



  • 軟體名稱:奇詭從地球
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:4.84MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.3.1及以上
由於谷歌已經發布了谷歌地球,現在,蘋果已經發布了它的地圖,出生在一個網路現象,導致球迷編目最有趣和好奇的細節,可以看到通過衛星。 隨著地球奇詭,你會看到: - 麥田怪圈和土地藝術 - 汽車事故,空軍和海軍 - 秘密軍事基地 - 怪異或自然像福島事故或海地 - 太空梭或火箭土星 - 船舶哥斯大黎加康科迪亞 - 沙坑,在那裡他被抓獲拉登 - 這所房子,他住的地方史蒂夫·賈伯斯 - 新的分類熱銷,以及更多... Since Google has released Google Earth, and now that Apple has released its maps, was born a network phenomenon that led fans to catalog the most interesting and curious details that can be seen via satellite. With Strangeness from Earth you will see: - Crop Circles and land arts - Automobile accidents, air and naval - Secret military bases - Weird or natural accidents like Fukushima or Haiti - The space shuttle or rocket Saturn - The ship Costa Concordia - The bunker where he was captured Bin Laden - The house where he lived Steve Jobs - The new category HOT, and much more ... The images are all absolutely TRUE - Works with Apple maps and Google maps. Strangeness from Earth collects images from all the nations of the world ... You can also join us in the development of the application by sending new coordinates, the shot will be reviewed and added with your nickname. Requires iPhone / iPod touch with firmware 4.3 or later. Full support to the iPhone 5 It works fine on 3G but better with wi-fi. Now Strangeness from Earth is also HD version for iPad. Try Strangeness from Earth HD. In this free version, you will see only 7 of the more than 160 coordinates available


