- 中文名:奇妙真相
- 作者:Doug Batchelor
- 出版社:中國環球文化出版社
- 出版時間:2009年
- 定價:15 元
- 裝幀:平裝
- ISBN:9789881800596
- 副標題:Amazing Facts
“奇妙真相”:一個帶著豐富創意,為要廣傳 神的福音,並吸引各行各業的讀者而創辦的布道小組。最初,創辦人在每次講道和每篇講章的開始,總是用一段“奇妙而真實”的奇聞軼事為引子,然後導出相關的聖經信息,以便讓人們更易於明白聖經真理。
這個布道小組因此而得名——“奇妙真相”。我們的工作,就是要用 神所賜的智慧和我們的全部生命,將基督對世人的大愛和奇妙的拯救信息,用最美妙的方式傳遞給世人,吸引眾人歸向 神。
為了讓 神的祝福臨到更多的人,為了讓天國的福音傳遍天下,我們帶著感動和展望建立了這個網站……我們相信聖經是上帝所默示的,於教訓、督責、使人歸正、教導人學義都是有益的(提摩太后書3:16) 並且聖經向世人揭示了全能的上帝。
Doug Batchelor (born March 9, 1957) is an evangelist of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and author of several books including The Richest Caveman. His primary ministry is Amazing Facts - a worldwide television and radio broadcast ministry based in Sacramento, California. He also pastors the Sacramento Central Seventh-day Adventist Church. Batchelor is the son of the Florida aviation tycoon and philanthropist George Batchelor and the Hollywood film critic, actress and songwriter Ruth Batchelor.[1][2] He spent his youth searching for the purpose of life, and, while living in a cave in southern California, he found a Bible that ultimately changed his life.