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姚 遙,男,1985年生,畢業於中國海洋大學(2009-2014),博士學位,中國科學院大氣物理研究所副研究員,碩士生導師。主要從事氣候異常背景下大氣次季節環流的變化及其對極端天氣氣候的影響研究。


  • 中文名:姚遙
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:山東
  • 職業:研究生導師
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職稱:中國科學院大氣物理研究所副研究員


主要從事氣候異常背景下大氣次季節環流的變化及其對極端天氣氣候的影響。包括極端天氣氣候發生機制(極寒、熱浪、暴雪、霧霾等),北極海冰變化,大氣低頻模態的時空變化等,並積極探尋極端天氣、氣候變化等相關成果套用和技術服務。近年來已在Journalof the Atmospheric Sciences, Journal of Climate, Environmental ResearchLetters, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics等國際專業期刊發表SCI學術論文40餘篇,其中3篇論文被ESI收錄為高被引論文;承擔國家自然科學基金委項目多項,參加各類科研項目(包括重點研發、重大基金、基金重點項目、基金原創項目、中科院先導專項等)十餘項。


1 Zhuo,W. Q.; Yao, Y.*; Luo, D. H.;Simmonds, I.; Huang, F. The key atmospheric drivers linking regional Arcticamplification with East Asian cold extremes. Atmos. Res. 2023, 283.
2 Yao, Y.*; Zhuo, W.; Gong, Z.;Luo, B.; Luo, D.; Zheng, F.; Zhong, L.; Huang, F.; Ma, S.; Zhu, C.; Zhou, T.Extreme Cold Events in North America and Eurasia in November−December2022: A Potential Vorticity Gradient Perspective. Adv. Atmos. Sci. 2023, 40,953-962.
3 Song,Y. Y.; Yao, Y.*; Luo, D. H.; Li, Y.L. Loss of autumn Kara-East Siberian Sea ice intensifies winter Ural blockingand cold anomalies in high latitudes of Eurasia. Atmos. Res. 2023, 295.
4 Yao, Y.*; Zhang W. Q.; Luo D.H.; Zhong L. H.; L., P. Seasonal cumulative effect of Ural blocking episodes onthe frequent cold events in China during the early winter of 2020/21. Adv.Atmos. Sci. 2022, 39, 609-624. (ESI高被引論文)
5Zhuo,W. Q.; Yao, Y.*; Luo, D. H.;Simmonds, I.; Huang, F. Combined impact of the cold vortex and atmosphericblocking on cold outbreaks over East Asia and the potential for short-rangeprediction of such occurrences. Environmental Research Letters 2022, 17, 1.
6Li,M. Y.; Yao, Y.*; Simmonds, I.; Luo,D. H.; Zhong, L. H.; Pei, L. Linkages between the atmospheric transmissionoriginating from the North Atlantic Oscillation and persistent winter haze overBeijing. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2021, 21, 18573-18588.
7 Che,Z. H.; Yao, Y.*; Zhong, L. H.Wintertime sea surface temperature front around the Kuroshio Extension and itsimpact on North Pacific blocking. Int. J. Climatol. 2021, 41, 1905-1926.
8 Zhong,L. H.; Hua, L. J.; Yao, Y.; Feng, J.M. Interdecadal aridity variations in Central Asia during 1950-2016 regulatedby oceanic conditions under the background of global warming. Clim. Dynam.2021, 56, 3665-3686.
9 Li,M. Y.; Yao, Y.*; Simmonds, I.; Luo,D. H.; Zhong, L. H.; Chen, X. D. Collaborative impact of the NAO andatmospheric blocking on European heatwaves, with a focus on the hot summer of2018. Environmental Research Letters 2020, 15.
10 Li,M. Y.; Luo, D. H.; Yao, Y.*; Zhong,L. H. Large-scale atmospheric circulation control of summer extreme hot eventsover China. Int. J. Climatol. 2020, 40, 1456-1476.
11 Yao, Y.*; Luo, D. H. AnAsymmetric Spatiotemporal Connection between the Euro-Atlantic Blocking withinthe NAO Life Cycle and European Climates. Adv. Atmos. Sci. 2018, 35, 796-812.
12 Yao, Y.; Luo, D. H.; Dai, A.G.; Simmonds, I. Increased Quasi Stationarity and Persistence of Winter UralBlocking and Eurasian Extreme Cold Events in Response to Arctic Warming. PartI: Insights from Observational Analyses. J. Climate 2017, 30, 3549-3568. (ESI高被引論文)
13 Luo,D. H.; Yao, Y.; Dai, A. G.;Simmonds, I.; Zhong, L. H. Increased Quasi Stationarity and Persistence ofWinter Ural Blocking and Eurasian Extreme Cold Events in Response to ArcticWarming. Part II: A Theoretical Explanation. J. Climate 2017, 30, 3569-3587.
14 Yao, Y.; Luo, D. H.; Dai, A.G.; Feldstein, S. B. The Positive North Atlantic Oscillation with DownstreamBlocking and Middle East Snowstorms: Impacts of the North Atlantic Jet. J.Climate 2016, 29, 1853-1876.
15 Luo,D. H.; Xiao, Y. Q.; Yao, Y.; Dai, A.G.; Simmonds, I.; Franzke, C. L. E. Impact of Ural Blocking on Winter Warm Arctic-Cold Eurasian Anomalies. Part I: Blocking-Induced Amplification. J.Climate 2016, 29, 3925-3947. (ESI高被引論文)
16 Yao, Y.; Luo, D. H. Do EuropeanBlocking Events Precede North Atlantic Oscillation Events? Adv. Atmos. Sci.2015, 32, 1106-1118.
17 Luo,D. H.; Yao, Y.; Dai, A. G.;Feldstein, S. B. The Positive North Atlantic Oscillation with DownstreamBlocking and Middle East Snowstorms: The Large-Scale Environment. J. Climate2015, 28, 6398-6418.
18 Luo,D. H.; Yao, Y.; Dai, A. G. DecadalRelationship between European Blocking and the North Atlantic Oscillationduring 1978-2011. Part I: Atlantic Conditions. J. Atmos. Sci. 2015, 72,1152-1173.
19 Luo,D. H.; Yao, Y.; Dai, A. G. DecadalRelationship between European Blocking and the North Atlantic Oscillationduring 1978-2011. Part II: A Theoretical Model Study. J. Atmos. Sci. 2015, 72,1174-1199.
20 Yao, Y.; Luo, D. H.Relationship between zonal position of the North Atlantic Oscillation andEuro-Atlantic blocking events and its possible effect on the weather overEurope. Science China-Earth Sciences 2014, 57, 2628-2636.


