, Snap, Wharton, CMU, also in ACM EC 2019 Proceeding
7. Tianshu Sun, Siva Viswanathan, Ni Huang and Elena Zheleva (2020) “Designing Promotional Incentive to Embrace Social Sharing: Evidence from Field and Online Experiments”, MIS Quarterly, 45(2), 789-820
8. Edward McFowland III, Sandeep Gangarapu, Ravi Bapna and Tianshu Sun (2020) “Optimal Utilization of Heterogeneous Treatment Effects: A Prescriptive Analytics Approach”, Forthcoming, MIS Quarterly
9. Ni Huang, Probal Mojumder, Tianshu Sun, Jinchi Lv, Joseph Golden (All contribute Equally) “Not Registered? Please Sign-up First: A Randomized Field Experiment on the Ex-ante Registration Request”, Information Systems Research, 32(3), 914-931
10. JaeHwuen Jung, Ravi Bapna, Joseph Golden and Tianshu Sun (2020) (All contribute equally) “Words Matter! Towards Pro-social Call-to-Action for Online Referral: Evidence from Two Field Experiments”, Information Systems Research, 31(1), 16-36
-- Knowledge@Wharton; Best Paper in E-Business, ICIS 2016
11. Tianshu Sun, Lanfei Shi, Siva Viswanathan and Elena Zheleva (2019) “Motivating Effective Mobile App Adoption: Evidence from a Large-Scale Randomized Field Experiment”, Information Systems Research, 30(2), 523-539.
12. Tianshu Sun, Guodong (Gordon) Gao and Ginger Zhe Jin (2019), “Mobile Messaging for Offline Group Formation in Prosocial Activities: A Large Field Experiment”, NBER Working Paper #21704, Management Science, 65(6), 2445-2945.
-- Best Paper (1st Place), CIST 2015; Best Paper (Honorable Mentions), INFORMS Doing Good with Good OR 2015;
13. Ni Huang, Tianshu Sun, Pei-yu Chen and Joseph Golden (2019) “Word-of-Mouth System Implementation and Customer Conversion: A Randomized Field Experiment”, Information Systems Research, 30(3), 805-818.
14. Tianshu Sun, Susan Feng Lu and Ginger Zhe Jin (2016), “Solving Shortage in a Priceless Market: Evidence from Blood Donation”, Journal of Health Economics, 48:149-165.
-- Featured on Nobel Laureate Al Roth’s blog, INET Winning Proposal 2013
15. Mingxuan Yue, Tianshu Sun, Fan Wu, Lixia Wu, Yinghui Xu and Cyrus Shahabi (2020) “Learning Contextual and Topological Representations of Areas-of-Interest for On-Demand Delivery Application”, Proceedings of the 2020 European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML-PKDD 2020),
-- Best Applied Data Science Paper (Runner-up), ECML 2020


