



1. 山東省自然科學基金培養基金(2018.3-2020.6),主持人;
2. 山東省重點研發計畫(2018.1-2019.12),主要參與人。




1. Cheng X, Ji X (共同一作), Li J, Qi W, Qiao K. Characterization of antagonistic Bacillus methylotrophicus isolated from rhizosphere and its biocontrol effects on maize stalk rot. Phytopathology, 2018, (一區, 影響因子3.036).
2. Ren X, Ji X (共同一作), Qi W, Meng Z, Qiao K. Evaluation of the combination of propamocarb hydrochloride and fluopicolide for management of black shank on tobacco.Crop Protection, 2018, 114: 12-17 (三區, 影響因子1.92).
3. Ji X, Qiao K, Dong S, Wang H, Xia X, Wang K. Effects of 1,3-dichloropropene plus chloropicrin on weed seed germination. Crop Protection 2013, 45: 1-5(三區, 影響因子1.92).
4. Zhang D, Wang H, Ji X, Wang K, Wang D, Qiao K. Effect of abamectin on the cereal cyst nematode (CCN, Heterodera avenae) and wheat yield.Plant Disease, 2017, 101: 973-976 (一區, 影響因子3.192).
5. Dong S, Ren X, Zhang D, Ji X, Wang K, Qiao K. Single basal application of thiacloprid for the integrated management of Meloidogyne incognita and Bemisia tabaci in tomato crops. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 41161 (二區, 影響因子5.228).
6. Cheng X, Liu X, Wang H, Ji X, Wang K, Wei M, Qiao K. Effect of emamectin benzoate on root-knot nematodes and tomato yield. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10 (10): e0141235 (三區, 影響因子3.234).
7. Dong S, Qiao K, Zhu Y, Wang H, Xia X,Ji X, Wang K. Managing Meloidogyne incognita and Bemisia tabaci with thiacloprid in cucumber crops in China. Crop Protection, 2014, 58: 1-5 (三區, 影響因子1.539).
8. 任曉芬, 亓文哲, 程星凱, 劉政軍, 姬小雪(通訊作者), 喬康. 氟菌·霜霉威對菸草黑脛病的防效及其對煙株生長的影響 [J]. 中國菸草學報, 2018, 24(4): 129-134.
9. 姬小雪, 王菲菲, 劉政軍, 池艷艷, 喬康. 8種稻田常用殺蟲劑原藥和製劑對家蠶的急性毒性與安全性評價[J]. 農藥, 2018, 57(9): 654-657.
10. 亓文哲, 王菲菲, 孟臻, 張典利, 王紅艷, 喬康, 姬小雪(通訊作者). 我國植保無人機套用現狀 [J]. 農藥, 2018, 57(4): 247-254.
11. 孟臻, 張典利, 劉政軍, 姬小雪. 呋蟲胺對不同蟲態煙粉虱的室內毒力測定[J]. 生物災害科學, 2018, 41(2): 131-133.
12. 姬小雪, 喬康. 葡聚烯糖0.5%可溶粉劑防治番茄病毒病試驗 [J]. 世界農藥, 2014, 36 (1): 58-59.
13. 姬小雪, 邱士芬, 劉麥豐, 趙芹. 2%甲氨基阿維菌素苯甲酸鹽乳油防治甘藍小菜蛾試驗 [J]. 生物災害科學, 2014, 37 (2): 179-181.
14. 張彩鳳, 姬小雪. 480g/L毒死蜱乳油對蘋果綿蚜及桃小食心蟲的防治效果 [J]. 生物災害科學, 2014, 37(3): 272-274.


