加拿大滑鐵盧大學(University of Waterloo) 訪問進修1年。
1、 水下動態多節點自動接入與組網基礎研究,
3、電磁矢量感測器陣列時空信號處理,國家自然科學基金(60672065),2007.01-2009.12 (主持)
5、室內無線通信系統多徑信道特性及智慧型天線的研究,國家科學基金(60101002),2002.1-2004.12 (主持)
1、Fangjiong Chen, Fei Ji, Tuohuang Cao,Shangkun Xiong, Maximum Likelihood Based Measurement of Interference Level and Noise Power for Memoryless Gaussian Channel with Deterministic Interference, IEEE Tran. Communication,60(1):19-22, 2012
2、Ying Liu, Fangjiong Chen, Fei Ji, Xiaodong Chen, Shangkun Xiong, Semi-Distributed Coordinative Switch Beamforming with Power Scheduling, International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security, 3(2): 12-18, 2011
3、Hua Yu, Gang Wei, Fei Ji and X. Zhang, On the Error Probability of Cross-QAM with MRC Reception over generalized η-μ Fading Channels, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, no. 6, pp.2631-2643, July 2011.
4、劉義賢,季飛,余華,認知無線電網路中基於噪聲功率估計的能量檢測性能,電子與信息學報,vol.33, no.6, pp.1487-1491, June, 2011.
5、Weishan Lu, Fei Ji(季飛) and Hua Yu, A General Resource Allocation Algorithm with Fairness for SDMA/MISO/OFDMA Systems, IEEE Communications Letters, vol.15(10), pp.1072-1074,2011
6、Fei Ji, Weishan Lu and Xiaocheng Deng. "A Scheme of MAC/PHY Cross-Layer Design in MIMO Ad Hoc Networks Based on Random Number Allocation Strategy,2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering, Shang Hai. 10 Jun - 12 Jun, 2011
10、Fei Ji(季飛), Jian Liang and Fang-Jiong Chen, ESPRIT algorithm for joint delay and 2-dimensional DOA estimation of multipath parameters, IEEE 2007 International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies For Wireless Communications (MAPE 2007), Hang Zhou, Aug.14-17, II-1093-1096, 2007
11、Miaoyin, Wang , Fei, Ji(季飛) and Gang, Wei, Simulation analysis of adaptive power control method in TD-SCDMA system, 2007 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium, SIEDS, p 4373989 , 2007
12、Hongjiang Wang, Fei Ji(季飛), Shengming Jiang, Liying Huang and Gang Wei.Stability analysis of timing acquisition methods with multi-hypothesis in indoor UWB multipath and MAI channel,Eighth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing, Qindao, July 30-Aug.3, Vol.3:478-483 , 2007
13、Ji, F(季飛); Lu, XL,3G open service architecture and customer-driven 3G service development, 6th International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, JUL 01-06, 2007,Lhasa,China, volume: 6, pp: 50-55, 2007
14、Fei Ji(季飛), Sam Kwong, Frequency and 2-D angle estimation based on a sparse uniform array of electromagnetic vector sensors, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing,Art. No. 8-720 2006.
17、劉學斌,季飛,韋崗,基於微小頻偏的新的四階累積量DOA子空間估計法,電子與信息學報,vol.27, no.5,pp.745-748, 2005
18、單志龍,季飛,韋崗,寬頻非高斯信號的二維波達方向估計方法,電子與信息學報,vol.26, no.3, pp.484-488,2004
1. Beixiong Zheng, Fangjiong Chen, Miaowen Wen, Fei Ji, Hua Yu, and Yun Liu, Low-Complexity ML Detector and Performance Analysis for OFDM with In-Phase/Quadrature Index Modulation, IEEE Communications Letters,19(11),pp1893-1896, Nov. 2015
2. Beixiong Zheng, F. Chen, Q. Guan, M. Wen, H. Yu, F. Ji,Novel Pilot Design and Signal Detection for SC-FDE Systems WithFrequency-Domain Pilot Multiplexing Technique, IEEE Communications Letters, 2015,19(8): 1466 - 1469
3. Hua Yu, Aijun Song, M. Badiey, F. Chen, Fei Ji, Iterative Estimation of Doubly Selective Underwater Acoustic Channel Using Basis expansion models, Ad Hoc Networks (SCI), Online Feb. 2015.
4. Weiqiang Pan, Fangjiong Chen, Fei Ji,Jing Feng ,Doppler-shift estimation of flatunderwater channel using data-aided least-square approach ,International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 7(2), pp 426-434, 2015/7
5.Y.Cui, J. Qing, Quansheng Guan, F. Ji and G. Wei, Stochastically Optimized Fountain Based Transmissions over Underwater Acoustic Channels, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, 64(5), pp. 2108-2112, Feb. 2014.
6.Yun Liu, Hua Yu, Fei Ji and et al, Robust Timing Estimation Method for OFDM Systems with Reduced Complexity, IEEE Communications Letters, 18(11),pp.1959-1962, 2014
7.Fangjiong Chen, Yabing Kang, Hua Yu and Fei Ji, Non-data-aided ML SNR estimation for AWGN channels with deterministic interference, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Mar. 2014
8.Fangjiong Chen, Fei Ji, Tuohuang Cao,Shangkun Xiong, Maximum Likelihood Based Measurement of Interference Level and Noise Power for Memoryless Gaussian Channel with Deterministic Interference, IEEE Tran. Communication,60(1):19-22, 2012
9. Ying Liu, Fangjiong Chen, Fei Ji, Xiaodong Chen, Shangkun Xiong, Semi-Distributed Coordinative Switch Beamforming with Power Scheduling, International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security, 3(2): 12-18, 2011
10.Hua Yu, Gang Wei, Fei Ji and X. Zhang, On the Error Probability of Cross-QAM with MRC Reception over generalized η-μ Fading Channels, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, no. 6, pp.2631-2643, July 2011.
11、劉義賢,季飛,余華,認知無線電網路中基於噪聲功率估計的能量檢測性能,電子與信息學報,vol.33, no.6, pp.1487-1491, June, 2011.
12、Weishan Lu, Fei Ji(季飛) and Hua Yu, A General Resource Allocation Algorithm with Fairness for SDMA/MISO/OFDMA Systems, IEEE Communications Letters, vol.15(10), pp.1072-1074,2011
13. Yizhi Feng, Miaowen Wen, Jun Zhang, Fei Ji and Geng-xin Ning, Sum of Arbitrarily Correlated Gamma Random Variables with Unequal Parameters and Its Application in Wireless Communications, 2016 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), Kauai, Hawaii, USA,February 15-18, 2016
14.Beixiong Zheng, Miaowen Wen, Fang-Jiong Chen, Fei Ji, Quansheng Guan and Hua Yu, Novel Signal Reconstruction Method for SC-FDE Systems with Frequency Domain Pilot Multiplexing Technique over Time-Varying Channels, 2016 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), Kauai, Hawaii, USA,February 15-18, 2016(Best Paper Award)
15. Xiaohui Zhong, Fangjiong Chen, Beixiong Zheng, Fei Ji, Miaowen Wen, Minimum Symbol-Error Rate Equalization Based Turbo Receiver for Underwater Acoustic Communications ,Proc. ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks and Systems, Oct.22-24, 2015
16. Yanbo Zhao, Hua Yu, Gang Wei, Fei Ji,Fangjiong Chen, Jun Zhang, FRFT-based Parameter Estimation of Time-varying Wideband Underwater Acoustic Multipath Channels ,Proc. ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks and Systems, Oct. 22-24, 2015
17. Jiasheng Fan, Fangjiong Chen, Jia Hou, Fei Ji, Hua Yu. Throughput Analysis of One-Hop-Relay Random Underwater Network with Mobile Nodes ,Proc. ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks and Systems, Oct.22-24, 2015
18.Beixiong Zheng, Fangjiong Chen, Miaowen Wen, Fei Ji, Hua Yu, Low-Complexity Minimum-SER Channel Equalization for OFDM Underwater Acoustic Communications ,Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Apr.19-24, 2015
19.Z. Fu, Quansheng Guang, F. Ji and et al, Stable User pairing in virtual MIMO systems: A game theoretical perspective, in Proc. IEEE ICCC 2012,Xi’an, China, Aug. 2013
20.Hua Yu, Aijun Song, Mohsen Badiey, Fangjiong Chen, Fei Ji., Iterative Estimation of the Time Varying Underwater Acoustic Channel Using Basis Expansion Models, ACM 2013 WUWNET
21.Yun Liu, Fang-jiong Chen, Fei ji, Hua Yu, Jun Zhang,A New Amphibious Network Infrastructure with Hybrid Acoustic and Radio Links, The 8th ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems (WUWNet’13), November,2013
22.Beixiong Zheng, Fangjiong Chen, Fei Ji and Hua Yu Least-Symbol-Error-Rate Adaptive Decision Feedback Equalization for Underwater Channel. ACM 2013 WUWNET
23.Fei Ji, Weishan Lu and Xiaocheng Deng, A Scheme of MAC/PHY Cross-layer design in MIMO Ad Hoc Networks based on random number allocation strategy, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering, Shang Hai.10 Jun -12 Jun, 2011
3、Hua Yu, Gang Wei, Fei Ji and X. Zhang, On the Error Probability of Cross-QAM with MRC Reception over generalized η-μ Fading Channels, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, no. 6, pp.2631-2643, July 2011.
4、劉義賢,季飛,余華,認知無線電網路中基於噪聲功率估計的能量檢測性能,電子與信息學報,vol.33, no.6, pp.1487-1491, June, 2011.
5、Weishan Lu, Fei Ji(季飛) and Hua Yu, A General Resource Allocation Algorithm with Fairness for SDMA/MISO/OFDMA Systems, IEEE Communications Letters, vol.15(10), pp.1072-1074,2011
6、Fei Ji, Weishan Lu and Xiaocheng Deng. "A Scheme of MAC/PHY Cross-Layer Design in MIMO Ad Hoc Networks Based on Random Number Allocation Strategy,2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering, Shang Hai. 10 Jun - 12 Jun, 2011
10、Fei Ji(季飛), Jian Liang and Fang-Jiong Chen, ESPRIT algorithm for joint delay and 2-dimensional DOA estimation of multipath parameters, IEEE 2007 International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies For Wireless Communications (MAPE 2007), Hang Zhou, Aug.14-17, II-1093-1096, 2007
11、Miaoyin, Wang , Fei, Ji(季飛) and Gang, Wei, Simulation analysis of adaptive power control method in TD-SCDMA system, 2007 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium, SIEDS, p 4373989 , 2007
12、Hongjiang Wang, Fei Ji(季飛), Shengming Jiang, Liying Huang and Gang Wei.Stability analysis of timing acquisition methods with multi-hypothesis in indoor UWB multipath and MAI channel,Eighth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing, Qindao, July 30-Aug.3, Vol.3:478-483 , 2007
13、Ji, F(季飛); Lu, XL,3G open service architecture and customer-driven 3G service development, 6th International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, JUL 01-06, 2007,Lhasa,China, volume: 6, pp: 50-55, 2007
14、Fei Ji(季飛), Sam Kwong, Frequency and 2-D angle estimation based on a sparse uniform array of electromagnetic vector sensors, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing,Art. No. 8-720 2006.
17、劉學斌,季飛,韋崗,基於微小頻偏的新的四階累積量DOA子空間估計法,電子與信息學報,vol.27, no.5,pp.745-748, 2005
18、單志龍,季飛,韋崗,寬頻非高斯信號的二維波達方向估計方法,電子與信息學報,vol.26, no.3, pp.484-488,2004
1. Beixiong Zheng, Fangjiong Chen, Miaowen Wen, Fei Ji, Hua Yu, and Yun Liu, Low-Complexity ML Detector and Performance Analysis for OFDM with In-Phase/Quadrature Index Modulation, IEEE Communications Letters,19(11),pp1893-1896, Nov. 2015
2. Beixiong Zheng, F. Chen, Q. Guan, M. Wen, H. Yu, F. Ji,Novel Pilot Design and Signal Detection for SC-FDE Systems WithFrequency-Domain Pilot Multiplexing Technique, IEEE Communications Letters, 2015,19(8): 1466 - 1469
3. Hua Yu, Aijun Song, M. Badiey, F. Chen, Fei Ji, Iterative Estimation of Doubly Selective Underwater Acoustic Channel Using Basis expansion models, Ad Hoc Networks (SCI), Online Feb. 2015.
4. Weiqiang Pan, Fangjiong Chen, Fei Ji,Jing Feng ,Doppler-shift estimation of flatunderwater channel using data-aided least-square approach ,International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, 7(2), pp 426-434, 2015/7
5.Y.Cui, J. Qing, Quansheng Guan, F. Ji and G. Wei, Stochastically Optimized Fountain Based Transmissions over Underwater Acoustic Channels, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, 64(5), pp. 2108-2112, Feb. 2014.
6.Yun Liu, Hua Yu, Fei Ji and et al, Robust Timing Estimation Method for OFDM Systems with Reduced Complexity, IEEE Communications Letters, 18(11),pp.1959-1962, 2014
7.Fangjiong Chen, Yabing Kang, Hua Yu and Fei Ji, Non-data-aided ML SNR estimation for AWGN channels with deterministic interference, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Mar. 2014
8.Fangjiong Chen, Fei Ji, Tuohuang Cao,Shangkun Xiong, Maximum Likelihood Based Measurement of Interference Level and Noise Power for Memoryless Gaussian Channel with Deterministic Interference, IEEE Tran. Communication,60(1):19-22, 2012
9. Ying Liu, Fangjiong Chen, Fei Ji, Xiaodong Chen, Shangkun Xiong, Semi-Distributed Coordinative Switch Beamforming with Power Scheduling, International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security, 3(2): 12-18, 2011
10.Hua Yu, Gang Wei, Fei Ji and X. Zhang, On the Error Probability of Cross-QAM with MRC Reception over generalized η-μ Fading Channels, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 60, no. 6, pp.2631-2643, July 2011.
11、劉義賢,季飛,余華,認知無線電網路中基於噪聲功率估計的能量檢測性能,電子與信息學報,vol.33, no.6, pp.1487-1491, June, 2011.
12、Weishan Lu, Fei Ji(季飛) and Hua Yu, A General Resource Allocation Algorithm with Fairness for SDMA/MISO/OFDMA Systems, IEEE Communications Letters, vol.15(10), pp.1072-1074,2011
13. Yizhi Feng, Miaowen Wen, Jun Zhang, Fei Ji and Geng-xin Ning, Sum of Arbitrarily Correlated Gamma Random Variables with Unequal Parameters and Its Application in Wireless Communications, 2016 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), Kauai, Hawaii, USA,February 15-18, 2016
14.Beixiong Zheng, Miaowen Wen, Fang-Jiong Chen, Fei Ji, Quansheng Guan and Hua Yu, Novel Signal Reconstruction Method for SC-FDE Systems with Frequency Domain Pilot Multiplexing Technique over Time-Varying Channels, 2016 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), Kauai, Hawaii, USA,February 15-18, 2016(Best Paper Award)
15. Xiaohui Zhong, Fangjiong Chen, Beixiong Zheng, Fei Ji, Miaowen Wen, Minimum Symbol-Error Rate Equalization Based Turbo Receiver for Underwater Acoustic Communications ,Proc. ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks and Systems, Oct.22-24, 2015
16. Yanbo Zhao, Hua Yu, Gang Wei, Fei Ji,Fangjiong Chen, Jun Zhang, FRFT-based Parameter Estimation of Time-varying Wideband Underwater Acoustic Multipath Channels ,Proc. ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks and Systems, Oct. 22-24, 2015
17. Jiasheng Fan, Fangjiong Chen, Jia Hou, Fei Ji, Hua Yu. Throughput Analysis of One-Hop-Relay Random Underwater Network with Mobile Nodes ,Proc. ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks and Systems, Oct.22-24, 2015
18.Beixiong Zheng, Fangjiong Chen, Miaowen Wen, Fei Ji, Hua Yu, Low-Complexity Minimum-SER Channel Equalization for OFDM Underwater Acoustic Communications ,Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Apr.19-24, 2015
19.Z. Fu, Quansheng Guang, F. Ji and et al, Stable User pairing in virtual MIMO systems: A game theoretical perspective, in Proc. IEEE ICCC 2012,Xi’an, China, Aug. 2013
20.Hua Yu, Aijun Song, Mohsen Badiey, Fangjiong Chen, Fei Ji., Iterative Estimation of the Time Varying Underwater Acoustic Channel Using Basis Expansion Models, ACM 2013 WUWNET
21.Yun Liu, Fang-jiong Chen, Fei ji, Hua Yu, Jun Zhang,A New Amphibious Network Infrastructure with Hybrid Acoustic and Radio Links, The 8th ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems (WUWNet’13), November,2013
22.Beixiong Zheng, Fangjiong Chen, Fei Ji and Hua Yu Least-Symbol-Error-Rate Adaptive Decision Feedback Equalization for Underwater Channel. ACM 2013 WUWNET