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  • 中文名:孟慶鋒
  • 畢業院校:中國農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學


2015.10-至今 中國農業大學 副教授
2014.7-2015.10 中國農業科學院 助理研究員
2013.2-2014.2 Stanford大學 訪問學者
2012.7-2014.6 中國農業大學 博士後
2008.9-2012.6 中國農業大學 博士
2006.9-2008.6 中國農業大學 碩士




(3) 華北平原有限水資源條件下的可持續作物生產體系;



(1) 973項目“作物高產群體與關鍵氣候因子的匹配原理與調控機制”(2015-2019),參加
(2) 國家自然基金青年基金項目“華北雙季玉米體系產量與水資源可持續利用研究”(2016-2018),主持
(3) 中國農業大學引進人才科研啟動項目(2017-2019),主持


1.Meng, Q.F., Cui, Z.L., Yang, H.S., Zhang, F.S., Chen, X.P., 2018. Establishing high-yielding maize system for sustainable intensification in China. Advances in Agronomy, 148, 85-105.
2.Tian, B.J., Zhu, J.C., Nie, Y.S., Xu, C.L., Meng, Q.F*., Wang, P*., 2018. Mitigating heat and chilling stress by adjusting the sowing date of maize in the North China Plain, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 00, 1-11.
3.Xu, C.L., Zhao, H.X., Zhang, P., Wang, Y.Y., Huang, S.B., Meng, Q.F*., Wang, P*., 2018. Delaying wheat seeding time and maize harvest improved water use efficiency in a warm temperature continental monsoon climate. Agronomy Journal, 110, 1-10.
4.Wang, L.J., Meng, Q.F*., Wang, P*., 2018. Increasing concurrent drought and heat during the summer maize season in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, China. International Journal of Climatology, 38, 3177-3190.
5.Liu, B.H., Chen, X.P*., Meng, Q.F*., Yang, H.S., van Wart, Justin., 2017. Estimating maize yield potential and yield gap with agro-climatic zones in China—Distinguish irrigated and rainfed conditions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 239, 108-117.
6.Xu, C.L., Huang, S.B., Tian, B.J., Ren, J.H., Meng, Q.F*., Wang, P*., 2017. Manipulating planting density and nitrogen fertilizer application to improve yield and reduce environmental impact in Chinese maize production. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8, 1234.
7.Meng, Q.F#., Wang, H.F#., Yan, P#., Pan, J.X., Lu, D.J., Cui, Z.L., Zhang, F.S., Chen, X.P*., 2017. Designing a new cropping system for high productivity and sustainable water usage under climate change. Scientific Reports, 7, 41587.
8.Liu, B.H., Wu, L., Chen, X.P., Meng, Q.F*., 2016. Quantifying the potential yield and yield gap of Chinese wheat production. Agronomy Journal, 108, 1-7.
9.Meng, Q.F., Yue, S.C., Hou, P., Cui, Z.L*., Chen, X.P., 2016. Improving yield and nitrogen use efficiency simultaneously for maize and wheat in china: a review. Pedosphere, 26, 137-147.
10.Meng, Q.F., Chen, X.P*., Lobell, D.B., Cui, Z.L., Zhang, Y., Yang, H.S., Zhang, F.S., 2016. Growing sensitivity of maize to water scarcity under climate change. Scientific Reports, 6, 19605.
11.Meng, Q.F., Hou, P., Lobell, D.B., Wang, H.F., Cui, Z.L., Zhang, F.S., Chen, X.P., 2014. The benefits of recent warming for maize production in high latitude China. Climatic Change 122, 341-349.
12.Meng, Q.F., Sun, Q.P., Chen, X.P., Cui, Z.L., Yue, S.C., Zhang, F.S., Römheld, V., 2012. Alternative cropping systems for sustainable water and nitrogen use in the North China Plain. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 146, 93-102.
13.Meng, Q.F., Hou, P., Wu, L., Chen, X.P., Cui, Z.L., Zhang, F.S. 2013. Understanding production potentials and yield gaps in intensive maize production in China. Field Crops Research 143, 91-97.
14.Meng, Q.F., Yue, S.C., Chen, X.P., Cui, Z.L., Ye, Y.L., Ma, W.Q., Tong, Y.A., Zhang, F.S., 2013. Understanding dry matter and nitrogen accumulation with time-course for high-yielding wheat production in China. PLoS One 8: e68783.
15.Meng, Q.F., Chen, X.P., Zhang, F.S., Cao, M.H., Cui, Z.L., Bai, J.S., Yue, S.C., Chen, S.Y., Müller, T., 2012. In-season root-zone nitrogen management strategies for improving nitrogen use efficiency in high-yielding maize production in China. Pedosphere 22, 294-303.
16.Xu, J., Li, C.F., Liu, H.T, Zhou, P.L., Wang, P., Meng, Q.F*., Zhao, M*. 2015. The effects of plastic film mulching on maize growth and water use in dry and rainy years in Northeast China. PLoS One, 10, e0125781.
17.Chen, X.P., Cui, Z.L., Vitousek, P.M., Cassman, K.G., Matson, P.A., Bai, J.S., Meng, Q.F., Hou, P., Yue, S.C., Römheld, V., Zhang, F.S., 2011. Integrated soil-crop system management for food security. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108, 6399-6404.
18.Cui, Z., Yue, S., Wang, G., Meng, Q., Wu, L., Yang, Z., Zhang, Q., Li, S., Zhang, F., Chen, X., 2013. Closing the yield gap could reduce projected greenhouse gas emissions: a case study of maize production in China. Global Change Biology 19, 2467-2477.


