- 教育經歷
- 工作經歷
2011-2012,CD-adapco公司(Siemens PLM Software公司),高級軟體工程師
- 研究領域
- 超臨界二氧化碳透平發電技術
- 相變傳熱和微尺度傳熱
- 熱流體數值計算
- 科研項目
- 微尺度流動沸騰的不穩定性形成機理與非穩態液市墊海膜相變動力學,國家自然科學基金面上項目,No.51376179,2013,負責人
- 燃氣輪機高溫透平葉片研製與驗證,中科院重點部署項目,2015,課題負責人
- 燃煤發電系統能源高效清潔利用的基礎研究,國家973項目,No.2015CB201503,2015,子課題負責人
- 聚光光伏與餘熱利用溫濕度調節系統研究,國家重點研發計畫國際合作重點項目,No.2016YFE0118100,負責人
- 超臨界二氧化碳透平發電關鍵技術研究,中科院先導A類專項課題,負責人
- 學術成果
- 學術獎勵與兼職
- 代表性學術論文
- Micro-particle image velocimetry visualization study of thermal Buoyant-Marangoni flow in microtubes,SH Kim, T Wang, L Zhang, Y Jiang, Z Li,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 137, 765-774,2019.
- Experimental study on visualization of U-shaped array thermosiphon,HC Su, T Li, YY Jiang, C Guo, T Wang, Applied Thermal Engineering 152, 917-924,2019.
- Heat transfer and instability characteristics of a loop thermosyphon with wide range of filling ratios,Y Liu, Z Li, Y Li, Y Jiang, D Tang,Applied Thermal Engineering 151, 262-271, 2019.
- Heat transfer characteristics of a concentric annular high temperature heat pipe under anti-gravity conditions,J Zhao, DZ Yuan, DW Tang, YY Jiang, Applied Thermal Engineering 148, 817-824, 2019.
- Dynamic performance of high concentration photovoltaic/thermal system with air temperature and humidity regulation system (HCPVTH), H Hu, D Yuan, T Wang, Y Jiang, Applied Thermal Engineering 146, 577-587, 2019.
- Droplet impact and LFP on wettability and nanostructured surface, SH Kim, Y Jiang, H Kim, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 99, 85-93, 2018.
- Experimental investigation of geyser boiling in a two-phase closed loop thermosyphon with high filling ratios, Y Liu, Z Li, Y Li, S Kim, Y Jiang,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 127, 857-869, 2018.
- Hydrodynamic analysis of the advancing dynamic contact angle in microtube, SH Kim, T Wang, L Zhang, Y Jiang,Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 32 (11), 5305-5314,2018.
- Thermodynamic coupling characteristics in hybrid (dry/wet) cooling system, H Hu, Y Jiang, C Guo, Z Li, International journal of green energy 15 (9), 532-543, 2018.
- A study of boiling on surfaces with temperature-dependent wettability by lattice Boltzmann method, L Zhang, T Wang, Y Jiang, SH Kim, C Guo, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 122, 775-784,2018.
- Thermodynamic characteristics of thermal power plant with hybrid (dry/wet) cooling system, H Hu, Z Li, Y Jiang, X Du, Energy 147, 729-741,2018.
- Analysis of simplified heat transfer models for thermal property determination of nano-film by TDTR method, X Wang, Z Chen, F Sun, H Zhang, Y Jiang, D Tang, Measurement Science and Technology 29 (3), 035902, 2018.
- Transient film thickness and microscale heat transfer during flow boiling in microchannels, Y Sun, C Guo, Y Jiang, T Wang, L Zhang, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 116, 458-470, 2018.
- Pool boiling heat transfer on deformable structures made of shape-memory-alloys, W Hao, T Wang, Y Jiang, C Guo, C Guo, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 112, 236-247, 2017.
- NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF THERMOACOUSTIC WAVES IN A NaK ALLOY, L Zhan, Y Li, Y Jiang, D Tang, Heat Transfer Research 48(2),2017.
- Online measurements of surface tensions and viscosities based on the hydrodynamics of Taylor flow in a microchannel, Y Sun, C Guo, Y Jiang, T Wang, L Zhang, Review of Scientific Instruments 87 (11), 114901,2016.
- Loop thermosiphon as a feasible cooling method for the stators of gas turbine T Li, Y Jiang, Z Li, Q Liu, DW Tang, Applied Thermal Engineering 109, 449-453, 2016.
- Surface with recoverable mini structures made of shape-memory alloys for adaptive-control of boiling heat transfer, T Wang, YY Jiang, HC Jiang, C Guo, CH Guo, DW Tang, LJ Rong, Applied Physics Letters 107 (2), 023904, 2015.
- Theoretical and experimental analysis of the evaporating flow in rectangular microgrooves, C Guo, D Yu, T Wang, Y Jiang, D Tang, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 84, 1113-1118,2015.
- Dynamic modeling on bubble growth, detachment and heat transfer for hybrid-scheme computations of nucleate boiling, YY Jiang, H Osada, M Inagaki, N Horinouchi, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 56 (1-2), 640-652, 2013.
- An integrated numerical simulator for thermal performance assessments of firefighters’ protective clothing, YY Jiang, E Yanai, K Nishimura, H Zhang, N Abe, M Shinohara, Fire Safety Journal, 45 (5), 314-326, 2010.
- A Vector Form Exchange-Area-Based Method for Computation of Anisotropic Radiative Transfer, YY Jiang Journal of Heat Transfer, 131 (1), 012701,2009.
- A two-step strategy for numerical simulation of radiative transfer with anisotropic scattering and reflection, YY Jiang, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 109 (4), 636-649, 2008.
- Quantitative evaluation of flow-induced structural vibration and noise in turbomachinery by full-scale weakly coupled simulation, YY Jiang, S Yoshimura, R Imai, H Katsura, T Yoshida, C Kato, Journal of Fluids and Structures 23 (4), 531-544, 2007.