



  • 中文名:姜暻旲
  • 畢業院校:俄亥俄州立大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:theoretical nuclear and particle physics
  • 任職院校復旦大學現代物理研究所


2017 Sept- Now Associate Professor, Institute of Modern Physics, Fudan University
2014 -2017 Postdoctoral Fellow, Los Alamos National Lab
2011–2014 Postdoctoral Research Associate, MIT
2007-2011 PhD, The Ohio State University
1998-2005 BS and graduate student, Korea University


Professor Kang’s is interests involve theoretical nuclear and particle physics. In particular, he focuses on the development and application of effective field theories to answer fundamental questions about interactions between elementary particles specifically focusing on the strong interaction described by Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). Effective field theory is a generic idea enables to determine relevant degrees of freedom and symmetry of a system based on rigorous power counting expansion and to make precise quantum field theory predictions. He developed a velocity resummation in quarkonium production by using Non-relativistic QCD and explained a scaling behavior and its violation in ultracold atom system by applying Nucleon effective theory. His current researches focuses on prediction for jet productions at high-energy colliders by using Soft-Collinear Effective Theory.


2015 Baekchun Prize for theoretical particle physics, Korean Physics Society
2014-16 Los Alamos National Lab Director’s Postdoctoral Fellowship


Samuel B. Emmons, Daekyoung Kang and Lucas Platter, The Operator Product Expansion BeyondLeading Order for Two-Component Fermions.
D. Hudson Smith, Eric Braaten, Daekyoung Kang, and Lucas Platter. Two-body and Three-bodyContacts for Identical Bosons near Unitarity.Phys. Rev. Lett.
Daekyoung Kang, Christopher Lee, and Iain W. Stewart. Using 1-Jettiness to Measure 2 Jets inDIS 3 Ways.Phys. Rev.
Eric Braaten, Daekyoung Kang, and Lucas Platter. Universal relations for identical bosons fromthree-body physics.Phys. Rev. Lett.
H. W. Hammer, Daekyoung Kang, and Lucas Platter. Efimov Physics in Atom-Dimer Scatteringof 6Li Atoms.Phys. Rev.
Eric Braaten, Daekyoung Kang, and Lucas Platter. Short-Time Operator Product Expansion for rfSpectroscopy of a Strongly-interacting Fermi Gas.Phys. Rev. Lett.
Eric Braaten, H. W. Hammer, Daekyoung Kang, and Lucas Platter. Efimov Physics in 6Li Atoms.Phys. Rev.
Eric Braaten, H. W. Hammer, Daekyoung Kang, and Lucas Platter. Three-body Recombination ofFermionic Atoms with Large Scattering Lengths.Phys. Rev. Lett.
Eric Braaten, Daekyoung Kang, Jungil Lee, and Chaehyun Yu. Optimal spin quantization axes forquarkonium with large transverse momentum.Phys. Rev.
Eric Braaten, Daekyoung Kang, Jungil Lee, and Chaehyun Yu. Optimal spin quantization axes forthe polarization of dileptons with large transverse momentum.Phys. Rev.
Eric Braaten, Daekyoung Kang, and Lucas Platter. Exact Relations for a Strongly-interacting FermiGas near a Feshbach Resonance.Phys. Rev.
Eric Braaten, H. W. Hammer, Daekyoung Kang, and Lucas Platter. Three-Body Recombinationof Identical Bosons with a Large Positive Scattering Length at Nonzero Temperature.Phys. Rev.
Hee Sok Chung, Jungil Lee, and Daekyoung Kang. Cornell Potential Parameters for S-wave HeavyQuarkonia.J. Korean Phys. Soc.
Daekyoung Kang and Eunil Won. Precise Numerical Solutions of Potential Problems Using CrankNicholson Method.J. Comput. Phys.
Geoffrey T. Bodwin, Hee Sok Chung, Daekyoung Kang, Jungil Lee, and Chaehyun Yu. Improveddetermination of color-singlet NRQCD matrix elements for S-wave charmonium.Phys. Rev.
Daekyoung Kang, Taewon Kim, Jungil Lee, and Chaehyun Yu. Inclusive Charm Production inUpsilon(nS) Decay.Phys. Rev.
Geoffrey T. Bodwin, Eric Braaten, Daekyoung Kang, and Jungil Lee. Inclusive Charm Productionin _b Decays.Phys. Rev.
Geoffrey T. Bodwin, Daekyoung Kang, and Jungil Lee. Potential-model calculation of an order-v2NRQCD matrix element.Phys. Rev.


