太惠玲:女,博士,電子科技大學教授,2003年本科畢業於電子科技大學微電子與固體電子學院,2008年獲光學工程博士學位。主要從事敏感材料的設計與合成、敏感器件製備、MEMS工藝開發以及模式識別技術等方面的研究工作。參與了國防“十一·五”預研項目、國家傑出青年科學基金及國家重大專項等多項科研項目;作為課題負責人承擔了總裝預研基金1項、國家自然科學基金(青年基金)1項及總裝新品項目1項。獲得了教育部科技進步二等獎1項,國防科學技術二等獎1項。近年來在Sensors and Actuators B、International Journal of environment analysis chemistry、Journal of Materials Science and Technology、物理與化學學報、無機材料學報等國內外刊物和會議上發表(含錄用)論文20餘篇,其中SCI收錄6篇,獲得國家發明專利1項,申請發明專利3項。
1 敏感電子學與感測器
2 複合材料
3 MEMS工藝與器件
2 複合材料
3 MEMS工藝與器件
1 電子聚合物NOx氣體感測器陣列技術研究,教育部科學技術進步二等獎
2 場效應管微型感測器陣列技術研究,國防科學技術二等獎
3. 生化戰劑敏感元件及感測器陣列,教育部技術發明二等獎
2 場效應管微型感測器陣列技術研究,國防科學技術二等獎
3. 生化戰劑敏感元件及感測器陣列,教育部技術發明二等獎
[1] Huiling Tai, Yadong Jiang, Guangzhong Xie, Junsheng Yu. Preparation, Characterization and comparative NH3-sensing characteristic studies of PANI/inorganic oxides nanocomposite thin films, Journal of Material Science and Technology, 2010, 26(7), 605-613
[2] Hui-Ling Tai, YaDong Jiang, GuangZhong Xie, Preparation of Surfactants Directed PANI/In2O3 Nanocomposite Thin Films and Its NH3-Sensing Properties, Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, 2010, 8(2), 154-159
[3] 嚴劍飛,吳志明,太惠玲,李嫻,付嵩琦,有機薄膜電晶體鈦/金電極的刻蝕工藝研究,功能材料,2010 (41),361-364
[4] 嚴劍飛,吳志明,太惠玲,李嫻,付嵩琦,不同溝道寬長比薄膜電晶體性能的研究,2010,半導體與光電(已錄用)
[5] Gou Jun, Wu Zhi-ming, Tai Huiling, Yuan Kai, Influence of PECVD process on the etching rate of SiNx films, 2009, Proc. of SPIE, 7510, 75100G-1
[6] Gou Jun, Wu Zhi-ming,Tai Huiling, Yuan Kai, Reacitive ion etching of Al-1%Cu alloy thin films, 2009, Proc. of SPIE, 7510, 75100D-1
[7]Huiling Tai, Yadong Jiang, Guangzhong Xie, Junsheng Yu, Xuan Chen, Zhihua Ying. Influence of polymerization temperature on NH3response of PANI/TiO2thin film gas sensor. Sensors and Actuators B, 2008, 129: 319-326
[8]Huiling Tai, Yadong Jiang, Guangzhong Xie, Junsheng Yu, Xuan Chen. Fabrication and gas sensitivity of polyaniline-titanium dioxide nanocomposite thin films. Sensors and Actuators B, 2007, 125: 644-650
[9]Huiling Tai, Yadong Jiang, Guangzhong Xie, Junsheng Yu, Mingjing Zhao. Self-assembly of TiO2/polypyrrole nanocomposite ultrathin films and application for NH3gas sensor. International Journal of environment analysis chemistry, 2007, 87(8): 539-551
[12]H. Tai, Y. Jiang, G. Xie, J. Yu, Z. Ying, X. Chen. Comparative NH3-sensing characteristic studies of PANI/TiO2nanocomposite thin films doped with different acids. Sixth International Conference on Thin Film Physics and Applications, 2007, SPIE, 6984: 69843P
[13]Tai Huiling, Yadong Jiang, Guangzhong Xie. Fabrication of Integrated Chemical Field-Effect transistor Humidity Sensor Array and Signal Processing Using Artificial Neural Network. 2006 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC'06), 2006, IEEE, 1-4244-0065-1/06/$20.00 1102-1105
[17]Tai Huiling, Xie Guangzhong, Jiang Yadong. Gas Identification Using Gas Sensor Array and Self Organizing Competitive Neural Network. The Seventh International Conference on Electronic Measurement and Instruments (ICEMI'2005), 2005, 7-175-7-179
[18]Tai HL, Xie GZ, Jiang YD. An artificial olfactory system based gas sensor array and back-propagation neural network. Advances in Neural Network-ISNN2004, PT2, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004, 3174: 892-879
[20] ZhihuaYing, Yadong Jiang, Xiaosong Du, Guangzhong Xie, Junsheng Yu,Huiling Tai. Polymer coated sensor array based on quartz crystal microbalance for chemical agent analysis. European Polymer Journal, 2008, 44(4): 1157-116