孟 婷 女 出生年月 1985年4月 籍 貫 山西 ,中國農業大學(CAU)經濟管理學院, 講師
2017.12-今, 中國農業大學(CAU)經濟管理學院, 講師,農業經濟學
2015.9-2017.7, 美國麻省理工學院(MIT), 博士後,環境經濟和政策
2014.8-2015.8, 美國賓夕法尼亞大學(PENN),博士後, 能源經濟和政策
2014.2-2014.5, 奧地利自然資源與科學大學 (BOKU), 訪問學者, 能源經濟
2014.8 , 美國喬治亞大學(UGA,)博士,農業和套用經濟學
2013.12, 美國喬治亞大學(UGA),碩士,統計學
2011.7, 首都經濟和貿易大學,碩士,經濟學
2008.7, 山西財經大學,學士,金融學
Meng, T., Florkowski, W. J., Sarpong, D. B., Chinnan, M. S., & Resurreccion, A.V. A. (2018). Regional Variations in Healthy Food Consumption among Urban Households: An Empirical Study of Ghana. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. 2018, 1-24, DOI: 10.1017/aae.2017.30.
Meng, T., Florkowski, W. J., Klepacka, A. M., Sarpong, D., Resurreccion, A.V. A., Chinnan, M., & Ekielski, A. (2017) Preferences for Groundnut Products among Urban residents in Ghana. Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture 98(2): 817-824. DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.8532. (SCI)
Meng, T., Hsu, D., & Han, A. (2017). Measuring Energy Savings from Benchmarking Policies in New York City. Energy 133: 415-423. DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2017.05.148 (SCI, Q1)
Hsu. D., Meng, T., Han, A., & Suh, D. (2017). Planning Policies in the Life Cycle of Buildings to Reduce Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 0739456X17739674,
Carew, R., Meng, T., Florkowski, W.J., & Blair, D. (2017). Climate Change Impacts on Hard Red Spring Wheat Yield and Production Risk: Evidence from Manitoba, Canada. Canadian Journal of Plant Sciences. DOI: 10.1139/CJPS-2017-0135. (SCI)
Carew, R., Florkowski, W.J., & Meng, T. (2017). Intellectual property rights and plant variety protection of horticultural crops: Evidence from Canada Canadian Journal of Plant Science 97:1-18. DOI: 10.1139/cjps-2016-0239. (SCI)
Carew, R., Florkowski, W.J., & Meng, T. (2017). Segmenting wine markets with diverse price functions: Evidence from California red and white wines sold in British Columbia. Wine Economics and Policy 6(1): 48-59.
Meng, T., Carew, R., Florkowski, W.J., & Klepacka, A. (2016) Modeling Temperature and Precipita- tion Influences on Yield Distributions of Canola and Spring Wheat in Saskatchewan. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 56(4): 897-913. (SCI)
Meng, T., Hsu, D. & Wadzuk, B. (2016). Green and/or Smart? Perspectives of City and Water Offi- cials in Pennsylvania Towards Adopting New Infrastructure Technologies for Stormwater Management. Sustainable Water in the Built Environment 3(2): 05017001.
Meng, T., Klepacka, A.M., Florkowski, W. J., & Braman, K. (2016). Determinants of Recycling Common Types of Plastic Product Waste in Environmental Horticulture Industry: the Case of Georgia. Waste Management 48: 81-88. (SCI, Q1)
Meng, T., Klepacka, A.M., Florkowski, W. J., & Braman, K. (2015). What Drives an Environmental Horticultural Firm to Start Recycling Plastics? Results of a Georgia Survey. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 102: 1-8. (SCI, Q1)
Meng, T., Florkowski, W. J., Sarpong, D. B., Chinnan, M. S., & Resurreccion, A.V.A. (2014). Consumer′s Food Shopping Choice in Ghana: Supermarket or Traditional Outlets? International Food & Agribusiness Management Review (IFAMR) 17(A): 107-129. (SCI/SSCI)
Meng, T., Florkowski, W. J., Kolavalli, S., & Ibrahim, M. (2013). Coping with the Heteroscedasticity in Applied Research: A Comparison of Three Methods of Food Expenditure Estimation in North- ern Ghana′s Rural Households. Annals of The Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists 15(6): 202-209.
Florkowski, W. J., Klepacka, A. M., Madhavan Nambiar, P., Meng, T., Fu, S., Shermenk, G., & Sarpong, D. B. (2014). Consumer Expenditures on Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, In: Postharvest handling - a systems approach, 3rd ed., Elsevier, Chapter 7, 147-166.
Meng, T., Hsu, D., & Wadzuk, B. (2015). Green Stormwater Infrastructure Use and Perception on Related Smart Services: The Case of Pennsylvania. World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2016: pp. 59-68.
Klepacka, A. M., Florkowski, W. J., & Meng, T. (2014). Changes in Fruit Consumption Preferences in EU Countries: the Example of Poland. XXIX International Horticultural Congress on Horticulture:Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC2014): XVII 1103: 175-180.
Florkowski, W. J., Meng, T., & Klepacka, A. M. (2013). Consumption of Fruit and Vegetables: Influence of Economic and Socio-demographic Factors in Selected Countries. Acta Horticulturae 1088: 41-45
Enabling citizens and owners to invest in green infrastructure in Philadelphia, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (美國環保署), 2014/8-2017/12, EPA-G2012-STAR-G1, 100萬美元,已結題,參加
Partnerships for Innovation: Building Innovation Capacity in Smart Stormwater Green Infrastructure Services, U.S. National Science Foundation (美國自然科學基金), 2015/9-2016/12, 1430168, 80萬美元,已結題,參加
Quantifying the Disclosure Effect on Individual Buildings, U.S. Department of Energy (美國能源部), 2014/8-2015/8, DE-EE0004261, 7.5萬美元,已結題,參加
2014 美國喬治亞大學博士論文完成獎
2014 最佳演講者,第14屆國際科學日
2014 美國喬治亞大學研究生院國際會議獎學金
2014 奧地利馬歇爾學者獎學金