



姓 名: 姚紅傑
性 別: 男
職 務:
職 稱: 研究員
學 歷: 博士
通訊地址: 廣州市科學城開源大道190號


從2005年11月出國留學,先後在美國賓夕法尼亞州立大學、美國國家健康研究院等機構從事博士後研究工作,主要從事癌症的表觀遺傳機理以及染色質組織對基因表達調控等方面的研究工作。2011年10月加入中國科學院廣州生物醫藥與健康研究院,建立“幹細胞和腫瘤細胞表觀遺傳調控”課題組,任研究組長、研究員、博士生導師。相關研究工作分別發表在Genes & Development、Molecular and Cellular Biology、Journal of Biological Chemistry等學術刊物上。




Huang K, Jia J, Wu C, Yao M, Li M, Jin J, Jiang C, Cai Y, Pei D, Pan G*, Yao H*. CTCF-mediated ribosomal RNA gene transcription is negatively regulated by condensin complex. Journal of Biological Chemistry
Yao H, Brick K, Evrard Y, Xiao T, Camerini-Otero RD, Felsenfeld G. Mediation of CTCF transcriptional insulation by DEAD-box RNA binding protein p68 and steroid receptor RNA activator SRA. Genes & Development
Hu J#, Yao H# (#Co-first author), Gan F, Tokarski A, Wang Y. Interaction of OKL38 and p53 in regulating mitochondrial structure and function. PLoS One
Yao H, Li P, Venters B, Zheng S, Thompson PR, Pugh BF, Wang Y. Histone Arg modifications and p53 regulate the expression of OKL38, a mediator of apoptosis. Journal of Biological Chemistry
Ghirlando R, Giles K, Gowher H, Xiao T, Xu Z, Yao H, Felsenfeld G. Chromatin domains, insulators, and the regulation of gene expression. Biochim Biophys Acta
Pan G, Wang T, Yao H, Pei D. Somatic cell reprogramming for regenerative medicine: SCNT vs. iPS cells. Bioessays
Li P, Wang D, Yao H, Doret P, Hao G, Shen Q, Qiu H, Zhang X, Wang Y, Chen G, Wang Y. Coordination of PAD4 and HDAC2 in the regulation of p53-target gene expression. Oncogene
Li P, Yao H, Zhang Z, Li M, Luo Y, Thompson PR, Gilmour D, Wang Y. Regulation of p53 target gene expression by peptidylarginine deiminase 4. Molecular and Cellular Biology
Mochizuki K, Nishiyama A, Jang MK, Dey A, Ghosh A, Tamura T, Natsume H, Yao H, Ozato K. The bromodomain protein Brd4 stimulates G1 gene transcription and promotes progression to S phase. Journal of Biological Chemistry
Tian S, Yao H, Deng X, Xu X, Qin G, Chan Z. Characterization and Expression of beta-1, 3-Glucanase Genes in Jujube Fruit Induced by the Microbial Biocontrol Agent Cryptococcus laurentii. Phytopathology
Yao H, Tian S. Effects of a biocontrol agent and methyl jasmonate on postharvest diseases of peach fruit and the possible mechanisms involved. Journal of Applied Microbiology
Yao H, Tian S. Effects of pre- and postharvest application of salicylic acid or methyl jasmonate on inducing disease resistance of sweet cherry fruit in storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology
Yao H, Tian S, Wang Y. Sodium bicarbonate enhances biocontrol efficacy of yeasts on fungal spoilage of pears. International Journal of Food Microbiology.




