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孟雲飛,男,工學博士,華中科技大學武漢光電國家研究中心博士/博士後,現任西南交通大學材料科學與工程學院副研究員、材料加工系副主任,先後入選省博士後創新研究崗位、西南交通大學“青苗學者”、四川省級青年人才、2024全國“焊才新星”—璀璨之星,主持國家重點研發計畫子課題、國家自然科學基金、博士後科學基金以及企業橫向課題10餘項,累計在Int. J. Heat Mass Transf., Mater. Sci. Eng. A, Appl. Surf. Sci., J. Alloy. Compd., Thin-Walled Struct., J. Mater. Res. Technol., Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, J. Manuf. Process., Addit. Manuf.等國內外學術期刊發表論文40餘篇,包括一作SCI論文23篇、通訊SCI論文7篇、一作中文論文4篇等,申請/授權發明專利4件,受邀擔任四川大學學報(自然科學版)青年編委,Thin-Walled Struct., Appl. Surf. Sci., J. Alloy. Compd., J. Mater. Process. Technol., J. Manuf. Process., Metall. Mater. Trans. A, Virtual Phys. Prototyp., 以及焊接學報、精密成形工程、材料開發與套用等學術期刊審稿人。。


  • 中文名:孟雲飛
  • 國籍中國 
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校華中科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:雷射先進制造 
  • 職務:副研究員 






[1] Yuhui Xie, Yunfei Meng*, Ailin Deng*, Chao Ge, Ziheng Yang, Qianxi Yu, Jiahui Zheng, Hui Chen. Interface characteristics and fracture mechanism of laser-arc hybrid welded Al-Ti dissimilar butt-joint through beam oscillation. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2024, 916, 147306.
[2] Chao Ge, Yunfei Meng*, Yuhui Xie, Jiahui Zheng, Ziheng Yang, Kang Guo, Qianxi Yu, Hui Chen. Microstructures and mechanical properties of laser-arc hybrid welded high-strength aluminum alloy through beam oscillation. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2024, 32: 3015-3024.
[3] Yunfei Meng*, Qianxi Yu, Xu Wu, Yupeng Ye, Jingtao Liao, Xiaohan Guo, Ailin Deng*, Hui Chen. Deposition stability and forming characteristics in laser-arc hybrid additive manufacturing of aluminum alloy through beam oscillation. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40684-024-00659-z.
[4] Lijun Wang*, Ying Wu, Hui Chen, Yan Liu, Yunfei Meng, Zhenlin Zhang. Modulation-ratio-dependent deformation mechanisms in Cr/CrN/Cr-DLC multilayer triggered by nanoindentation. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2024, 1004, 175922.
[5] Ailin Deng, Hui Chen, Yingbo Zhang*, Yunfei Meng*, Yan Liu, Ying Zeng, Hongmei Liu, Zhenlin Zhang, Mingyue Zhang. Enhanced strength and ductility of aluminum alloy laser welded joints through Ca micro-alloyed welding materials. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2024, 900, 146482.
[6] Yunfei Meng*, Qianxi Yu, Xu Wu, Ming Gao*, Hui Chen. Wire arc additive manufacturing of Al-Si-Mg aluminum alloy through wire-powder synchronous deposition. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2024, http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/43.1239.TG.20240403.1814.036.html.
[7] Yishuai Jiang, Yunfei Meng*, Hui Chen, Xu Wu, Ailin Deng. Effects of oscillating frequency on keyhole stability and porosity inhibition in high-power laser-arc hybrid welding of 10-mm-thick 6082 aluminum alloy. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2024, 30: 385-396.
[8] Yunfei Meng*, Qianxi Yu, Ming Gao*, Hui Chen, Yishuai Jiang, Ziheng Yang. High-frequency oscillating laser-arc hybrid welding of 8-mm-thick high-strength aluminum alloy through synchronous wire-powder feeding. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 222, 125180.
[9] Yunfei Meng, Zeyu Li, Ming Gao, Hui Chen, Xu Wu, Qianxi Yu. Laser cleaning assisted wire arc additive manufacturing of aluminum alloy thin-wall through synchronous wire-powder deposition. Thin-Walled Structures, 2024, 197, 111622.
[10] Xu Wu, Yunfei Meng*, Yupeng Ye, Yishuai Jiang, Bingxu Zhang, Hui Chen*. Improved formation accuracy and mechanical properties of laser-arc hybrid additive manufactured aluminum alloy through beam oscillation. Optics and Laser Technology, 2024, 170, 110325.
[11] Bingxu Zhang, Hui Chen*, Yan Liu, Yunfei Meng*, Ailin Deng, Xu Wu.Study on the influence of Al-Si welding wire on porosity sensitivity in laser welding and process optimization. Optics and Laser Technology, 2024, 170, 110261.
[12] Ailin Deng, Hui Chen*, Yingbo Zhang, Ying Wu, Yan Liu, Yunfei Meng, Hongmei Liu, Yahui Wu. Effect of rare Y-microalloyed Al-Mg filler materials on the microstructure and tensile properties of laser welded Al–Mg–Si alloys. Materials Science & Engineering A, 2024, 892, 146101.
[13] Rui Su, Jingtao Chen, Hui Chen, Zhiyi Zhang, Xu Zhao, Zheng Lei, Dirui Wang, Yunfei Meng, Zhenlin Zhang. Low-temperature impact toughness of laser-arc hybrid welded low-carbon bainitic steel. Journal of Materials Science, 2023, 58: 12775-12792.
[14] Yunfei Meng, Jian Li, Shuai Zhang, Ming Gao, Mengcheng Gong*, Hui Chen*. Wire arc additive manufacturing of Ni-Al intermetallic compounds through synchronous wire-powder feeding. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 943, 169152.
[15] Yunfei Meng, Jian Li, Ming Gao*, Hui Chen*. Preparation of Ni-Al intermetallic compounds by plasma arc melting deposition through double-wire feeding. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 24: 6174-6186.
[16] Yunfei Meng, Jiangwang Fu, Shuai Zhang, Mengcheng Gong, Ming Gao*, Hui Chen*. Laser-arc hybrid welding of AZ31B magnesium alloy by newly-designed beam oscillating pattern. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2023, 93: 208-218.
[17] Yunfei Meng, Jiangwang Fu, Mengcheng Gong, Shuai Zhang, Ming Gao*, Hui Chen*. Laser dissimilar welding of Al/Mg lap-joint with Ti interlayer through optimized 8-shaped beam oscillation. Optics and Laser Technology, 2023, 162, 109304.
[18] Yunfei Meng, Zeyu Li, Ming Gao, Hui Chen*, Chen Zhang*. Parameter Optimization and Mechanism of Synchronous Wire-Powder Arc Melting Deposition of Aluminum Alloy. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-023-08138-3.
[19] Yunfei Meng, Laihege Jiang, Ling Cen, Ming Gao*. Improved mechanical properties of laser-arc hybrid welded Al/steel dissimilar butt-joint through beam oscillation. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2021, 26(6): 487-492.
[20] Yunfei Meng, Jian Li, Ming Gao*, Xiaoyan Zeng. Microstructure characteristics of wire arc additive manufactured Ni-Al intermetallic compounds. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2021, 68: 932-939.
[21] Ming Gao, Yazhou Zhang, Yunfei Meng*. Interface homogenization and its relationship with tensile properties of laser-arc hybridwelded Al/steel butt-joint via beam oscillation. Journal of Materials Science, 2021, 56: 14126-14138.
[22] Yunfei Meng, Yang Lu, Zeyu Li, Suning Zhao, Ming Gao*. Effects of beam oscillation on interface layer and mechanical propertiesof laser-arc hybrid lap welded Al/Mg dissimilar metals. Intermetallics, 2021,133, 107175.
[23] Mengcheng Gong, Yunfei Meng, Shuai Zhang, YazhouZhang, Ming Gao*. Laser-arc hybrid additive manufacturing of stainless steelwith beam oscillation. Additive Manufacturing, 2020, 33, 101180.
[24] Yunfei Meng, Mengcheng Gong, Shuai Zhang, Yazhou Zhang, Ming Gao*. Effects of oscillating laser offset on microstructure andproperties of dissimilar Al/steel butt-joint. Optics and Lasers in Engineering,2020, 128, 106037.
[25] Yunfei Meng,Xinwei Li, Ming Gao*, Xiaoyan Zeng. Microstructures and mechanical propertiesof laser-arc hybrid welded dissimilar pure copper to stainless steel. Optics and Laser Technology, 2019, 111: 140-145.
[26] Yunfei Meng, Geng Li, Ming Gao*, Xiaoyan Zeng. Formation and suppression mechanism of lack of fusion in narrow gap laser-archybrid welding. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 100(9-12): 2299-2309.
[27] Yunfei Meng, Kai Kang, Ming Gao*, Xiaoyan Zeng. Relationship between corrosion resistance and microstructure characteristic of single-pass laser-arc hybrid welded stainless clad steel plate. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 2019, 50A: 2817-2825.
[28] Yunfei Meng, Ming Gao*, Xiaoyan Zeng. Effects of arc types on the laser-arc synergic effects of hybrid welding. Optics Express, 2018, 26(11): 14775-14785.
[29] Yunfei Meng, Ming Gao*, Xiaoyan Zeng. Quantitative analysis of synergic effects during laser-arc hybrid welding of AZ31 magnesium alloy. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2018, 111: 183-192.
[30] Yunfei Meng, Geng Li, Ming Gao*, Xiaoyan Zeng. Effects of groove parameters on space constraint of narrow gap laser-arc hybridwelding. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2018, 33: 144-149.
[31] Yunfei Meng, Kai Kang, Ming Gao*, Xiaoyan Zeng. Microstructures and properties of single-pass laser-arc hybrid welded stainless clad steel plate. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2018, 36: 293-300.
[32] Yunfei Meng, Jiaping Zhang, Cuiyuan Duan, Cheng Chen, Xiaomei Feng, Yifu Shen*. Microstructures and properties of W-Cu functionally graded composite coatings on copper substrate via high-energy mechanical alloying. Advanced Powder Technology, 2015, 26: 392-400.
[33] Yunfei Meng, Yifu Shen*, Cheng Chen, Yongcan Li,Xiaomei Feng. Effects of Cu content and mechanical alloying parameters on the preparation of W-Cu composite coatings on copper substrate. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 585: 368-375.
[34] Yunfei Meng, Yifu Shen*, Cheng Chen, Yongcan Li, Xiaomei Feng. Microstructures and formation mechanism of W-Cu compositecoatings on copper substrate prepared by mechanical alloying method. Applied Surface Science, 2013, 282: 757-764.
[1] 孟雲飛,余千禧,鄧愛林,陳輝,高明,李澤宇. 一種絲粉同步電弧熔化沉積方法. 中國,發明專利,申請號:CN202410405295.4.
[2] 陳輝,鄧愛林,張英波,劉艷,孟雲飛. 一種稀土元素改性的雷射焊接用鋁合金焊絲及其製備方法. 中國,發明專利,申請號:CN202311710407.9.
[3] 李海舟,魯睿,陳輝,孟雲飛. 一種基於等效應力的焊接接頭高周疲勞壽命預測方法. 中國,發明專利,申請號:CN202411286100.5.
[4] 高明,孟雲飛,李耿,曾曉雁. 一種窄間隙雷射-電弧複合焊接氣體保護裝置及調節方法. 中國,發明專利,專利號:CN201711164562.X.


