大華洋行有限公司專業提供促銷產品,提供非常良好的客戶服務。大華洋行有限公司在國際市場上擁有一定的知名度和美譽度., 向來自世界各地的客戶提供超過10萬種禮品和其他產品和服務。作為眾多境外客戶在中國採購產品代理商的我們,每天有約 5000個以上的來自世界各地的客戶瀏覽我們的網站並收到大量的客戶詢盤.客源充足,公司發展前景廣闊. (There is an international websitewhere you will be able to find a wide variety of gifts for you friends andrelatives. This site belongs to a Chinese company that works as a wholesale anddistribution supplier. On this site you will be able to find many items from agreat selection of products. In fact, there are more that 100,000 products youwill have the chance to find on this online resource. )
專心、專注、專業惟其以唯一性,並與客戶做最充分的融合,我們才能一起演繹出最完美的樂章 .
(Our Quality Control team ensures that nothing gets put instock which is not of the highest quality standards. We inspect all incominggoods. )
1、及時的為客戶提供報價(Offer you all the promotional products that we show on the website.)
2、為客戶提供OEM和ODM 服務.(Could be agent for your OEM and ODM orders in china for all thecustoms.)
3、為客戶提供採購代理服務.(Offer good service for you to search any promotional products, andcooparation factory in china .)
1、熟知促銷禮品的前沿動態. (well know theupdate of the promotional products running sitation.)
2、具有良好的供應商關係.(have largeamount of informations of factories and productions.)
3、能為客戶提供良好的產品設計, 摸具開發, 平面設計服務.(we've already have good partners inthe field of promotional products design , mold and production thus it willensure you of nice service.)
4、作為貿易公司, 我們注重產品質量檢驗和控制, 並嚴格遵守契約.(be as atrading company, we are with resonable commercial sense and consistency forwell controlling quanlity, cost, delivery.)
We accept mixed orders with several kinds of product eveneach kind is in small qty.serve the entire wholesale/distribution businesshelping you do the direct wholesale and distribution from China and create costadvantage/profit for you to further develop your business in your localcountry.