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  • 中文名:姜曉宏 
  • 專業方向:哺乳動物代謝性疾病的研究
  • 職稱:副教授
  • 任職院校:南京大學








1. The potential atheroprotective role of plant MIR156a as a repressor of monocyte recruitment on inflamed human endothelial cells. J Nutr Biochem. (2018) Jul; 57: 197-205. Hou D, He F, Ma L, Cao M, Zhou Z, Wei Z,Xue Y, Sang X, Chong H, Tian C, Zheng S, Li J, Zen K, Chen X, Hong Z, Zhang CY, Jiang X.
2. The Jun/miR-22/HuR regulatory axis contributes to tumorigenesis in colorectal cancer. Mol Cancer. (2018) Jan 19; 17(1):11. Liu Y, Chen X, Cheng R, Yang F, Yu M, Wang C, Cui S, Hong Y, Liang H, Liu M, Zhao C, Ding M, Sun W, Liu Z, Sun F, Zhang C, Zhou Z, Jiang, X, Chen X.
3. Characterization of serum miRNAs as molecular biomarkers for acute Stanford type A aortic dissection diagnosis. Sci Rep. (2017) Oct 20; 7(1):13659. Xu Z, Wang Q, Pan J, Sheng X, Hou D, Chong H, Wei Z, Zheng S,Xue Y, Zhou Q, Cao H, Zhang CY, Wang D, Jiang X.
4. Fasting induces a subcutaneous-to-visceral fat switch mediated by microRNA-149-3p and suppression of PRDM16. Nature Communications. (2016) May 31; 7:11533. Ding H, Zheng S, Garcia-Ruiz D, Hou D, Wei Z, Liao Z, Li L, Zhang Y, Han X, Zen K, Zhang CY, Li J, Jiang X.
5. MicroRNA-19b/221/222 induces endothelial cell dysfunction via suppression of PGC-1α in the progression of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis. (2015) Aug; 241(2):671-81. Xue Y, Wei Z, Ding H, Wang Q, Zhou Z, Zheng S, Zhang Y, Hou D, Liu Y, Zen K, Zhang CY, Li J, Wang D, Jiang X
6. Small non-coding RNAs transfer through mammalian placenta and directly regulate fetal gene expression.Protein Cell. (2015) Jun;6(6):391-6.Li J, Zhang Y, Li D, Liu Y, Chu D, Jiang X, Hou D, Zen K, Zhang CY
7. Norathyriol reverses obesity- and high-fat-diet-induced insulin resistance through inhibition of PTP1B.Diabetologia. (2014) Oct; 57(10):2145-54.Ding H, Zhang Y, Xu C, Hou D, Li J, Zhang Y, Peng W, Zen K, Zhang CY, Jiang X.
8. MicroRNA-495 induces breast cancer cell migration by targeting JAM-A. Protein Cell. (2014) Cao M, Nie W, Li J, Zhang Y, Yan X, Guan X, Chen X, Zen K, Zhang CY, Jiang X, Hou D
9. Directing RNase P-mediated cleavage of target mRNAs by engineered external guide sequences in cultured cells. Methods Mol Biol. (2014) 1103:45-56. Jiang X, Sunkara N, Lu S, Liu F. (專著)
10. Sustained high protein-tyrosine phosphatase 1B activity in the sperm of obese males impairs the sperm acrosome reaction. J Biol Chem. (2014) Mar 21; 289(12):8432-41. Shi L, Zhang Q, Xu B, Jiang X, Dai Y, Zhang CY, Zen K
11. miR-150 promotes the proliferation and migration of lung cancer cells by targeting SRC kinasesignalling inhibitor 1. Eur J Cancer. (2014) Mar; 50(5):1013-24. Cao M, Hou D, Liang H, Gong F, Wang Y, Yan X,Jiang X, Wang C, Zhang J, Zen K, Zhang CY, Chen X.
12. The smallest capsid protein mediates binding of the essential tegument protein pp150 to stabilize DNA-containing capsids in human cytomegalovirus. PLoS Pathog. (2013) Aug; 9(8):e 1003525. Dai X, Yu X, Gong H,Jiang X, Abenes G, Liu H, Shivakoti S, Britt WJ, Zhu H, Liu F, Zhou ZH.
13. Microvesicle-mediated transfer of microRNA-150 from monocytes to endothelial cells promotes angiogenesis.J Biol Chem. (2013) Aug 9; 288(32):23586-96. Li J, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Dai X, Li W, Cai X, Yin Y, Wang Q, Xue Y, Wang C, Li D, Hou D, Jiang X, Zhang J, Zen K, Chen X, Zhang CY.
14. Effective inhibition of cytomegalovirus infection by external guide sequences in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.(2012) Aug 7; 109 (32):13070-5. Jiang X, Gong H, Chen YC, Vu GP, Trang P, Zhang CY, Lu S, Liu F.
15. Ribonuclease P-mediated inhibition of human cytomegalovirus gene expression and replication induced by engineered external guide sequences. RNA Biol. (2012) Sep 9 (9):1186-95. Jiang X, Chen YC, Gong H, Trang P, Lu S, Liu F.


