通過藏東玉龍斑岩成礦帶中玉龍含礦斑岩(以二長花崗斑岩為主體,少量正長花崗斑岩和鹼長花崗斑岩)重點解剖,同時與玉龍成礦帶其它斑岩進行對比,從岩相學與礦物化學、元素地球化學和Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf同位素地球化學等方面闡明了含礦斑岩的源區性質及岩漿形成與演化過程,認為含礦斑岩直接由當地100公里深處的交代富集地幔(金雲母石榴石單斜輝石岩)低程度部分熔融而形成。相關成果發表在“Earth and Planetary Science Letters”和“岩石學報”上。國內外審稿專家對該成果給出了較高評價:“This paper is dealing with shoshonitic granitoids emplaced in a thick crust (Tibet) but whose source lies within the lithospheric mantle. This is a very interesting topic poorly described in the literature.”;“ 此文創新性地提出了一個全新的大陸環境含Cu斑岩的成因模式,即100km深處地幔中交代成因的金雲母-石榴石輝石岩脈低程度部分熔融成因”。
研究花崗質岩石的成因,實質上就是研究大陸生長與演化的原因、方式和機制。我們通過江西相山晚侏羅世(158-135 Ma)火山雜岩及其中淬冷包體和湘南晚侏羅世(153-142 Ma)千里山花崗岩及其同時代基性岩脈進一步研究,為華南晚中生代構造-岩漿-成礦地球動力學背景提供了新的制約。認為相山火山雜岩具有A型花崗岩的親緣性,其中的淬冷包體為高鎂鉀質岩石;千里山花崗岩也屬A型,其同時代基性岩脈既高鎂又富鉀;這些岩石很有可能形成於弧後拉張環境,從而表明華南自大約180Ma古太平洋板塊俯衝以來,於160Ma就開始了弧後拉張作用。因此,Gilder et al.(1996)提出的“十-杭帶”可能是一條晚侏羅世弧後拉張帶。相關成果發表在Journal of Petrology 和Geological Magazine 上。
西崑侖山脈位於青藏高原西北緣,又是我國中央造山帶的有機組成部分。由於其特殊的大地構造位置,即位於古亞洲構造域與特提斯構造域的結合部位,使它成為研究顯生宙亞洲大陸向南增長和特提斯構造演化的焦點地區。上世紀90年代以前對其構造演化史知之甚少,通常認為其是印支造山帶。上世紀90年代以後,國內外學者對其進行了較系統研究,並取得了一系列研究成果。姜春發等(1992)率先對西崑侖造山帶中烏依塔克、庫地等地的蛇綠岩開展研究,並根據這些蛇綠岩中存在晚泥盆世-早石炭世放射蟲,認為它們代表的是古特提斯洋的殘餘,從而進一步認為西崑侖造山帶是晚古生代(海西)造山帶。隨著庫地蛇綠岩同位素年代學的深入開展,獲得了一系列新元古代-早古生代的年齡數據,因而目前大部分學者將烏依塔克-庫地縫合帶作為原特提斯洋的殘餘,並認為西崑侖造山帶經歷了早古生代(加里東)碰撞造山階段,是原特提斯洋發生、發展和閉合的結果。然而,對於原特提斯洋盆的封閉方式和時間仍然爭論不休。有學者認為洋殼是向南消減的,也有學者持相反觀點,認為原特提斯洋是向北消減的。最近,Xiao et al.(2005) 認為原特提斯洋在早奧陶世之前是南向俯衝,隨後發生了俯衝極性轉換,即北向俯衝;關於原特提斯洋盆的封閉時間則有奧陶紀、志留紀和泥盆紀三種不同觀點。上述爭論和不確定性影響到對西崑侖造山帶構造演化史的深入認識和造山帶構造模式的正確建立。
1. Zhou, Q., Jiang, Y.H. (corresponding author), Zhao, P., Liao, S.Y., Jin, G.D., Liu, Z., Jia, R.Y., 2012. SHRIMP U–Pb dating on hydrothermal zircons: evidence for an Early Cretaceous epithermal event in the Middle Jurassic Dexing porphyry copper deposit, SE China. Economic Geology, accepted.
2. Jiang, Y.H., Liu, Z., Jia, R.Y., Liao, S.Y., Zhou, Q., Zhao, P., 2012. Miocene potassic granite–syeniteassociation in western Tibetan Plateau: Implications for shoshonitic and high Ba–Sr granite genesis. Lithos 134-135, 146–162.
3. Liao, S.Y., Jiang, Y.H. (corresponding author), Zhou, Q., Yang, W.Z., Jin, G.D., Zhao, P., 2012. Geochemistry and geodynamic implications of the Triassic bimodal magmatism from Western Kunlun Orogen, northwest China. International Journal of Earth Sciences 101, 555-577.
4. Zhou, Q., Jiang, Y.H. (corresponding author), Zhao, P., Liao, S.Y., and Jin, G.D., 2012. Origin of the Dexing ore–bearing porphyries, South China: Elemental and Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf isotopic constraints. International Geology Review 54, 572-592.
5. Jiang, Y.H., Jin, G.D., Liao, S.Y., Zhou, Q., Zhao, P., 2012. Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of ultrapotassic microgranitoid enclaves in Late Triassic arc granitoids, Qinling orogen, central China. International Geology Review 54, 208-226.
6. Jiang Yao-Hui, Zhao Peng, Zhou Qing, Liao Shi-Yong, Jin Guo-Dong, 2011. Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of Early Cretaceous S- and A-type granites in the northwest of the Gan-Hang rift, SE China. Lithos 121, 55-73.
7. Zhou Qing, Jiang Yao-Hui (corresponding author), Zhao Peng, Liao Shi-Yong, Jin Guo-Dong, 2010.Origin of the Dexing Cu-bearing Porphyries, SE China: Elemental and Sr–Nd–Pb–Hf Isotopic Constraints.International Geology Review, in press.
8.Jiang Yao-Hui, Jiang Shao-Yong, Ling Hong-Fei, et al., 2010. Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of Late Jurassic shoshonitic lamprophyre dikes from the Liaodong Peninsula, NE China. Mineralogy and Petrology 100, 127-151.
9. Liao Shi-Yong, Jiang Yao-Hui (corresponding author), Jiang Shao-Yong, et al., 2010. Subducting sediment-derived arc granitoids: evidence from the Datong pluton and its quenched enclaves in the western Kunlun orogen, northwest China. Mineralogy and Petrology 100, 55-74.
10.Jiang Yao-Hui, Jin Guo-Dong, Liao Shi-Yong, et al., 2010. Petrogenesis and tectonic implications of ultrapotassic microgranitoid enclaves in Late Triassic arc granitoids, Qinling orogen, central China. International Geology Review, in press.
11. Jiang Yao-Hui, Jin Guo-Dong, Liao Shi-Yong, Zhou Qing, Zhao Peng, 2010. Geochemical and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic constraints on the origin of Late Triassic granitoids from the Qinling orogen, central China: implications for a continental arc to continent-continent collision. Lithos 117, 183-197.