



  • 書名:大聲說英語1
  • 作者:(韓國)張惠晶、(韓國)裴美華
  • 譯者:吳芬
  • 出版社:南京大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2012年2月1日
  • 頁數:277 頁
  • 定價:29.80
  • 開本:32 開
  • ISBN:9787305090257
  • 外文名:Speak to Learn
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語




Lesson 01 How are you?
Speaking Saying hello
Lesson 02 Niceto meet you.
Speaking Introducing yourself; saying goodbye
Lesson 03 That's OK.
Speaking Responding to "Thank you" and "Sorry"
Lesson 04 It's so hot, isn't it?
Speaking Descrlbing the present weather
Sound Focus/英語中輔音的正確發音方法
Lesson 05 I'm from China.
Speaking Talking about nationality
Lesson 06 rm an office Worker.
Speaking Describing jobs
Lesson 07 It's 202-9898.
Speaking Describing phone numbers
Lesson 08 It's July 19th.
Speaking Describing dates
Sound Focus/英語中發音困難且罕見的輔音
Speaking Describing e-mail addresses
Lesson 10 I'm late for work.
Speaking Talking about time
Lesson 11 She's nice.
Speaking Describing a person's personality
Lesson 12 Is your boss handsome?
Speaking Describing a person's appearance
Lesson 13 Are you OK?
Speaking Describing emotions
Lesson 14 I like gimbop.
Speaking Talking about food you like and don't like
Lesson 15 Do you like action movies?
Speaking Talking about movies you like and don't like
Lesson 16 How much is it?
Speaking Talking about prices
Sound Focus/milk 中/l/的發音真相
Lesson 17 I work inthe afternoon and study in the evening.
Speaking Describing routines; using present tense
Lesson 18 I'm making dinner for my family.
Speaking Describing present activities; using present continuous
Lesson 19 You look nice!
Speaking Praising appearance
Lesson 20 I want to buy a new blouse.
Speaking Talking about what you want to do
Sound Focus/有時被弱化的/t/和/d/
Lesson 21 I go to work by subway.
Speaking Talking about transportation
Lesson 22 I can give you her phone number.
Speaking Talking about possibilities and when to use the auxiliary verb can
Lesson 23 I'm going to work Overtime.
Speaking Talking about future plans; using future tense
Lesson 24 I went out for adrive.
Speaking Talking about past activities; using "past tense"
Sound Focus/縮略語的準確發音


