


  • 中文名:孫亮
  • 國籍:中國
  • 畢業院校:大連理工大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:港口海岸及近海工程



2017/1- 至今,武漢理工大學,交通學院港口航道與結構工程系,教授
2013/1–2016/9,英國巴斯大學,Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering,Research Associate
2009/8 - 2012/12,新加坡國立大學,Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,Research Fellow
2006/10–2009/3,英國牛津大學,Department of Engineering Science,Research Assistant






1.Santo, H., Taylor, P. H., Carpintero Moreno, E., Eatock Taylor, R., Stansby, P.,孫亮, Zang, J., 2017. Extreme motion and response statistics for survival of the M4 wave energy converter in intermediate water depth. Journal of Fluid Mechanics,813,175-204.(SCI,EI檢索)
2.孫亮, Zang, J., Stansby, P., Carpintero Moreno, E., Taylor, P. H., Eatock Taylor, R., 2017. Linear diffraction analysis of the three-float multi-mode wave energy converter M4 for power capture and structural analysis in irregular waves with experimental validation. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy,3(1),51–68.
3.孫亮, Zang, J., Chen, L., Eatock Taylor, R., Taylor, P. H., 2016. Regular waves onto a truncated circular column: A comparison of experiments and simulations. Applied Ocean Research,59,650-662.(SCI,EI檢索)
4.Chen, L.,孫亮, Zang, J., Hillis, A. J., Plummer, A. R., 2016. Numerical study of roll motion of a floating structure in viscous flow. Journal of Hydrodynamics,28(4),544-563.(SCI,EI檢索)
5.孫亮, Stansby, P., Zang, J., Carpintero Moreno, E., Taylor, P. H., 2016. Linear diffraction analysis for optimisation of the three-float multi-mode wave energy converter M4 in regular waves including small arrays. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy, 2(4), 429-438.
6.孫亮, Eatock Taylor, R., Taylor, P. H., 2015. Wave driven free surface motion in the gap between a tanker and an FLNG barge. Applied Ocean Research, 51, 331-349.(SCI,EI檢索)
7.孫亮, Chen, L., Zang, J., 2014. Hydrodynamic analysis of interactions between waves and offshore structures. In: Proceedings of the 11th Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium (PACOMS 2014), Shanghai, China.(EI檢索)
8.孫亮, Chen, L., Zang, J., Eatock Taylor, R., Taylor, P. H., 2013. Nonlinear interactions of regular waves with a truncated circular column. In: ITTC Workshop on Wave Run-up and Vortex Shedding, Nantes, France.
9.孫亮, Eatock Taylor, R., Choo, Y. S., 2012. Multi-body dynamic analysis of float-over installations. Ocean Engineering, 51, 1-15.(SCI,EI檢索)
10.Lu, L., Teng, B.,孫亮, Chen, B., 2011. Modelling of multi-bodies in close proximity under water waves — Fluid forces on floating bodies. Ocean Engineering, 38, 1403-1416.(SCI,EI檢索)
11.孫亮, Eatock Taylor, R., Choo, Y. S., 2011. Responses of interconnected floating bodies. The IES Journal Part A: Civil & Structural Engineering, 4(3), 143-156.(EI檢索)
12.Lu, L., Teng, B., Cheng, L,孫亮, Chen, X. B., 2011. Modelling of multi-bodies in close proximity under water waves — Fluid resonance in narrow gaps. SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 54(1), 16-25.(SCI,EI檢索)
13.Lu, L., Cheng, L., Teng, B.,孫亮, 2010. Numerical simulation and comparison of potential flow and viscous fluid models in near trapping of narrow gaps. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 22(5), Supplement 1, 120-125.(SCI,EI檢索)
14.Liu, Z., Teng, B., Ning, D.Z.,孫亮, 2010. Using a time-domain higher-order boundary element method to simulate wave and current diffraction from a 3-D body. Journal of Marine Science and Application, 9(2), 156-162.
15.孫亮, Eatock Taylor, R., Taylor, P. H., 2010. First- and second-order analysis of resonant waves between adjacent barges. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 26(6), 954-978.(SCI,EI檢索)
16.劉珍,滕斌,寧德志,孫亮,2010. 波流與結構物相互作用的數值模擬. 計算力學學報, 第27卷第1期, 82-87頁.(EI檢索)
17.孫亮, Teng, B., Liu, C. F., 2008. Removing irregular frequencies by a partial discontinuous higher order boundary element method. Ocean Engineering, 35, 920-930.(SCI,EI檢索)
18.孫亮,滕斌, 寧德志,2007. 處理準奇異積分的自適應高斯積分法. 大連理工大學學報, 第47卷第1期, 106-112頁.(EI檢索)
19.孫金麗,劉愛珍,孫亮,寧德志,2006. 水槽側壁對任意三維結構波浪力的影響. 水道港口,第27卷第6期,348-351頁.
20.孫亮,滕斌,張曉兔,何廣華,2004. 消除“不規則頻率”的非連續高階元方法. 海洋工程, 第22卷第4期, 51-59頁.
1.Step-WEC: Step Change for Wave Energy Conversion through Floating Multibody Multimode Systems in Swell (2013 - 2016), 英國工程與自然科學研究理事會 (EPSRC) 資助, 63萬英鎊。
2.SMARTY: Supergen Marine Technology Challenge (2012 - 2016), 英國工程與自然科學研究理事會 (EPSRC) 資助, 103萬英鎊。
3.Re-Assessment and Retrofitting of Offshore Platforms (2009 - 2013年), 新加坡科技研究局 (A*STAR) 與新加坡海事及港務管理局(MPA)聯合資助, 34萬新元。
4.SAFE OFFLOAD:Safe Offloading from Floating LNG Platforms(2006 -2009), 歐盟委員會資助, 345萬歐元。


Applied Ocean Research(SCI,EI檢索)審稿人
Journal of Fluids and Structures(SCI,EI檢索)審稿人
Journal of Hydrodynamics(SCI,EI檢索)審稿人
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy審稿人
Ocean Engineering(SCI,EI檢索)審稿人


Merit Review Award(2006 - 2007),英國牛津大學工程科學系


