本書中二十來位女作家都是獨一的。她們的長篇小說、詩集、論文、演講……蜚聲海內外,被譯成多國文字、被拍成影視、收入教科書……影響非常大。 不同年齡段女作家們不經意的汩汩真情浸濡張張書頁,竟翻騰起磅礴動盪的20世紀風雲,精靈般地映出了中國在這不得了的時代動心的連漪。
- 書名:嬉雪:中國當代女性散文選
- 作者:朱虹 周欣
- 出版日期:2002年1月1日
- 語種:簡體中文, 英語
- ISBN:7538262091
- 外文名:A Frolic in the Snow
- 出版社:遼寧教育出版社
- 頁數:466頁
- 開本:32
序 黃宗英
冰 心 Bing Xin (1900—1999)
Signs of Spring
Middle Scissors Lane
Ode to Green
Sunset's Glow
The Little Kingfisher in My Dream
Life Begins at Eighty
楊 絳 Yang Jiang (1911— )
黃宗英 Huang Zongying (1925— )
文潔若 Wen Jieruo (1925— )
諶 容 Zong Pu (1935— )
張 潔 Chen Rong (1937— )
竹 林 Zhu Lin(1949— )
陸星兒 Lu Xing'er (1949— )
張抗抗 Zhang Kangkang(1950— )
舒 婷 Shu Ting (1952— )
王安憶 Wang Anyi (1954— )
斯 妤 Si Yu(1954— )
唐 敏 Tang Min (1954— )
蔣子丹 Jiang Zidan (1954— )
張愛華 Zhang Ai hua (1955— )
鐵 凝 Tie Ning(1959— )
徐 坤 Xu Kun (1965— )
冰 心 Bing Xin (1900—1999)
Signs of Spring
Middle Scissors Lane
Ode to Green
Sunset's Glow
The Little Kingfisher in My Dream
Life Begins at Eighty
楊 絳 Yang Jiang (1911— )
黃宗英 Huang Zongying (1925— )
文潔若 Wen Jieruo (1925— )
諶 容 Zong Pu (1935— )
張 潔 Chen Rong (1937— )
竹 林 Zhu Lin(1949— )
陸星兒 Lu Xing'er (1949— )
張抗抗 Zhang Kangkang(1950— )
舒 婷 Shu Ting (1952— )
王安憶 Wang Anyi (1954— )
斯 妤 Si Yu(1954— )
唐 敏 Tang Min (1954— )
蔣子丹 Jiang Zidan (1954— )
張愛華 Zhang Ai hua (1955— )
鐵 凝 Tie Ning(1959— )
徐 坤 Xu Kun (1965— )
Looking out of the window from where I sat at my desk, all I could see were rows and rows of tall apartment buildings, with not a blade of green between them. As to the empty lot beneath my window, for years it had been the dumping site of rusting iron bars left over from the construction of apartment buildings nearby. A
desolate sight. The outside being devoid of color, I had no choice but to create some color indoors. I hung up green curtains in the living room, and covered the table with green table cloths. On the windowsill I put out the poinsettias that friends had given me and the bracketplant that my children had cultivated. In ront of the oil painting of premier Zhou Enlai hanging on the wall, there was always a vase with roses,or chrysanthemums,or carnations, They were from the North Rose shop, which had contracted to supply me with flowers of the season every week. On the windowsill near my desk was a friend's gift of a pot of orchids that had not yet flowered, or sometimes there would be a vase of roses. All those signs of green, or rather signs of spring, were makeshift compensations for the lack of
green in general.
I thought of the empty lot beneath my building, the dumping site of rusting iron bars. I remember that with the coming of spring, blades of jade green grass would sprout between the iron bars. When the rains come, they would grow at a furious pace and overwhelm the rusting iron bars. Even iron could not keep down the force of bubbling life itself. By now the iron bars have been removed, and it
is said that the empty lot will be planted with flowers. But in the chill of early spring, my expectations were just as dull and listless.
What country girl wouldn't know about gathering wheat stalks ! let me tell you a story of long long ago when you might almost say that wheat gathering time was when girls' imaginations were the most alive.
In the early hours of dawn, under a waning moon and a sprinkling of stars, what would a girl with a basket on her arm be thinking of as she walked along the ridges in the fields on her way to gather wheat stalks? When a thin mist hovered over the fields and the moon rose silently again as if it had wakened from a stolen nap, what was the girl thinking of as she walked back home with a basket on her arm filled with wheat stalks? Well, what else could she think of? If you had never been part of that life, you will never know the dreams these stalks of wheat scattered in the fields could conjure up.
She stoops and bends with no respite to pick the scattered stalks, and may muster together as much as one peck (ten litres) in one wheat-gathering season. She will sell the wheat, and save the money, and on a market day, she will go to the market and buy flowered cotton cloth and colored thread. Then she will return home and cut and sew and embroider. Nobody has seen her wear her finery, but on her wedding day, she will invariably stuff these sartorial treasures into her bridal baggage, as all the other girls do, though no one has seen them making an agreement.
But they will soon discover as they pack away their harvest that the dreams they dreamt while gathering wheat have turned sour. In years, the girls would realize how naive they had been, how different were the men they had married to the men of their dreams as they gathered wheat and sewed and embroidered. They had let themselves be married off so docilely. As they put on their new clothes and new shoes, the thrill that had gone into the making of them had disappeared.
And so what! Nobody would sigh for them, or commiserate with them for their lost dreams. Even they themselves would not yield to excessive grief; at most they had lost a beautiful dream. Who would be so foolish as to hold on to a dream!
When I was old enough to be running about on my own, I would trudge behind my elder sister to pick wheat, with a basket too on my arm. The basket was always too big for me; it would bounce against my legs or drag along the ground . Often it made me stumble. I rarely filled my basket. Either I missed the wheat stalks lying in the fields, or I was distracted by grasshoppers and butterflies. Sometimes even the stalks in my basket rambled out as I chased after butterflies.
Looking out of the window from where I sat at my desk, all I could see were rows and rows of tall apartment buildings, with not a blade of green between them. As to the empty lot beneath my window, for years it had been the dumping site of rusting iron bars left over from the construction of apartment buildings nearby. A
desolate sight. The outside being devoid of color, I had no choice but to create some color indoors. I hung up green curtains in the living room, and covered the table with green table cloths. On the windowsill I put out the poinsettias that friends had given me and the bracketplant that my children had cultivated. In ront of the oil painting of premier Zhou Enlai hanging on the wall, there was always a vase with roses,or chrysanthemums,or carnations, They were from the North Rose shop, which had contracted to supply me with flowers of the season every week. On the windowsill near my desk was a friend's gift of a pot of orchids that had not yet flowered, or sometimes there would be a vase of roses. All those signs of green, or rather signs of spring, were makeshift compensations for the lack of
green in general.
I thought of the empty lot beneath my building, the dumping site of rusting iron bars. I remember that with the coming of spring, blades of jade green grass would sprout between the iron bars. When the rains come, they would grow at a furious pace and overwhelm the rusting iron bars. Even iron could not keep down the force of bubbling life itself. By now the iron bars have been removed, and it
is said that the empty lot will be planted with flowers. But in the chill of early spring, my expectations were just as dull and listless.
What country girl wouldn't know about gathering wheat stalks ! let me tell you a story of long long ago when you might almost say that wheat gathering time was when girls' imaginations were the most alive.
In the early hours of dawn, under a waning moon and a sprinkling of stars, what would a girl with a basket on her arm be thinking of as she walked along the ridges in the fields on her way to gather wheat stalks? When a thin mist hovered over the fields and the moon rose silently again as if it had wakened from a stolen nap, what was the girl thinking of as she walked back home with a basket on her arm filled with wheat stalks? Well, what else could she think of? If you had never been part of that life, you will never know the dreams these stalks of wheat scattered in the fields could conjure up.
She stoops and bends with no respite to pick the scattered stalks, and may muster together as much as one peck (ten litres) in one wheat-gathering season. She will sell the wheat, and save the money, and on a market day, she will go to the market and buy flowered cotton cloth and colored thread. Then she will return home and cut and sew and embroider. Nobody has seen her wear her finery, but on her wedding day, she will invariably stuff these sartorial treasures into her bridal baggage, as all the other girls do, though no one has seen them making an agreement.
But they will soon discover as they pack away their harvest that the dreams they dreamt while gathering wheat have turned sour. In years, the girls would realize how naive they had been, how different were the men they had married to the men of their dreams as they gathered wheat and sewed and embroidered. They had let themselves be married off so docilely. As they put on their new clothes and new shoes, the thrill that had gone into the making of them had disappeared.
And so what! Nobody would sigh for them, or commiserate with them for their lost dreams. Even they themselves would not yield to excessive grief; at most they had lost a beautiful dream. Who would be so foolish as to hold on to a dream!
When I was old enough to be running about on my own, I would trudge behind my elder sister to pick wheat, with a basket too on my arm. The basket was always too big for me; it would bounce against my legs or drag along the ground . Often it made me stumble. I rarely filled my basket. Either I missed the wheat stalks lying in the fields, or I was distracted by grasshoppers and butterflies. Sometimes even the stalks in my basket rambled out as I chased after butterflies.