天津遠洋國際中心項目(Sino-Ocean International Center)是位於天津市河東區內環新開路與華捷道交口,分別為A、B兩個待開發地塊,地面總建築面積約20萬㎡,是一個集大型購物商場、甲乙級寫字樓群、酒店式公寓的大型綜合體項目。天津遠洋國際中心地處天津市核心地段,距京津城際鐵路500米,距天津機場10公里,與天津捷運2、3號線和津濱輕軌在這裡交匯,實現了北京、天津濱海新區和濱海國際機場的連通。天津站區域將建成以新開路為軸心,“一帶、兩區、一市、一街”的天津站交通樞紐型商務貿易聚集區。
外文名:Sino-Ocean International Center
Stituated in Tianjin's core area,Tianjin Ocean International Center is just 500 meters away from Beijing-Tianjing Intercicy railway and10 kilometers from Tianjin International airport. it is also geographically favoed in that Tianjin subway line No 2 and 3,and Tianjin-Binhai Light Rail converge in this area,making traffic betwwn Beijing,Tianjin,Binhai New Area and Binhai International Airport transferrable..Area around Tianjin Railway Station is meant to be a commercial and trade hub on the axis of Xinkai Road.效果圖
天津遠洋國際中心,定位城市中央商務綜合體,占地面積9.72萬平方米,地上總建築面積約20萬平方米。由未來廣場及未來里、甲乙級寫字樓及商住兩用寫字樓共同構成。匯集商務辦公、休閒購物、餐飲娛樂、酒店居住於一體,滿足多重城市複合需求,築就24小時一站式工作生活娛樂城市綜合體概念;項目占據城市高度複合度立體交通樞紐,距天津站僅1公里,濱海機場20公里,輕鬆實現自由流暢的交通體系。Tianjin Ocean International Center is a commercial uptown complex. The center is Locates at the intersection of Xinkai Road and Huajie Street in Hedong District, It covers 97,200 square meters on the ground and about 200,000 square meters above the ground. It consists of fashion shopping malls, international standard office buildings,LOFT,high-end residential apartments and five star deluxe hotels. The international center integrates office word,entertainment,shopping,food and hotels, satiating multiple demands from people and making the 24/7 one-stop work, life and entertainment at your service. The center is blessed with a convenient traffic, with Tianjin Railway Station just one kilometer and Binhai International Airport 20 kilometers away.