





2017 – 今: 天津大學環境科學與工程學院,特聘研究員(正高)
2014 – 2016:喬治亞理工學院(美國),博士後
2009 – 2014:喬治亞理工學院(美國),博士
2005 – 2009:同濟大學,專業:環境工程,學士




Environmental Science & Technology; Water Research; Waste Management; Chemical Engineering Journal; Scientific Reports; Journal of Hazardous Materials; Environmental Pollution; Science of the Total Environment等國際期刊審稿人


1.Zhang, R.; Meng, T.; Huang, C.-H.; Ben, W.; Yao, H.; Liu, R.; Sun, P.*PPCP Degradation by Chlorine–UV Processes in Ammoniacal Water: New Reaction Insights, Kinetic Modeling, and DBP Formation, Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52(14):7833-7841.
2.Sun, P.;Li,Y.; Meng, T.; Zhang, R.; Song, M.; Ren, J. Removal of sulfonamide antibiotics and human metabolite by biochar and biochar/H2O2 in synthetic urine, Water Research, 2018, 147, 91-100
3.Sun, P.;Zhang, T.; Mejia-Tickner, B.; Zhang, R.; Cai, M.; Huang, C.-H.Rapid Disinfection by Peracetic Acid Combined with UV Irradiation, Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2018, 5(6), 400-404
4.Sun, P.*;Lee, W.-N.; Zhang, R.; Huang, C.-H. Degradation of caffeine and DEET under UV/chlorine and simulated sunlight/chlorine conditions, Environmental Science & Technology,2016, 50(24),13265–13273
5.Zhang, R.; Yang, Y.; Huang, C.-H.; Zhao, L.; Sun, P.* Kinetics and modeling of sulfonamide antibiotic degradation in wastewater and human urine by UV/H2O2and UV/PDS, Water Research,2016, 103, 283-292
6.Sun, P.*; Tyree, C.; Huang, C.-H. Inactivation of E. coli, Bacteriophage MS2 and Bacillus spores under UV/H2O2and UV/persulfate advanced oxidation conditions, Environmental Science & Technology,2016, 50 (8), 4448-4458
7.Sun, P.;Pavlostathis, S.G.; Huang, C.-H. Estimation of environmentally relevant chemical properties of veterinary ionophore antibiotics, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (Just accepted)
8.Zhang, R.; Yang, Y.; Huang, C.-H.; Li, N.; Liu, H.; Zhao, L.; Sun, P.*UV/H2O2and UV/PDS treatment of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole in synthetic human urine: transformation products and toxicity, Environmental Science & Technology,2016,50(5), 2573–2583
9.Zhang, R.; Sun, P.;Boyer, T.; Zhao, L.; Huang, C.-H. Degradation of pharmaceuticals and metabolites in synthetic human urine by UV, UV/H2O2and UV/PDS,Environmental Science & Technology, 2015. 49(5), 3056-3066 (ESI高被引論文)
10.Sun, P.;Huang, C.-H.; Pavlostathis, S.G. Inhibition and biotransformation potential of veterinary ionophore antibiotics under different redox conditions,Environmental Science & Technology,2014. 48(22), 13146-13154
11.Sun, P.;Pavlostathis, S.G.; Huang, C.-H. Photodegradation of veterinary ionophore antibiotics under UV and solar irradiation, Environmental Science & Technology,2014. 48(22), 13188-13196
12.Sun, P.;Cabrera, M.; Huang, C.-H.; Pavlostathis, S.G. Biodegradation of veterinary ionophore antibiotics in broiler litter and soil microcosms, Environmental Science & Technology, 2014. 48(5), 2724-2731.
13.Sun, P.;Yao, H.; Minakata, D.; Crittenden, J.; Pavlostathis, S.G.; Huang, C.-H. Acid-catalyzed transformation of ionophore veterinary antibiotics: reaction mechanism and product implications, Environmental Science & Technology, 2013. 47(12), 6781-6789.
14.Sun, P.; Barmaz, D.; Cabrera, M.; Pavlostathis, S.G.; Huang, C.-H. Detection and quantification of ionophore antibiotics in runoff, soil and poultry Litter, Journal of Chromatography A, 2013. 1312, 10-17.
15.Chen, J.; Sun, P.; Zhang, Y.; Huang, C.-H. Multiple Roles of Cu(II) in Catalyzing Hydrolysis and Oxidation of β-Lactam Antibiotics, Environmental Science & Technology,(just accepted)
16.Chen, J.; Sun, P.;Zhou, X.; Zhang, Y.; Huang, C.-H.Cu(II)–catalyzed transformation of benzylpenicillin revisited: the overlooked oxidation, Environmental Science & Technology, 2015. 49(7), 4218-4225
17.Zhang, R.; Sun, P.;Boyer, T.; Zhao, L.; Huang, C.-H. Degradation of pharmaceuticals and metabolites in synthetic human urine by UV, UV/H2O2and UV/PDS,Environmental Science & Technology, 2015. 49(5), 3056-3066
18.Weng, S.-C.; Sun, P.;Ben, W.; Huang, C.-H.; Lee, L.; Blatchley, E. The presence of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in swimming pools,EnvironmentalScience & Technology Letters, 2014. 1(12), 495-498
19.Landry, K.A.; Sun, P.;Huang, C.-H.; Boyer, T.H.Ion-exchange selectivity of diclofenac, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, and naproxen in ureolyzed human urine, Water Research,2014. 68(1), 510-521.
20.Yao, H.; Sun, P.;Minakata, D.; Crittenden, J.; Huang, C.-H. Kinetics and modeling of degradation of ionophore antibiotics by UV and UV/H2O2, Environmental Science & Technology, 2013.47(9), 4581-4589.
21.Liu, Z.; Sun, P.;Pavlostathis, S.G.; Zhou, X.; Zhang, Y. Adsorption, inhibition, and biotransformation of ciprofloxacin under aerobic conditions, Bioresource Technology, 2013. 144, 644-651.
22.Liu, Z.; Sun, P.;Pavlostathis, S.G.; Zhou, X.; Zhang, Y. Inhibitory effects and biotransformation potential of ciprofloxacin under anoxic/anaerobic conditions, Bioresource Technology, 2013. 150, 28-35.


2018 天津大學“北洋學者”
2015 美國科學協會Sigma Xi 研究獎
2014 美國化學學會(ACS)環境化學獎


