1.A Review of the Ecological and Socioeconomic Effects of Biofuel and Energy Policy Recommendations (with X. Long). Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016, 61, 41-52. (IF=8.050,1區)
2.Is Urbanization Eco-Friendly? An Energy and Land Use Cross-Country Analysis (with X. Long et al.). Energy Policy. 2016. Accepted. (IF=4.140,1區)
3.Ecological accounting and evaluation of urban economy: taking Beijing city as the case. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2011,16(3), 1650-1669. (IF=2.834,1區)
4.Exergy-based assessment for waste gas emissions from Chinese transportation (with G.Q. Chen et al.). Energy Policy, 2009. 37(6), 2231-2240. (IF=4.140,1區)
5.Urban dynamics and multiple-objective programming: A case study of Beijing (with X.H.Yuan et al.). Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2008. 13(9), 1998-2017. (IF=2.834,1區)
6.Exergy analysis of energy utilization in the transportation sector in China (with G.Q. Chen). Energy Policy, 2006. 34 (14), 1709-1719. (IF=4.140,1區)
7.Unified account of gas pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions: Chinese transportation 1978-2004 (with G.Q. Chen). Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2010. 15(9), 2710-2722. (IF=2.834,1區)
8.Cosmic emergy based ecological systems modelling (with H. Chen et al.). Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2010. 15(9), 2672-2700. (IF=2.834,1區)
9.Assessing the energy-saving effect of urbanization in China based on stochastic impacts by regression on population, affluence and technology (STIRPAT) model (with B.Chen). Journal of Cleaner Production, Available online 17 December 2015. (IF=5.715,2區)
10.Taking the pulse of urban economy: From the perspective of systems ecology. Ecological Modelling, 2015, 318, 36-48. (IF=2.275,3區)
11.Alternative Industrial Carbon Emissions Benchmark Based on Input-Output Analysis (With M.Y.Han). Frontiers of Earth Science, Available online 11 May 2016.
12.Emergy-based hybrid evaluation for commercial construction engineering: A case study in BDA (With M.Y.Han et al.). Ecological Indicators, 2014, 47,179-188.
13.Local-scale systems input-output analysis of embodied water for the Beijing economy in 2007 (with M. Han et al.). Frontier of Earth Science, 2014, 8(3), 414-426.
14.Embodied energy consumption and carbon emissions evaluation for urban industrial structure optimization (with Z. Chen et al.). Frontier of Earth Science, 2014, 8(1), 32-43.
15.Embodied water for urban economy: A three-scale input–output analysis for Beijing 2010. Ecological Modelling, 2015. 318, 19-25. (IF=2.275,3區)
16.Embodied greenhouse gas emission by Macao (with J.S.Li et al.) Energy Policy, 2013. 59, 819-833. (IF=4.140,1區)
17.Environmental emissions by Chinese industry: Exergy-based unifying assessment (with B.Zhang et al.). Energy Policy, 2012. 45, 490-501. (IF=4.140,1區)
18.Chemical exergy based evaluation of water quality (with G.Q. Chen). Ecological Modelling, 2007. 200 (1-2), 259-268. (IF=2.275,3區)
19.Exergetic evaluation of corn-ethanol production in China (with Q.Yang et al.). Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2009. 14 (5): 2450-2461. (IF=2.834,1區)
20.Exergetic assessment for ecological economic system: Chinese agriculture (with G.Q. Chen et al.). Ecological Modelling, 2009. 220(3), 397-410. (IF=2.275,3區)
21.Ecological evaluation of Beijing economy based on emergy indices (with M.M. Jiang et al.). Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2009.14(5): 2482-24. (IF=2.834,1區)