



  • 中文名:姬強
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 職稱:中科院科技戰略諮詢研究院副研究員




1. 2016/11–至今,中國科學院科技戰略諮詢研究院,系統分析與管理研究所,副研究員
2. 2011/7–2016/10,中國科學院科技政策與管理科學研究所,能源環境經濟研究室,助理研究員


  1. 擔任Energy Economics、International Review of Financial Analysis、Finance Research Letters、International Review of Applied Economics、Applied Energy、Energy Policy、Sustainability、Journal of Cleaner Production、Energy、管理科學學報、中國管理科學等30餘份期刊審稿人。
  2. 擔任中國優選法統籌法與經濟數學研究會低碳發展管理專業委員會理事、中國系統工程學會能源資源系統工程分會理事、國際能源經濟學會IAEE會員。
  3. 香港研究資助局項目外審專家。


Jiang-Bo Geng, Qiang Ji*, Ying Fan, Faheemullah Shaikh. 2017. Optimal LNG importation portfolio considering multiple risk factors. Journal of Cleaner Production, 151, 452-464. (SCI/SSCI)
Bing-yue Liu, Qiang Ji*, Ying Fan. 2017. A new time-varying optimal copula model identifying the dependence across markets. Quantitative Finance, 17(3), 437-453. (SCI/SSCI)
Faheemullah Shaikh, Qiang Ji*, Ying Fan, Pervez Hameed Shaikh, Muhammad Aslam Uqaili. 2017. Modelling an optimal foreign natural gas import scheme for China. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 40, 267-276. (SCI/SSCI)
Faheemullah Shaikh, Qiang Ji*, Ying Fan. 2017. An ecological network analysis of the structure, development and sustainability of China's natural gas supply system security. Ecological Indicators, 73, 235-246. (SCI)
Jiang-Bo Geng, Qiang Ji*, Ying Fan. 2016. How regional natural gas markets have reacted to oil price shocks before and since the shale gas revolution: A multi-scale perspective. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 36, 734-746. (SCI/SSCI)
Yan-Ran Ma, Qiang Ji*, Ying Fan. 2016. Spatial linkage analysis of the impact of regional economic activities on PM2.5 pollution in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 139, 1157-1167. (SCI/SSCI)
Faheemullah Shaikh, Qiang Ji*, Ying Fan. 2016. Evaluating China's natural gas supply security based on ecological network analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 139, 1196-1206. (SCI/SSCI)
Qiang Ji*, Ying Fan. 2016. How do China's oil markets affect other commodity markets both domestically and internationally? Finance Research Letters, 19, 247-254. (SSCI)
Faheemullah Shaikh, Qiang Ji*, Ying Fan. 2016. Assessing the stability of the LNG supply in the Asia Pacific region. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 34, 376-386. (SCI/SSCI)
Jiang-Bo Geng, Qiang Ji*, Ying Fan. 2016. The impact of the North American shale gas revolution on regional natural gas markets: Evidence from the regime-switching model. Energy Policy, 96, 167-178. (SCI/SSCI)
David C. Broadstock, Ying Fan, Qiang Ji, Dayong Zhang. 2016. Shocks and stocks: A bottom-up assessment of the relationship between oil prices, gasoline prices and the returns of Chinese firms. The Energy Journal, 37, 55-86. (SCI/SSCI)
Qiang Ji, Ying Fan. 2016. Evolution of the world crude oil market integration: A graph theory analysis. Energy Economics, 53, 90-100. (SSCI)
Faheemullah Shaikh, Qiang Ji*, Ying Fan. 2016. Prospects of Pakistan-China energy and economic corridor. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 59, 253-263. (SCI/SSCI)
Qiang Ji*, Ying Fan. 2016. Modelling the joint dynamics of oil prices and investor fear gauge. Research in International Business and Finance, 37, 242-251.
Jiang-Bo Geng, Qiang Ji*, Ying Fan. 2016. The behaviour mechanism analysis of regional natural gas prices: A multi-scale perspective. Energy, 101, 266-277. (SCI/SSCI)
Faheemullah Shaikh, Qiang Ji*. 2016. Forecasting natural gas demand in China: Logistic modelling analysis. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 77, 25-32. (SCI)
Jiang-Bo Geng, Qiang Ji*. 2016. Technological innovation and renewable energy development: evidence based on patent counts. Int. J. Global Environmental Issues, 15, 217-234.
Qiang Ji*, Ying Fan. 2015. Dynamic integration of world oil prices: A reinvestigation of globalization vs. regionalization. Applied Energy, 155, 171-180. (SCI/SSCI)
Qiang Ji, Jian-Feng Guo. 2015. Market interdependence among commodity prices based on information transmission on the Internet. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 426, 35-44. (SCI)
Qiang Ji, Jian-Feng Guo. 2015. Oil price volatility and oil-related events: An Internet concern study perspective. Applied Energy, 137, 256-264. (SCI/SSCI)
Qiang Ji, Ming-Lei Liu, Ying Fan. 2015. Effects of structural oil shocks on output, exchange rate and inflation in the BRICS countries: A SVAR approach. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 51(6), 1129-1140. (SSCI)
Faheemullah Shaikh, Qiang Ji, Ying Fan. 2015. The diagnosis of an electricity crisis and alternative energy development in Pakistan. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 52, 1172-1185. (SCI/SSCI)
Hai-Ying Zhang, Qiang Ji*, Ying Fan. 2015. What drives the formation of global oil trade patterns? Energy Economics, 49(5), 639-648. (SSCI)
Qiang Ji*, Jiang-Bo Geng, Ying Fan. 2014. Separated influence of crude oil prices on regional natural gas import prices. Energy Policy, 70(7), 96-105. (SCI/SSCI)
Qiang Ji, Hai-Ying Zhang, Ying Fan. 2014. Identification of global oil trade patterns: An empirical research based on complex network theory. Energy Conversion and Management, 85, 856-865. (SCI/SSCI)
Jiang-Bo Geng, Qiang Ji, Ying Fan. 2014. A dynamic analysis on global natural gas trade network. Applied Energy, 134, 23-33. (SCI/SSCI)
Hai-Ying Zhang, Qiang Ji*, Ying Fan. 2014. Competition, transmission and pattern evolution: A network analysis of global oil trade. Energy Policy, 73, 312-322. (SCI/SSCI)
Jiang-Bo Geng, Qiang Ji*. 2014. Multi-perspective analysis of China’s energy supply security. Energy, 64(1), 541-550. (SCI/SSCI)
Qiang Ji, Jian-Feng Guo. 2014. Energy Finance in the Age of Big Data. Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 28 (4), 298.
Jian-Feng Guo, Qiang Ji*. 2013. How does market concern derived from the Internet affect oil prices? Applied Energy, 112, 1536-1543. (SCI/SSCI)
Hai-Ying Zhang, Qiang Ji, Ying Fan. 2013. An evaluation framework for oil import security based on the supply chain with a case study focused on China. Energy Economics, 38, 87-95. (SSCI)
Ming-Lei Liu, Qiang Ji, Ying Fan. 2013. How does oil market uncertainty interact with other markets? An empirical analysis of implied volatility index. Energy, 55(6), 860-868. (SCI/SSCI)
Qiang Ji, Ying Fan. 2012. How does oil price volatility affect non-energy commodity markets? Applied Energy, 89(1), 273-280. (SCI/SSCI)
Qiang Ji. 2012. System analysis approach for the identification of factors driving crude oil prices. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 63(3), 615-625. (SCI/SSCI)
Qiang Ji, Ying Fan. 2011. A dynamic hedging approach for refineries in multiproduct oil markets. Energy, 36(2), 881-887. (SCI/SSCI)
姬強, 劉炳越, 趙萬里, 馬嫣然, 范英. 2017. 2017年國際原油市場走勢分析與價格預測. 中國科學院院刊, 32(2), 196-201.
姬強, 劉炳越, 范英. 2016. 國際油氣價格與匯率動態相依關係研究:基於一種新的時變最優Copula模型. 中國管理科學, 24, 1-9.
姬強, 劉明磊, 范英. 2016. 國際天然氣價格驅動因素的結構性變化. 數理統計與管理, 35(6), 951-960.
席雯雯, 姬強*, 范英. 2016. 國際油氣價格動態關係對中國天然氣定價機制改革的啟示. 中國科學院院刊, 31(7), 812-819.
姬強, 劉炳越, 席雯雯, 范英. 2015. 2016年國際原油市場走勢分析與價格預測. 中國科學院院刊, 30(6), 818-823.
姬強, 劉炳越, 席雯雯, 范英. 2015. 2015年國際原油市場走勢分析與價格預測. 中國科學院院刊, 30(1), 9-15.
姬強, 范英. 2015. 新時代背景下的能源安全觀. 科技促進發展, 4, 434-437.
劉明磊, 姬強, 范英. 2014. 金融危機前後國內外石油市場風險傳導機制研究. 數理統計與管理, 33(1), 9-20.
姬強, 張海穎, 劉明磊, 范英. 2014. 2014年國際原油市場走勢分析與價格預測. 中國科學院院刊, 29(1), 8-13.
郭劍鋒, 姬強*. 2014.大數據時代的能源金融. 中國科學院院刊, 29(6), 692.
范英, 姬強. 2013. 2013年國際原油市場走勢分析與價格預測. 中國科學院院刊, 28(1), 79-84.
蔡立亞, 郭劍鋒, 姬強. 2013. 基於G8與BRIC的新能源及可再生能源發電績效動態評價. 資源科學, 35(2), 250-260.
姬強, 朱磊, 莫建雷, 段宏波, 許金華, 范英. 2012. 2012年國際原油市場走勢分析與價格預測. 中國科學院院刊, 27(1), 44-49.
范英, 姬強, 朱磊, 莫建雷, 陳林菊, 段宏波. 2011. 2011年國際原油市場走勢分析與價格預測. 中國科學院院刊, 26(1), 44-48.
姬強,范英. 2010. 次貸危機前後國際原油市場與中美股票市場間的協動性研究. 中國管理科學, 18(6), 42-50.
李長勝, 姬強, 范英. 2010. 基於周期理論的2010年中國能源需求預測. 中國能源, 32(4), 23-26.
姬強, 馮衍全. 2009. 6p階2度有向Cayley圖的正規性. 系統科學與數學, 29(2), 153-161.


  1. 范英, 姬強, 朱磊, 李建平. 2013. 中國能源安全研究: 基於管理科學的視角. 北京: 科學出版社。


  1. 國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫培育項目:“大數據驅動下石油市場微觀機理與風險管理範式研究”(2016.1-2018.12)
  2. 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目:“世界石油貿易格局的系統分析方法與我國的影響力研究”(2013.1-2015.12)
  3. 國家自然科學基金重點項目“面向全球資源的石油資源經濟安全管理理論與實證研究”子課題:“石油市場價格形成機理與定價權研究”(2012.1-2015.12)
  4. 研究所重大研究任務項目“能源安全戰略管理”子課題(2012.1-2015.12)
  5. 研究所重大研究任務項目“全球石油資源利用的風險管理與最佳化戰略研究”子課題(2012.1-2015.12)
  6. 研究所青年基金“我國石油市場影響力研究”(2012.1-2012.12)
  1. 中國發展研究基金會委託項目:“一帶一路”下的能源合作與安全”(2015-2016)
  2. 中石油勘探院委託項目:“海外油氣資源開發利用的風險管理技術研究”(2014-2015)
  3. 中海油委託項目:“國際原油價格中長期預測軟體研究”(2012)
  4. 中國科學院重要方向性項目:“全球能源監測預警與政策分析系統”(2009-2011)
  5. 國家傑出青年科學基金:“能源-環境-經濟複雜系統中的預測理論方法與套用” (2009-2012)
  6. 中國科學院預測科學研究中心項目:“能源-環境-經濟系統中的預測問題研究” (2010-2011)
  7. 國家能源局“十二五”規劃項目:“2010年中國能源供需分析與預測”(2009-2010)


