





  • 中文名:姜巨全
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生日期:1977年7月


1996.09-2000.06 黑龍江八一農墾大學植物科技學院微生物系 學士
2000.09-2005.06 中國農業大學生物學院微生物系(碩博連讀) 博士
2005.07-2009.08 美國維克森林大學(Wake Forest University)醫學中心泌尿系 博士後


2009.09 受聘為東北農業大學生命科學學院微生物學與生物化工系教授
2010.06 遴選為碩士研究生導師
2011.06 遴選為博士研究生導師
2013.05 入選黑龍江省首屆“青年龍江學者”特聘教授






(2)國家自然科學基金理科基地人才專項基金子項目(“中度嗜鹽菌(Halobacillus sp.)NEAU-ST10-40中編碼鈉/氫逆向轉運蛋白基因的克隆與功能研究”,2013.01-2016.12,11萬)。
(3)教育部留學歸國基金項目(“產甲酸草酸桿菌中細胞數群體感應系統的鑑定”, 2011.06 -2013.12,3萬)。
(4)中國博士後科學基金特別資助項目(“高效耐鹽鹼細菌關鍵新功能基因的克隆和功能研究”,2011.06 -2012.12,10萬)。
(7)黑龍江省教育廳海外學人重點項目(“高效耐鹽鹼細菌資源庫構建及關鍵新功能基因發掘”,2011.06 -2014.06,10萬)。
(8)“青年龍江學者特聘教授” 基金(中度嗜鹽菌(Halomonas sp.)NEAU-ST10-39耐鹽鹼分子機制的研究,2013.01-2016.12,50萬)
(9)黑龍江省政府博士後特別資助項目(“高效耐鹽鹼細菌資源新種的分離與鑑定”,2011.06 -2012.12,10萬)。
(10)黑龍江省政府博士後資助經費面上項目(“黑龍江省高效耐鹽鹼細菌資源調查”, 2011.01-2012.12, 4萬)。
(11)哈爾濱市科技局創新基金項目(“用於腎結石疾病治療的微生物類新藥在腸道內定殖因素的研究”,2012.01 -2014.12,3萬)。
(14)農業生物功能基因重點實驗室項目(“中度嗜鹽菌(Halomonas sp.)NEAU-ST10-25中編碼鈉/氫逆向轉運蛋白基因的克隆與功能研究”,2012.12-2014.11,2萬)。
1. Juquan Jiang, Lei Wang, Yajie Zou, Weidong Lu, Baisuo Zhao, Bo Zhang, Susheng Yang, Lifu Yang. (2013) Identification of important charged residues for alkali cation exchange or pH regulation of NhaH, a Na/H antiporter of Halobacillus dabanensis. B. B. A. – Biomembranes 1828: 997-1003. (SCI IF 3.990)
2. Juquan Jiang, Lei Wang, Hua Zhang, Haiping Wu, Haipeng Huang, Lifu Yang. (2013) Putative paired small multidrug resistance family proteins PsmrAB, the homolog of YvdSR, actually function as a novel two-component Na/H antiporter. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 338: 31-38. (SCI IF 2.044)
3. Juquan Jiang, Lynnette C. Johnson, John Knight, Michael F. Callahan, Travis J. Riedel, Ross Holmes and W. Todd Lowther. (2012) Metabolism of C-hydroxyproline in vitro and in vivo: Implications for primary hyperoxaluria. American Journal of Physiology – Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 302: G637-643. (SCI IF 3.431,被引用2次).
4. Juquan Jiang, John Knight, Linda H. Easter, Rebecca Neiberg, Ross P. Holmes and Dean G. Assimos. (2011) Impact of dietary calcium and oxalate, and Oxalobacter formigenes colonization on urinary oxalate excretion. The Journal of Urology 186: 135-139. (SCI IF 3.746,被引用7次).
5. John Knight, Juquan Jiang, Kyle D Wood, Ross P Holmes and Dean G. Assimos. (2011) Oxalate and sucralose absorption in idiopathic calcium oxalate stone formers. Urology 78: 475.e 9-13. (SCI IF 2.334,被引用1次).
6. Viktoria Kharlamb, Jennifer Schelker, Fritz Francois, Juquan Jiang, Ross P. Holmes and David S Goldfarb. (2011) Oral antibiotic treatment of Helicobacter pylori leads to persistently reduced intestinal colonization rates with Oxalobacter formigenes. Journal of Endourology. 25: 1781-1785. (SCI IF 1.754,被引用1次).
7. Juquan Jiang, John Knight, Linda Easter, Ross P Holmes, Dean G Assimos. (2009) Effects of dietary calcium and oxalate on fecal and urinary oxalate in individuals colonized and not colonized with Oxalobacter formigenes. The Journal of Urology 181: (Suppl) 663. (SCI IF 3.746).
8. John Knight, Juquan Jiang, Dean G. Assimos, Ross P. Holmes. (2006) Hydroxyproline ingestion and urinary oxalate and glycolate excretion. Kidney Int. 70:1929-1934. (SCI IF 6.606,被SCI引用44次).
9. Lifu Yang, Juquan Jiang, Wei Wei, Bo Zhang, Lei Wang, Susheng Yang (2006) The pha2 gene cluster involved in Na resistance and adaption to alkaline pH in Sinorhizobium fredii RT19 encodes a monovalent cation/proton antiporter. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 262: 172-177. (SCI IF 2.04,被引用6次,其中SCI引用4次).
10. Lifu Yang, Juquan Jiang (共同第一作者), Bo Zhang, Baisuo Zhao, Lei Wang, Susheng Yang(2006)A primary sodium pump gene of the moderate halophile Halobacillus dabanensis exhibits secondary antiporter properties. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 346: 612-617. (SCI IF 2.484,被引用3次,其中SCI引用1次).
11. Lifu Yang, Juquan Jiang, Baisuo Zhao, Bo Zhang, Deqin Feng, Weidong Lu, Lei Wang, Susheng Yang(2006)A Na/H antiporter gene of the moderately halophilic bacterium Halobacillus dabanensis D-8T: cloning and molecular characterization. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 255: 89-95. (SCI IF 2.042,被引用9次,其中SCI引用7次).
12. Juquan Jiang, Wei Wei, Lishi Xie, Lei Wang and Susheng Yang. Rhizobial genes essential for salt tolerance. (2005) Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment (edit) YP Wang, M Lin, ZX Tian, C. Elmerich and WE Newton : CURRENT PLANT SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY IN AGRICULTURE 41: 307-308. (SCI收錄).
13. Juquan Jiang, Wei Wei, Binghai Du, Xiaohong Li, Lei Wang, Susheng Yang (2004) Salt-tolerance genes involved in cation efflux and osmoregulation of Sinorhizobium fredii RT19 detected by isolation and characterization of Tn5 mutants. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 239: 139-146. (SCI IF 2.044, 被引用10次,其中SCI引用7次).
14. Wei Wei, Juquan Jiang, Xiaohong Li, Lei Wang, Susheng Yang (2004) Isolation of salt-sensitive mutants from Sinorhizobium meliloti and characterization of genes involved in salt tolerance. Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 39: 278-283. (SCI IF 1.622, 被SCI引用31次).
15. Wei Wei, Juquan Jiang, Susheng Yang (2004) Mutagenesis and complementation of relA from Sinorhizobium meliloti 042BM as a salt tolerance involvement gene. Ann. Microbiol. 54:317-324. (SCI IF 0.689, 被SCI引用3次).
16. 潘媛媛,黃海鵬,孟婧,肖鴻禹,李成,孟琳,洪閃,劉賀男,王雪楓,姜巨全(通訊作者). (2012)松嫩平原鹽鹼地中耐(嗜)鹽菌的生物多樣性. 微生物學報 52: 1057-1064.
17. 杜秉海,姜巨全,李小紅,王磊,楊蘇聲(2005)苜蓿中華根瘤菌042BM noeA基因的克隆、敲除與功能的初步分析 微生物學報 45:195-200. (被引用1次).
18. 姜巨全 (2011) 微生物學專業英語教學模式的探索與思考. 東北農業大學學報(社科版)9:86-89.
《生物專業英語》主編 化學工業出版社 高等教育“十二五規劃教材”2011年8月,ISBN 978-7-122-11827-1


