




  • 中文名:姜周華
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:浙江蕭山
  • 出生日期:1963月10月
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:東北大學
  • 主要成就:獲國家科技進步一等獎1項,二等獎2項
  • 職稱:教授


姜周華,男,1963年生人,東北大學材料與冶金學院鋼鐵冶金研究所教授、博士生導師,特殊鋼先進冶金工藝和裝備教育部工程研究中心主任。澳大利亞昆士蘭大學和烏克蘭國立冶金大學名譽教授。主要研究方向:特殊鋼冶金與材料學。近十多年來共主持了70餘項研究課題,其中國家級課題12項(重點基金1項),省部級課題6項。在電渣冶金、不鏽鋼冶金和潔淨鋼冶煉等領域取得了一系列理論和技術創新成果,為成果套用企業創造了數十億元的巨大經濟效益。獲得國家專利20餘項。獲國家科技進步一等獎1項,二等獎2項,獲省部級科技進步獎9項,其中一等獎3項。因制定兩項國際標準貢獻突出,成為中國首位獲“IEC1906”國際大獎的專家。近年來,在國內外刊物和會議上發表論文200餘篇,被Ei和Sci收錄70餘篇。任IEC/TC27專家、IEC/TC27/MT28召集人、全國鋼標委(SAC/TC183)委員、先後擔任中國金屬學會特殊鋼分會理事、特種冶金與爐外精煉學術委員會副主任委員和中國鑄造學會電渣冶金學術委員會副主任委員等學術職務。《Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing》、《鋼鐵》、《鋼鐵研究學報》和《特殊鋼》雜誌編委。先後人選遼寧省骨幹教師、遼寧省“百千萬人才工程”百人層次、遼寧省高校優秀人才等人才計畫,獲國務院政府特殊津貼。


(3)IEC 60779:2005 工業電熱裝置—電渣重熔爐的試驗方法 IEC60519—8:2005 電熱裝置的安全 第8部分 電渣重熔爐,2007年獲國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局、國家標準化管理委員會“中國標準創新貢獻獎”二等獎,排名第一


11994.1.16 “一種電弧爐底電極”獲實用新型專利(ZL93228103.6);設計人: 姜興渭、姜周華
21997.4.9“鐵水定矽感測器”獲實用新型專利(ZL95223848.9);設計人: 張妙法、姜周華、石洪志、張穎、肖玉光、鄭煒
32000.12.13 “電渣離心鑄造用澆注保護渣”授予國家發明專利(ZL95110010.6);發明人:姜周華、肖玉光、姜興渭、張穎
42000.12.13 “生鐵含矽量快速分析方法和裝置”授予國家發明專利(ZL95118163.3);發明人:姜周華、張妙法、肖玉光、石洪志、張穎、楊為民
52005.7.13 “鋼包脫氧、脫硫用噴吹粉劑的製取方法”授予國家發明專利(ZL 01113919.3);發明人:孫中強、芮樹森、姜周華、許家彥、陶力群
62006.8.9 “一種頂底復吹非真空感應爐” 獲實用新型專利(ZL 200520091553.9);設計人: 沙駿、姜周華、孫國會、余強、張天彪
72007.1.17 “一種頂底復吹真空感應爐” 獲實用新型專利(ZL200520091554.3),設計人:姜周華、沙駿、余強、孫國會、張天彪
82007.1.17 “一種直流電弧感應爐” 獲實用新型專利(ZL 200520091555.8),設計人:姜周華、沙駿、張天彪、余強、孫國會
92007.2.28 “連鑄式電渣爐”獲實用新型專利(ZL 200620089551.0);設計人:姜周華、臧喜民、張天彪
102007.2.28 “一種感應爐底吹供氣元件蝕損檢測裝置” 獲實用新型專利(ZL 200520092047.1),設計人: 沙駿、余強、孫國會、姜周華、張天彪
152007.1.18 “一種用於電渣重熔過程中的密封保護裝置”,實用新型,申請號:200720010213.8,設計人:姜周華、王殿忠、張天彪、余強、臧喜民
172009.6.3 “一種頂底復吹真空感應爐”,發明專利,專利號:ZL200510046791.2,發明人:姜周華、沙駿、余強、孫國會、張天彪


2.姜周華. 電渣冶金的物理化學及傳輸現象[M], 東北大學出版社, 2000.3
3.姜周華(副主編). 中國冶金百科全書鋼鐵冶金卷[M], 冶金工業出版社, 2001.3
4.姜周華(主編). 新編鋼水精煉暨鐵水預處理1500問[M], 中國科學技術出版社, 2007.3
5.姜周華(副主編). 品種鋼優質鋼連鑄900問[M], 中國科學技術出版社, 2007.4
1.Zhan Dong-ping, Zhang Hui-shu, Jiang Zhou-hua. Effects of AlMnCa and AlMnFe alloys on deoxidization of low carbon and low silicon aluminum killed steels. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2008, 15(3): 15-18 (SCI)
2.Zhan Dong-ping, Zhang Hui-shu, Gong Wei, Jiang Zhou-hua. Influence of electromagnetic brake on non-metallic inclusion in the slab. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2008, 15(s1): 165-169 (SCI)
3.Yang Li, Zhouhua Jiang, and Yang Liu. Strengthening mechanism of steels treated by barium-bearing alloys. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, 2008, 15(3): 220-226(SCI/EI)
4.Hao Feng Lu, Feng Li, Gang Liu, Zhi-Gang Chen, Da-Wei Wang, Hai-Tao Fang, Gao Qing Lu, Zhou Hua Jiang, Hui-Ming Cheng. Amorphous TiO2nanotube arrays for low-temperature oxygen sensors. Nanotechnology, 2008, 19(40): 405504-405511 (SCI/EI)
5.Wu XQ, Xu S, Huang JB, Han EH, Ke W, Yang K, Jiang ZH. Uniform corrosion and intergranular corrosion behavior of nickel-free and manganese alloyed high nitrogen stainless steels.Materials and Corrosion-Werkstoffe und Korrosion,2008, 59(8): 676-684 (SCI/EI)
6.Fu Y, Wu XQ, Han EH, Ke W, Yang K, Jiang ZH. Influence of cold work on pitting corrosion behavior of a high nitrogen stainless steel. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2008,155(8):C455-C463 (SCI/EI)
7.Jiang Zhou-hua, Li Hua-bing, Wang li-jun, Ren Yi-bin, Yang ke.Recent progress on high nitrogen steels in China and in NEU. CAMP-ISIJ, 2007, 20(6): 1149-1152(invited lecture)
8.Jiang Zhouhua, Dong Yanwu. Solidification model for electroslag remelting process. Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Liquid Metal Processing and Casting, 2007: 89-94
9.Zang Xi-min, Jiang Zhou-hua.Electroslag Continuous Casting of Billets of Alloyed Steels with Bifilar Mode.Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Liquid Metal Processing and Casting, 2007: 101-105
10.Li Hua-bing, Jiang Zhou-hua, Shen Ming-hui, You Xiang-mi.High nitrogen austenitic stainless steels manufactured by nitrogen gas alloying and adding nitrided ferroalloys. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2007, 14(3): 63-68(SCI)
11.You Xiang-Mi, Jiang Zhou-hua, Li Hua-bing. Ultra-pure ferritic stainless steels – Grade, refining operation, and application. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2007, 14(4): 24-30(SCI)
12.Dong Yanwu, Jiang Zhouhua, Li Zhengbang. Mathematical model for electroslag remelting process. Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2007, 14(5): 7-12, 30(SCI)
13.Jiang ZhouHua, Gong Wei, Wang WenZhong.A mathematical model of the decarburization in UHP electric arc furnace charged with hot metal. Developments in Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing, 2006, 14(3/4): 429-438(EI)
14.Jiang Zhouhua, Li Huabing, Shen Minghui. Manufacture of nickel free high nitrogen austenitic stainless steels. Proceedings of International Conference on High Nitrogen Steels 2006, Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan, China. August 29 to 31, 2006: 372-380
15.Li L F,Jiang Z H, Riquier Y. High temperature oxidation of duplex stainless steels in air and mixed gas of air and CH4. Corrosion Science, 2005, 47(1): 57-68(SCI)
16.Jiang Z H, Li H B, Chen Z P,Huang Z Z, Zou D L, Liang L K. The nitrogen solubility in molten stainless steel. Steel Research International,2005, 76(10): 740-745(SCI)
17.LiHua-bing, JiangZhou-hua,MangZu-rui, Xu Bao-yu. Research on fracture behavior of high nitrogen austenitic stainless steels at cryogenic temperature.Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2007,14(S1): 325-329(SCI)
18.LiHua-bing, JiangZhou-hua,Mang Zu-rui, Xu Bao-yu,Liu Fu-bin.Mechanical properties of nickel free high nitrogen austenitic stainless steels.Journal of Iron and Steel Research International, 2007, 14(S1):330-334(SCI)
19.Dong Yanwu, Jiang Zhouhua, Li Zhengbang. Laves phase precipitation in alloyInconel 718 produced by electroslag remelting.Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Liquid Metal Processing and Casting, 2007: 77-81
20.Li Hua-bing, Jiang Zhou-hua,Mang Zu-rui, Xu Bao-yu,Liu Fu-bin.Mechanicalproperties of nickel free high nitrogen austenitic stainless steels.CAMP-ISIJ, 2007, 20(6): 1125-1128(invited lecture)(SCI)
21.ZangXi-min, JiangZhou-hua, PanTie-yi. Development and investigation of electroslag continuous casting. Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, 2007, 14(4): 302-306(SCI)
22.Jiang Maofa, Jiang Zhouhua. Special theme issue: Recent Chinese developments in ferrous metallurgy. Developments in Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing, 2006, 14(3/4): 341-342(EI)
23.Yang Li, Zhou-Hua Jiang, Yang Liu. Effect of refining slag composition on inclusions in molten steel treated by barium-bearing alloy. Developments in Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing, 2006, 14(3/4): 439-448(EI)
24.Dong-ping Zhan, Zhou-hua Jiang, Wen-zhong Wang. Development of deep desulfurization technology with premelted slag during RH-KTB refining. Developments in Chemical Engineering and Mineral Processing, 2006, 14(3/4): 375-384(EI)
25.Yang Li, Zhouhua Jiang, Yang Liu. Deoxidation behavior and strengthening mechanism of steel treated by barium-bearing alloys. Asia Steel International Conference 2006, Fukuoka, Japan, May 2006: 552-557
26.Dongping Zhan, Zhouhua Jiang, Wenzhong Wang, Jianjiang Luo, Wenlong Yan, Feng Xing. Study on the deep desulfurization technology with premelted slag in RH-KTB, Asia Steel International Conference 2006, Fukuoka, Japan, May 2006: 534-538
27.Wei GONG, Zhouhua JIANG, Wenzhong WANG.Predicting minimum materials cost for stainless steels in K-OBM-S steelmaking process. Asia Steel International Conference 2006, Fukuoka, Japan, May 2006: 500-505
28.Shi Feng, Wang Lijun, Li Huabing, Jiang Zhouhua, Li Zhenbo, Liu Chunming. Precipitation behavior in Fe-18Cr-18Mn-0.43N high nitrogen austenitic stainless steel. Proceedings of International Conference on High Nitrogen Steels 2006, Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan, China. August 29 to 31, 2006: 92-97
29.Shen Chunfei, Jiang Xingyuan, Liu Hong, Li Yang, Jiang Zhouhua, Liang Lianke,Yin Shiyou. Experiment research and thermodynamic calculation of nitrogen solubility in austenitic stainless steel. Proceedings of International Conference on High Nitrogen Steels 2006, Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan, China. August 29 to 31, 2006: 408-414
30.JiangZhouhua, YouXiangmi, LiHuabing. Ultra purity ferritic stainless steel-grades, refining operation, and application. Proceedings of the Second Baosteel Biennial Academic Conference. 2006, 232-238
31.Chen Jianbin, Chen Zhaoping, Jiang Zhouhua, Huang Zongze. Kinetics modeling of nitrogen during AOD refining process of stainless steel and applications for industrial scale system. The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering, 2006, 6(S): 77-81(SCI)
32.LiYang, JiangZhou-hua, JiangMao-fa, WangJun-wen, GuWen-bing. Deoxidation behavior of alloys bearing barium in molten steel. Journal of Iron and Steel Research, 2003, 10(4): 13-17(SCI)
33.Zhan Dongping, Jiang Zhouhua, Wang Wenzhong. Investigation on slag modifier for refining of ultra-low sulfur steel. 2003 Asia Steel International Conference, Jamshedpur, India 2003, April: 2.b.3.1-2.b.3.4
34.Jiang Zhouhua, Gong Wei, Wang Wenzhong.A mathematical model of the decarburization in the UHP electric arc furnace with hot metal charging. 2003 Asia Steel International Conference, Jamshedpur, India 2003, April: 2.d.3.1-2.d.3.6
35.Li yang, Jiang Zhouhua, Jiang Maofa. Deoxidation of cold heading steel by ba-bearing alloy. 2003 Asia Steel International Conference, Jamshedpur, India 2003, April: 2.g.6.1-2.g.6.6
36.LiYang, JiangZhou-hua, Liang Lianke. Production and deoxidation behavior in molten steel of ba bearing alloys. Ferroalloys, 2003(S): 37-43






