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孫元華 博士,副教授,男,1982出生,山東冠縣,2015年12月畢業於電子科技大學通信與信息系統專業,獲博士學位,現任內江師範學院網路工程專業講師。



2016 年獲“針對國密SM4密碼算法的側信道分析攻擊技術研究”,四川省科技進步獎(科技進步類),二等獎。
2013 年12 月獲教育部頒發的博士研究生國家獎學金
2013 年12 月獲中國電子科技集團公司—電子科技大學聯合頒發的博士二等獎學金


<!--[if !supportLists]-->[1]<!--[endif]-->Yuanhua Sun, YangLiu, Yihe Liu, Nianqing tang, Yao Li, Dajun Xu, Yongyan Yu. “Design of Out-of-Phase Power Divider Fed Endfire Antenna with Wide Bandwidth”, 2018 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Science and Wireless Technology Conference, 2018. (EI,已錄用).
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[2]<!--[endif]-->Yuanhua Sun, Ying Lei, Yihe Liu, Nianqing tang, Yao Li, Dajun Xu, Yongyan Yu“The Design of Rectangular Ppatch Textile Antenna”, 2018 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Science and Wireless Technology Conference, 2018. (EI,已錄用).
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[3]<!--[endif]-->Yuanhua Sun, Yihe Liu, Nianqing tang.“The Design of End-fire Antenna with Log-period Directors”, IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology (IWAT), 2018. (EI,已錄用).
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[4]<!--[endif]-->Yuanhua Sun, Yihe Liu, Nianqing tang.“The Design of Wideband Quasi-Yagi Elliptic Dipole Antenna with Split-ring Resonator (SRR) Structures”, IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology (IWAT), 2018. (EI,已錄用).
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[5]<!--[endif]-->Yuanhua Sun, Yihe Liu, Nianqing tang.“The Design of End-fire Antenna for Radio Frequency Idnetification (RFID)”, IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology (IWAT), 2018. (EI,已錄用).
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[6]<!--[endif]-->Yuanhua Sun, Yihe Liu, Nianqing tang.“The desgin of Wideband End-fire Monople Antenna Arry”, IEEE International Workshop on Antenna Technology (IWAT), 2018. (EI,已錄用).
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[7]<!--[endif]-->Wei M, Sun Y, Wu X, et al. Gain enhancement for wideband end-fire antenna design with artificial material[J]. SpringerPlus, vol.5,pp.1571-1576,2016.(SCI,通訊作者)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[8]<!--[endif]-->Y. H. Sun, G. J. Wen, P. Wang, Y. H. Huang, “Wide bandwidth endfire antenna with log-period directors,” Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal vol.30, pp.1173-1179, 2015. (SCI, IF:1.012).
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[9]<!--[endif]-->Y. H. Sun, G. J. Wen, P. Wang and Z. B. Du, “A Compact Printed End-Fire Antenna for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Handheld Reader”, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society, vol.28, pp.71-74,2013.( SCI, IF:1.012).
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[10]<!--[endif]-->Y. H. Sun, G. J. Wen, P. Wang, Y. H. Huang and Z. B. Du, “A Compact Stacked-Patch Antenna for WiFi Application,” Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, vol.28, pp.602-607, 2013. (SCI, IF:1.012).
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[11]<!--[endif]-->Y. H. Sun, G. J. Wen, H.Y. Jin, P. Wang and H. J. Huang, “Gain enhancement for wide bandwidth endfire antenna with I-shaped resonator(ISR) structures”, IEE Electronics Letters, vol.49, pp.736-737, 2013. (SCI:182BW; IF:1.038).
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[12]<!--[endif]-->Y. H. Sun, G. J. Wen, P. Wang and H. B. Zhang, “Broad bandwidth endfire antenna using log-periodic directors”, IEEE Asia-Pac. Conf. Antennas Propag., 2014. (EI).
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[13]<!--[endif]-->Ping Wang, Guangjun Wen, Yongjun Huang, Yuanhua Sun.Compact Meander T-shaped monopole antenna for dual-band WLAN applications[J].International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2013, 23(1):67-73 ( SCI, EI).
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[14]<!--[endif]-->Ping Wang, Guangjun Wen, Haobin Zhang, Yuanhua Sun.A wideband conformal end-fire antenna array mounted on a large conducting cylinder[J].IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation, 2013, 61(9):4857-4861 (SCI, EI).
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[15]<!--[endif]-->Yongjun Huang, Guangjun Wen, Jian Li, Ping Wang, Yuanhua Sun.Wide-angle and polarization-independent metamaterial absorber based on snowflake-shaped configuration[J].Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2013, 27(5):552-559 (SCI, EI).
<!--[if !supportLists]-->[16]<!--[endif]-->李建,文光俊,黃勇軍,王平,孫元華.基於電諧振單元的超介質吸波材料及矩形波導匹配終端套用研究.物理學報[J], 2013, 62(8): 087801 (SCI, EI)。


