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  • 中文名:孔凡濤
  • 畢業院校:日本高知工科大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:生物化學與分子生物學
  • 工作單位:大連理工大學


2011.10——2014.9 日本高知工科大學 (KUT),分子遺傳學,博士
2009.09——2011.07 哈爾濱工業大學,生物化學與分子生物學,碩士
2005.09——2009.06 哈爾濱師範大學,生物科學,學士
2001.09——2004.07 甘南縣第二中學,高中
2018.11——至今 大連理工大學,副教授
2018.07——2019.02 韓國浦項科技大學 (POSTECH),助理研究員
2014.11——2017.11 法國國家科學研究中心 (CNRS),博士後
Journal of Plant Sciences (2020- ), Editor
The Open Microalgae Biotechnology (2019- ), Associate Editor


1. Jang S†, Kong F†, Lee J†, Bae Choi B, Wang P, Gao P, Yamano T, Fukuzawa H, Kang B, Lee Y (2020). CrABCA2 Facilitates Triacylglycerol Accumulation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii under Nitrogen Starvation. (†Co-first authors, In press)Molecules and Cells.
2.Kong F*, Yamaoka Y, Ohama T, Lee Y, Li-Beisson Y (2019). Molecular Genetic Tools and Emerging Synthetic Biology Strategies to Increase Cellular Oil Content in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. (2019 June; 60(6): 1184–1196) Plant & Cell Physiology. (*Corresponding author).
3. Kong F, Burlacot A, Liang Y, Légeret B, Alseekh S, Brotman Y, Fernie A, Krieger-Liszkay A, Beisson F, Peltier G, Li-Beisson Y (2018). Interorganelle Communication: Peroxisomal MALATE DEHYDROGENASE2 Connects Lipid Catabolism to Photosynthesis through Redox Coupling in Chlamydomonas. (2018 August; (30):1824–1847) Plant Cell.
4. Kong F, Romero IT, Warakanont J, Li-Beisson Y (2018). Lipid catabolism in microalgae. (2018 June; 218(4): 1340-1348) New Phytologist.
5. Kong F, Liang Y, Légeret B, Beyly-Adriano A, Blangy S, Haslam RP, Napier JA, Beisson F, Peltier G, Li-Beisson Y (2017). Chlamydomonas carries out fatty acid β-oxidation in ancestral peroxisomes using a bona fide acyl-CoA oxidase. (2017 April; 90(2):358-371)Plant Journal.
6. Romero IT,Kong F, Légeret B, Beisson F, Peltier G, Li-Beisson Y (2020). Chlamydomonas cell cycle mutant crcdc5 over-accumulates starch and oil. (2020 February, 169, 54-61) Biochimie.
7. Liang Y, Kong F, Romero IT, Burlacot A, Cuiné S, Légeret B, Billon E, Brotman Y, Alseekh S, Fernie A, Beisson F, Peltier G, Li-Beisson Y (2019). Branched-Chain Amino Acid Catabolism Impacts Triacylglycerol Homeostasis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. (2019 April;179(4):1502-1514) Plant Physiology.
8. Zhu C, Zhai X, Xi Y, Wang J, Kong F, Zhao Y, Chi Z (2020). Efficient CO2 Capture from the Air for High Microalgal Biomass Production by a Bicarbonate Pool. (2020, 37, 320-327) Journal of CO2 Utilization.
9. Zhu C, Zhai X, Xi Y, Wang J,Kong F, Zhao Y, Chi Z (2019). Progress on the development of floating photobioreactor for microalgae cultivation and its application potential. (2019 Nov 21;35(12):190)World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology.
10. Yamaoka Y, Shin S, Choi B, Kim H, Jang S, Yamano T, Kajikawa M, Kong F, Légeret B, Li-Beisson Y, Fukuzawa H, Lee Y (2019). The bZIP1 Transcription Factor Regulates Lipid Remodeling and Contributes to ER Stress Management in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. (2019 May;31(5):1127-1140) Plant Cell.
11. Kong F*, Li-Beisson Y (2018). Identification of Insertion Site by RESDA-PCR in Chlamydomonas Mutants Generated by AphVIII Random Insertional Mutagenesis. (2018 February; (03)8:e2718) Bioprotocol. (*Corresponding author).
12. Goold HD #, Nguyen HM #, Kong F, Beyly-Adriano A, Légeret B, Billon E, Cuiné S, Beisson F, Peltier G, Li-Beisson Y (2016). Whole genome re-sequencing identifies a quantitative trait locus repressing carbon reserve accumulation during optimal growth in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. (2016 May; 6:25209) Scientific Report. #Co-first author.
13. Kurniasih SD, Yamasaki T, Kong F, Okada S, Widyaningrum D and Ohama T (2016). UV-mediated Chlamydomonas mutants with enhanced nuclear transgene expression by disruption of DNA methylation-dependent and independent silencing systems. (2016 December; 92 (6): 629-641) Plant Molecular Biology.
14. Kong F, Yamasaki T, Kurniasih SD, Hou L, Li X, Ivanova N, Okada S, Ohama T (2015). Robust expression of heterologous genes by selection marker fusion system in improved Chlamydomonas strains. (2015 Sep; 120(3):239-245) Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering.
15. Kong F, Yamasaki T and Ohama T (2014). Expression levels of domestic cDNA cassettes integrated in the nuclear genomes of various Chlamydomonas reinhardtii strains. (2014 May;117(5):613-616)Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering.
Ohama T, (*), Yamasaki T, Park H-S, Kong F, Hou L, ボツリオコッカスブラウニーの単細胞単離方法及び単細胞培養方法。授權日期: 2013.8.22, 授予國家:日本,專利號:WO2013121509 A1
利用漂浮式光生物反應器開展金藻餌料大規模戶外培養的研究 (縱向項目) 參與
法國國家重點研發計畫(MUsCA項目;ANR), 參與
日本創新性前沿科學技術重點研究項目 (CREST項目, JST), 參與
韓國全球前沿技術支持計畫 (ICT項目,NRFR), 參與


2019 美國國際遺傳工程機器大賽(iGEM)金獎,微藻項目—指導教師
2019 青年科技工作者國際和港澳台學術交流資助項目第八批資助, 遼寧省科協
2019 青年教師講課競賽,三等獎,大連理工大學
2019 青年教師講課競賽,二等獎,大連理工大學 生物工程學院
2018 韓國全球前沿技術支持計畫ICT項目 Researcher fellowship
2014 法國國家科學研究中心 (CNRS) Postdoc fellowship
2013 日本 Kochi University of Technology (KUT) 學術研究獎勵賞
2012 中國優秀留學生學友會會長,中國教育部駐日本大使館


