2009.07-2012.09,University of HULL(英國·
據2017年7月山大官網信息顯示,姬冰副教授作為主要研究人員,參與國家自然科學基金項目2項(第3位), 山東省成果轉化重大專項1項(第5位),國家863計畫課題課題1項(第7位)。
[4]國家外專局高端外國專家項目(GDW20163500194),2015.01-2015.12 專家人才經費:6萬/月,中方負責人
[7]山東大學自主創新基金:“多發性骨髓瘤骨病形成機理的數學建模(2013HW009) ”,2013.01-2014.12,經費:10萬,負責人
[9]國家自然科學基金青年項目:“面向腹腔鏡基於光學融合的視覺透視懸浮顯示機理研究(81401543)”, 2014.08-2017.12, 經費:22萬, 第三位
[10]山東省成果轉化重大專項:“可轉位刀片周邊精密磨削數控系統(2014CGZH0807)”, 2014.01-2016.12, 經費:100萬, 第五位
[1] Ji B*, Li YB, Wang KJ, Li SQ, MaX, Could CloudTechnology be Useful in Autonomous Mental Developmental Robotics?A Case Study,InternationalJournal of Robotics and Automation,Epub,2016,DOI:10.2316/Journal.206.2016.3.206-4443.(SCI, IF:0.658);
[2] Ji B*, Genever P, FaganMJ*. A virtual approach to evaluate therapies for management of multiplemyeloma induced bone disease.International Journal for Numerical Methods inBiomedical Engineering, 32(3), 2016, DOI: 10.1002/cnm.2735. (SCI, IF: 1.542);
[3] JiB, Yang Q, Genever P, Fagan MJ. A predator-prey based mathematicalmodelof the bone remodelling cycle: exploring the relationship between the modelparameters and biochemical factors.Journal of Engineering in Medicine,228(10),1035-1042, 2014. (SCI,WOS: 000345334600006, IF: 1.459);
[4] Ji B, Patton R, Genever P, Fagan MJ.Mathematical modelling ofthe pathology of multiple myeloma-induced bonedisease.International Journal forNumerical Methodsin Biomedical Engineering, 30(11), 1085-1102, 2014. (SCI, WOS:000344590100001, IF: 1.542);
[5] Ji B, Yang Q, Genever P, FaganMJ.Investigating the efficacy ofbisphosphonatestreatment against multiple myeloma induced bone disease using a computationalmodel.Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering,24(6), 3373-3378,2014. (SCI, WOS:000343005700163, IF: 1.218);
[6] Ji B, Putra D, Patton R,Genever P, Fagan MJ. A novel mathematical model of bone remodelling cycles fortrabecular bone at thecellular level.Biomechanics and Modelling inMechanobiology, 11(7),973-982,2012.(SCI,Impact Factor: 3.021).
[7] Ji B, Putra D, Patton R,Genever P, Fagan MJ. A predator-prey mathematical model of bone remodellingcycles at the cellularlevel.Osteoporosis International,21:S443- S518, P122,2010. (SCI, Impact Factor:4.58).
[8] Putra D,Ji B, Patton R, Genever P, Fagan MJ. Simulation of the BMUremodelling cycle using a new predator-prey algorithm.Bone,47(Suppl1):S95,2010.(SCI, Impact Factor:4.58).
[9] Jahani M, Ahwal F,Ji B, Patton R, Genever P, Fagan MJ. Simulation of osteocyteapoptosis on signalling in theosteocyte-bone lining cell network andimplications for osteoporosis.Osteoporosis International,21:S443-S518, P107, 2010. (SCI,Impact Factor: 4.58).
[10] Ma X, Wang HB, Xue BX, Zhao MG, Ji B, Li YB, Depth-based human fall detection via shape features and improved extreme learning machine, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Heath Informatics, 18(6), 1915-1922, 2014(SCI).
[2]一種撲翼仿鳥飛行器的混合動力源系統及方法,發明專利,專利號:201510227279.X, 2015,第一位.
[1]管道機器人,實用新型, 專利號:201621209100.6,2016,第二位.
[1]Investigation of the lower limb morphology anddensity in Chinese and UK populations, 21st Congress of the European Society ofBiomechanics, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015, Poster.
[2]Articulated statistical shape models of the lowerlimbs of Chinese and British populations, 21st Congress of the European Societyof Biomechanics, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015, Poster.
[3]Reconstructing bone remodelling cycle at thecellular level using a predator-prey based model, the XXIII InternationalSociety of Biomechanics Congress, Brussels, 2011, Oral Presentation.
該教授所屬實驗室與英國University of Southampton,University of Hull,Cranfield University長期合作,聯合發表學術論文,共同申報基金項目,研究方向主要為生物醫學工程、機器人技術。機器人技術子方向——仿生飛行機器人方向,與英國Cranfield University 教授,高端外國專家項目引進專家,山東大學特聘教授,國際知名飛行器專家,郭士鈞教授合作開展科學研究。