Early in the 20th century, family and friends gather at the country estate of a general's widow, Anna Petrovna. Sofia, the new wife of Anna's step-son, recognizes Misha, the brother-in-law of one of the widow's admirers: a few years before, they had been idealistic lovers and now she can't believe he has settled for a dim wife and a job as a teacher. Amidst parlor games and idle talk of women's rights and peasants' capabilities, Sofia and Misha rekindle their love. Will they flaunt convention, abandon families, and run away to pursue lost dreams? Rescue comes from an unexpected place.
尼基塔‧米亥科夫生於莫斯科藝術世家,父親賽吉‧米亥科夫是詩人兼作家,蘇聯國歌即出自其手筆,母親是作家兼翻譯,哥哥亦是名導演,後來轉往好萊塢發展。尼基塔‧米亥科夫執導的首部劇情長片《攔截高速火車》呈現出色影像,富於節奏的表現手法,已可一窺他日後作品的特色。《愛的奴隸》(Slave of Love)開始具有較強烈的醒世色彩,而《失聲琴》(Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano)則令他揚名國際,《蒙古精神》(Urga)榮獲威尼斯金獅獎、歐洲電影獎最佳影片,《烈日灼身》(Burnt by the Sun)於1995年獲坎城影展評審團大獎,並於1996年奪得奧斯卡最佳外語片。